No doubt about it - There is a change as winter slips away - Sun is actually seen in Lancashire, bud are forming and Anemone Blanca is blooming .
Sorry about the poor quality viewing - Colors seems to be absorbing the light.
No doubt about it - There is a change as winter slips away - Sun is actually seen in Lancashire, bud are forming and Anemone Blanca is blooming .
Sorry about the poor quality viewing - Colors seems to be absorbing the light.
Very Springlike Ern. Love it xxx❤️
Good evening. I love your painting. Spring is definitely on its way in south Birmingham.
I will be thinking of you on Tuesday.
I love Yr painting Ern,all of to see the full river,flowers and sheep,hills,leaves on trees 🥰 .yes springs inching in here too,snowdrops are lovely and birds have been singing.we sat out( with coats on!) 4-6 today :>) .up to press we r in for a dry week frm Saturday)) .x
Thank you Pat, been lovely as well here, I pruned my Fuscsia (large) today, firt time in garden sinse autumn. x
It's been a very long,wet cold me at least.we are due a gd warm dry spring& summer,after last🤞x
Lovely picture ,spring is definitely on its way in Surrey just what we need 😀 Good luck for Tuesday
Love the picture, Ern! 😊 Spring is definitely on the way now. Down here the birds are tuning up and the sticky buds on the horse chestnut trees are just beginning to open. On top of that the cats are beginning to unglue themselves from the radiators, so it must be getting warmer😀
I think it’s just lovely. I hope it all goes well for you on Tuesday. Good luck.
I'm just happy the daffodils are out 🌾🌷🌼
That is so lovely. Blossom is pretty. Very tranquil scene.
It was a joy to open the bedroom curtains and see blue sky and sunshine on 4/5 days this week. One day started so foggy that we couldn't see our neighbours! But it went on to be a dry day. I've been out on my scooter more this week than in the whole of the winter as it's been so wet!
Your painting is another joy to behold!
Hope Tuesday goes well for you. Xx Moy
Beautiful 😍. Spring is definitely already here in Cornwall. We have had wall to wall blue skies and sunshine for a whole week now (today is grey though). There is still a bite in the air but my garden is sheltered and I've been able to have the door open for a good part of the day. I've sat outside and even had to take my jumper off the other day! All sorts of plants breaking through the soil now and a number of flowers in bloom including the carpet of Muscari on the green roof of my shed. The blackbirds and a robin are keeping me wonderfully entertained with their beautiful songs as they stake their territories. The ducks and geese on the lake are starting to pair off and as I walked round there on Wednesday, the swan was already sitting on her nest. Aaah, Spring, what joy, what hope! 🌼xx
Well done Ern in bringing us Spring. I’ve seen some early lambs lately on my trips to the hospital, lovely to see them but the weather is going to change again soon. Hope you’re doing ok. I seen my rheumatologist yesterday who put me on list for infusions I desperately need but also sent me for X-rays of thoracic spine to check for fractures as I’ve had more falls and unfortunately more pain, broken ribs can often mean thoracic area fractures so I’m crossing fingers and toes. The joys we go through.
Take care
Wendy xx
Looks like your painting has brought the joy of spring to all of us Ern good luck for Tuesday x
Love it Ern ! the fresh ,zesty colour of the grass, the beautiful flowers in the foreground and in particular your wonderful sheep that always make me chuckle , it’s like they are looking out at us wondering what on earth we’re looking at 😂
Absolutely gorgeous sceneryl & so colourful too Ern, you have certainly been gifted on bringing so much joy & pleasure to many of your dear friends here on HU throughout the dark & dreary winter days that we have had, so "Thank You" Ern, your beautiful paintings are indeed a credit to you, & greatly appreciated by all .. Best wishes for Tuesday Ern,with love 💘 God bless..xx Primrose 123.( Maria)
Lovely. really springlike. xxxx
I've come back to yr painting today,it's so cheerful x
Spring is a cheerfull time Pat, what is weather like where you are x
It rained ths morn but sunny+ mild ths aft Ern.yes it is & yr painting captures it perfectly xxx
it's very good ern .spring seems to have come to leicester shire too but remember that old saying about March comes in like a lamb goes out like a lion and vice versa
Very uplifting. How lovely to have some sunny days with a slightly better temperature xx
Thank you - It is a bit warmer which is welcome, Where I live soon to be back to minus temps xx
😱. It was -1 Tuesday and Wednesday this week when I went out between 6.30 and 7. Then warmed up nicely. Hope it doesn’t go that cold again x
Good luck for next week. Yes spring is definitely here in Kent. Love the painting