This is the car we bought off friend when he was diagnosed with motor neurone disease, for when we couldn’t ride our motorbikes. His wife called her Gone with the Wind, in recognition of number plate, that started with G, and then had WTW after numbers. Been out in her today, lovely, haven’t been out in weeks, and may be having i.v. Antibiotics at home next week for 14 days, so won’t be able to go out then, but hope I feel better after without all the nasties partying in my lungs.
Classic 1989 Jaguar XJS Gone with the... - Lung Conditions C...
Classic 1989 Jaguar XJS Gone with the Wind

What a beautiful car Jean. Glad you got out in it and will do so again. Wishing you better days ahead. Xxxx💕
I had a Hillman Imp long ago, the three letters were YDF, when my mother saw it, she said, "you dammed fool, very appropriate".
that is lovely . wish my car shone like that . i bet you had a few admiring glances when out in it wondering what famous personit was !
I have always had a soft spot for Jags but not the new models. Yours is gorgeous Jean. xx ♥️♥️♥️
Thanks. She’s been in garage all winter, when outside usually has proper cover designed to fit over wing mirrors etc. Late getting her out this summer, and I need help getting cover on, daughter usually does it but had to go as soon as she was parked, have to let cool before covering. Typical rained overnight! She’s not worth much, but joy to drive and as passenger. Jean.xxxx
That Is a beautiful car!! Jags are fun cars but agree with Caspiana... the older ones are the best...they have class!! Hope you will be back in the Jag real soon!!xx
My previous Passion style Smart car was nicknamed Kivvy Wizzy because of the number plate. Not big enough to be a true passion wagon.
Love the car. Hope you feel better soon 🙂
Thats a beautiful car Morrison and must be heaven to be out in, you have looked after it well for it to be in such good condition. Hope you feel better soon x
Oh I love your car. I do hope that you have many more adventures in her. I had an old Volvo 108. The old Saint’s car and loved it. I think old classics are my love.
Happy travels and I hope that the AB’s are the party pooper you are looking for.
Looks a super car Jean. Glad you managed to get out and about x
I have serious car envy - gwtw- wonderful .
Sounds great Morrison, I envy you. Maximonkey
That's a beauty Morrison, well looked after. We have a neighbour who loves Jaguars and has an old one himself, not sure of the age, but he polishes it just about everyday!! It's a similar colour to yours, it gleams. Hope you get chance to enjoy more outings after your IV's xxx
Thanks. Suppose keeps your neighbour happy with daily polish, shame he’s not near me, he might be happy to do mine! Hope after had iv I will have strength to do it, hate that I was born with rare condition, has affected whole life, but mustn’t complain have Mother’s strong genes, she lived to age 111, was killed off by Liverpool Care plan,
I hope your IV therapy goes well. I am also colonised with pseudo but have to go into hospital for IV, they won't entertain home Iv's at my local hospital. You are a very positive person Jean, which has obviously got you through life, wishing you all the best xxx Carol 😊
Hi carol, thanks for your kind words. Previously done my own 6 courses I.v with cannula on hand or wrist, this time it’s a tube think in neck/shoulder, and special district nurses come to my home to administer two drugs. Hope it works, previous 6 courses, about 15 years ago didn’t, and so took two oral antibiotics simultaneously, cleared lungs, didn’t need any antibiotics for nearly year! My husband was great help then, really miss him. Sorry your colonised with pseudomonas, hope you get it treated soon, and your hospital finds way of having i.v at home. Best wishes, Jean xxx
That sounds great having the district nurses coming in and giving the drug via the port or whatever the name is. Makes such a difference to be able to stay at home for the IV therapy. I haven't needed into hospital for a year now and I'm hoping i can maintain the balance for longer but time will tell. Let us know how you get on with the new method. Sending good wishes xxx Carol
What a car. I'd be afraid to drive her, but I wouldn't mind a nose under the bonnet. xxx
Gorgeous car! Wish you better ! ❤️
Really beautiful car. Obviously cherished 🥰 I hope you’ll be feeling better soon x
Wow! Thats a real beauty x