Hi just finished seven days of doxy asked doc for another sputum rest came back still there and put me on double dose 100 twice a day. Did not feel that well on it but the only side affects were lymph nodes in neck and back of scalp came up but went down two days later and nausea.Not looking forward to this high dose but hopefully will do the trick. x
Haemophillus : Hi just finished seven... - Lung Conditions C...

Fingers crossed for you. Feel better soon xx
Thank you Sassy just had a great grandson so hopefully will see him soon x
Haemophillus is an extremely stubborn bug, you should have been prescribed an adequate course of an appropriate antibiotic to begin with. I do hope this one works
Thank you yes have had this since I had to go to hosp with infection levels 135 (should be four) gave me chest x ray and ammoxiclav but no sputum test.Went back to docs after finishing them but still felt very ill and did and found Haemophillus.Just had a great grandson and did see him because I didn't know I had it.They can't have vaccs until about six months so have been worried.Made my husband go and have a sputum test and he's ok so perhaps it's not that catching x
I think it would be beneficial to look up Haemophillus Influenzae on the NHS website for a good description of it and the treatments to expect . Good luck in getting the levels of it as low as possible - I'm not sure if it can be 100% eradicated. You could also put it in the search bar for more info and experiences. P
Congratulations on your grandson. When I had Haemophillus it took a two week course of doxycycline to clear it, but that is par for the course for me. It can be a stubborn bug to shift but fingers crossed your double dose will do the trick and you will get to hold that lovely baby soon.
Thank you Rosco just wondered if doxy didn't work so well before was because I eat and then take it.Says in leaflet that you can so doesn't irritate stomach x
I don’t think so. I tend to take my antibiotics with food as I have ulcerative colitis in addition to Bronchiectasis and try to avoid anything upsetting my tummy, but I’m afraid I don’t know whether this would effect how well they work. I wonder whether your first course was long enough though? As peege says it can be a stubborn bug to shift. I really hope you feel better soon.
Thank you yes it wasn't long enough as felt bit better towards the end of the seven days.Had one good day that I felt really well with energy (forgot what that was!) Then back to feeling ill and had to wait over a week to get results from sputum test x
Some these bugs are so stubborn aren’t they ?
On my 7 antibiotic since August last year- not showing on any sputum tests.
Hope yours clears soon.
Go well
It's a nasty one that Haemophillis bug got me twice now and a few courses of antibiotics .hope you kick it in the pants and feel better soon. congratulations on your new great grandson
Thank you and hope you are much better now,think I got it off my two year old great granddaughter as she seems to bring everything home now she has started nursery x
That is the only thing with school age children unfortunately
Took 4 months to clear mine ,had moraxella as well ,make sure you take probiotics as my stomach was badly affected after double dose antibiotics x
Hi Tinker26, did you take antibiotics for 4 months to clear it? (I hope you
don't mind me asking)
Hi had this nasty bug a few times ,only thing that helped clear it up was 10/14 day course of doxycycline (consultant says 7 days is not enough for this bug to clear. Also he recommend doing deep breathing exercises to get all the crap off the bottom of lungs .hope this helps &you feel better soon x
I had haemophilus when I was first diagnosed with bronch. It had had a wonderful opportunity to breed and multiply while my useless surgery faffed about, so it took plenty of antibiotics to put it in its place. I can't say for certain if it ever goes away completely, because I'm not a doctor, but I have not been troubled by it for almost 4 years
I've had HI a few times and it's taken 12wks of doxycillin twice a day to shift it.dont run out of antibiotics order more in plenty of time if u need them