Hi everyone I'm just feeling yuck taday I was up 2 times in night going ta loo then when I did get up I had heavy head then the blooming runs then sinus acting up my face feels hot through that feel abit shaky in mysel then felt my chest abit pain so thought blimey heart attack but it only lasted for about second or 2 think it's wind my ears are acting up with sinus ooo honestly what a rotten day can't be botherd at all I will be pleased ta go ta bed and hope feel better tamorra it might all sound trivial but blimey took a toll on me taday
Germantara : Hi everyone I'm just... - Lung Conditions C...

hoping you soon recover
Oh gosh. That sounds awful. Do take it easy and rest Germantara. xx 🌼
So sorry you felt so unwell yesterday. Hope it was just a 24 hour bug and you feel a lot better today xx
I really feel for you Germatara, not sleeping has a bad effect the next day. It sounds like you may have picked something up. Hope you feel a little better today x
I hope today sees a better day for you,my Monday was rubbish too
I usually go to the breathe easy gym hut my fatigue took over and that I found out was my steroid inhaler was low but not until I dozed off several times in the day
Take it easy, hope you feel better soon, sounds awful for you 🌸💐🌷😊
I hope you're feeling better today.
So sorry you have been feeling so yuk. Do hope it passes quickly and you feel better very soon. xx
I've no idea who you are but I'm really sorry ur few so poorly. Get well soon hun 😍
Hope you’re feeling better soon xx
Hope today was better for you. Yucky days are just awful... everything seems to be falling apart!!! Let us know how you are today
Sorry late reply, hope now you are feeling better,
Oh, I can so relate to your post! Sometimes everything comes at you at once, doesn't it, and you just want to bury yourself under the duvet and come out a week later!
Hope you feel better now.
xx Moy
I can feel for you Germantara. I've been having a flare up of my lymphocytic colitis since last August and sometimes I feel as rung out as a dishcloth. It's no fun getting up in the night for this or anything else for that matter. Hope you feel better soon dear.