i am frustrated by being unable to cough up mucus using the aerobika. I have watched videos and the comments say how helpful they are….I have no luck…any advice
aerobika: i am frustrated by being... - Lung Conditions C...

Do you nebulise 7% saline before using the Aerobika? I would not get anything up without having two puffs of salbutamol and then nebulising 7% saline before using the Aerobika. Some people also take carbocysteine to thin the mucus.
Did someone go through the nebulising saline or are you meant to purchase it and figure it out yourself?
It was prescribed at the bronchiectasis clinic, but only when I asked about it. I now get it on prescription from the GP.
I was never prescribed it but I take it when I'm bad and it definitely works.
Do u hear or feel mucous in lungs GinnyMa. If so ru on a mucolytic to thin it + make easier to get up?u may know already,but if not,it's best used in conjunction with lung clearance techniques - see aluk website for acbt( active cycle of breathing technique) & postural drainage.its worth seeing a lung physio who will help
You need to see someone who will make sure your technique is as good as it can be. I am on Carbocisteine, which helps.
My pulmonary doc said our hospital doesn ‘t have such a person
I wouldn’t clear my lungs at all without 7% saline, it’s essential because my sputum is unbelievably thick & sticky. You need to ask your consultant about it. Personally I don’t find the aerobika helpful. I use a PEP mask instead, given to me by the physios
Thank you. I will try the saline vial only and see if it helps
You need 7% though, ordinary saline (0.9%) doesn’t work because that’s the same salinity as the body’s cells.
Oh, my sodium is only 3% and i mix with ipratropium bromide and albuterol sulfate
When my asthma was out of control I tried 3%, because the 7% increased my wheeze, but I didn’t find it at all effective, and the Brompton physios said not many people do. Now I’m on biologic medication & my asthma is better controlled, so I can tolerate 7%. It liquefies the sputum much better than 3%. You have to try it under supervision at first, because it can cause bronchospasm, but as long as your peak flow doesn’t drop by more than 20% you’re good to go. I’m in the UK, not sure where you are
I’ve never used an Aerobika, I use an Air Physio instead which works very well every time I use it, I wouldn’t be without it.