Aerobika advice for Bronchiectasis - Lung Conditions C...

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Aerobika advice for Bronchiectasis

Phill1 profile image
31 Replies

Hi again

received the aerobika device from my respiratory team through the post on Monday

Have tried it a few times now as per the instructions but not managed to bring up any phlegm

Had to resort back to ACBT...I don't bring up much but know I need to do it at least once daily... Was hoping using the Aerobika would mean I could get clearance faster. ACBT is so tiring

Any tips ? Does it really work for everyone ???🙄

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Phill1 profile image
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31 Replies
Morrison10 profile image

I have PCD including bronchiectasis and partly collapsed lung, Nebulise twice daily, use Aerobika afterwards, usually helps. Also occasionally use it other times. Good luck, Jean. What is ACBT?

Phill1 profile image
Phill1 in reply to Morrison10

Active Cycle Breathing Technique... A cycle of deep breaths followed by a huff... That brings mucus up..You can follow one on youTube... That's what I have been doing up until now... Hoping the aerobika would shift it a bit more easily ...🤞

RoadRunner44 profile image

Hello. You obviously know how to use the breathing method of clearing your lungs. As I suffer with bronchiectasis too I understand the importance of clearing my lungs of mucus buildup. However, I often experience "dry" patches where there is very little mucus to bring up. I have mentioned this to the consultant and physiotherapist and both say not to overwork the clearance on these occasions as it can be very tiring. 1. As you received the aerobika through the post you may not be completely familiar with how to use it properly. 2. There may be times when there's little mucus to be expelled. You don't say how long you have had bronchiectasis so maybe you are still learning how to manage it. Perhaps you could ask to see a specialist physiotherapist who could check you are using the Aerobika properly and give you some further advice.Good luck.

Phill1 profile image
Phill1 in reply to RoadRunner44

Thanks... I have had bronchiectasis for years without any problem but was not under a consultant till last February when coughed up blood... Found out that I shouldn't go for long walks in freezing weather! 🙄Then found out I also have pseudomonas. When I had an exacerbation last October.. 😱

I am waiting on my physio appt to see my progress with the Aerobika .. Hoping it won't be longMost days when I do my ABCT I can feel the mucus dislodging into my bronchus / trachea(?)

But it then takes a long time to get it out .

..was hoping the aerobika would make it easier and quicker when away / staying over at my offsprings houses ...

RoadRunner44 profile image
RoadRunner44 in reply to Phill1

Hi again. Just a thought but do you have a lot of dairy in your diet? My consultant suggested easing up on or cutting it out completely to thin the mucus and make it easier to expel. Carbosysteine tablets are also designed to thin mucus. Having a shower helps too as the steamy environment makes me start coughing up the mucus.You mention pseudomonas have been found in your lungs. I had them a couple of years ago and was on the antibiotic colomycin long term using a nebulizer. I appear to be free of Pseudomonas at the moment but as other long term sufferers of bronchiectasis will tell you, this bacteria tends to hide and often doesn't always show up on tests. In your case I would think your consultant will probably consider putting you on an appropriate antibiotic now to subdue the pseudomonas. Let us know how you get on Phil1.

Phill1 profile image
Phill1 in reply to RoadRunner44

Thanks RRI don't think I have a lot of dairy... Except for yoghurt & milk on my porridge .Like the occasional cheese sandwich..oh and oops..butter on toast/ scones.. 🤣.. Perhaps I should look into that..

Mucus quite thin already though...

& started on azithromycin...5 weeks ago...Fingers crossed..


RoadRunner44 profile image
RoadRunner44 in reply to Phill1

Hi, You mention the antibiotic Azithromycin. I have been put on this drug by my consultant a month ago. However, after checking with other members on this forum I am reluctant to start taking it as the possible side effects are deafness. I am already partly deaf and wear a hearing aid due to rhinitis (waiting for operation to release fluid behind ears and grommets fitted) so am concerned about becoming completely deaf. I'm waiting to see if my consultant can suggest an alternative drug to this one. i

Phill1 profile image
Phill1 in reply to RoadRunner44

I had mentioned that to Consultant and he didn't seem concerned . I'm also nearly deaf in one ear and wear a hearing aid... 😬I've booked in with my audiologist for an appt in 6 weeks to see if there had been any deterioration just in case...

in reply to RoadRunner44

I’m partially deaf too, with two hearing aids, and also tinnitus. I’ve take azithromycin for years and neither condition has worsened, tho my consultant says it’s best not to have high-dose macrolides eg IV amikacin or gentamicin, so when in hospital recently he avoided giving me those.

Phill1 profile image
Phill1 in reply to

That's refreshing to hear.. Thank you..I also have tinnitus .. Think it may be a little worse but coping with it so far🤞

in reply to Phill1

I've also been taking azithromycin for some years and am partially deaf in both ears. It's a pretty small dose, albeit all the time, and i don't think my hearing has got worse.

Phill1 profile image
Phill1 in reply to

Good to know thanks..

Morrison10 profile image
Morrison10 in reply to Phill1

I take carbocisteine 375mg which thins mucus, full dose 4 per day, took me time to tolerate them, but now make difference. Also have to keep own antibiotics, and record when and what taken, have records going back many years! Good luck. I’ve had several bouts of pseudomonas this year, also Stenotrophomonas Maltophilia. I need iv set up at hospital then do it at home, but can’t at moment as daughter was going to take me badly broke leg, taking months to heal. Besides I’m not keen to risk infection going to hospital, or surgery, every time went to public place last year caught infection. I have had 6 previous iv treatments, finally worked when took two oral antibiotics together, ready for motorbike holiday in Scotland. Intended to leave them off when got there but one of our group turned up with bad cough, sore throat, etc, so stayed on them whole week more. They cleared the infection 6 courses iv hadn’t, and I didn’t need antibiotics for nearly another year.

Phill1 profile image
Phill1 in reply to Morrison10

Thanks!.. Haven't heard of the Steno Maltophilia bug ? Sounds rare ? And nasty ..Hoping I can keep there pseudomonads levels low ...🤞

in reply to Phill1

I was advised to have several puffs of ventolin about half an hour before doing the huffing. It does help, but like you I rarely bring up much mucus and its hard work. I tried an alternative device to the aerobika but it did nothing to help.

Patk1 profile image

U shld still do acbt and incorporate the can b used in any position,and shld help to make it easier.With bronchiectasis,lung clearance shld b done a minimum of twice a day x

Phill1 profile image
Phill1 in reply to Patk1

Do you mean do acbt and maybe use the aerobica when it's nearly up?I can usually feel it in my chest moving upwards but sometimes have give up after 45 mins

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to Phill1

Play around see what suits u best.use before,during or after.whatever suits u best xx

Firefly25 profile image

Hi Phill - I tend to use the Aerobika after I’ve done the ACBT. My ideal routine (which I don’t always stick to it has to be said) is some cardio exercise and stretching followed by nebulising saline, followed by ACBT and then using the Aerobika for 3 or 4 rounds of 10 breaths each time. I also take carbocisteine and try to keep hydrated during the day. I find lying on my back with a couple of pillows and then on either side for a bit works best. It does sometimes take ages though-sadly there doesn’t seem to be a quick fix! I’ve recently discovered a free app on the iPhone store called Autogenic Drainage-it’s timed breathing which you can customise if needed. I find it helps me focus on the breathing. (I think it’s on android too). Like Roadrunner, I do seem to go through dry patches but like to imagine the regular ACBT unsticks things a bit. I’m realising that it all takes patience! Good luck xx😊

Phill1 profile image
Phill1 in reply to Firefly25

I've downloaded the app.. Will give it a go ..thanksNot sure about the advantage of aerobika if still have to do ACBT though?

pickingflowers4u profile image

Hi Phil. I also have an aerobics. I find it of very little help too. I was hoping it would be of more benefit. The physio advised me to keep using it all the same as longer term use may help more. All the best.

Phill1 profile image
Phill1 in reply to pickingflowers4u

Thanks..Seeing my physio next week... Hoping it will have shown some benefit but then 🤞

Egpa profile image

Hi Phillips, I hope you are having more luck with your AerobiKA. I was told by my physio at BRI to take ventolin then lie down on your bed on your left side breath in through your nose as it warmer air into your 🫁. Breathe in and out 5/10 times then turn to the middle do the same and then the right side. I always have my AerobiKA in full pressure, I found the others don't to any think, sometimes it does not bring up the muck but after moving around a bit it shifts. Good luck. 👍

Phill1 profile image
Phill1 in reply to Egpa

Thanks for your info.. I'll give that a try.. Think I was expecting the aerobika to speed up shifting of mucus ... I've got to learn to be more patient😄

Egpa profile image

Practice makes perfect lol. Good luck.

Morningjoy profile image

I’ve had my Aerobika for about ten years and I use it every morning for about 20 minutes. It did take a while to start feeling the benefits, but my peak flow stays higher even when I’m having a flare up, and I think it has helped my lung capacity too. Good luck!

JetJet profile image

Hi, just been searching.posts on aerobika users. My Mum has just been prescribed one ( not arrived yet) she struggles to bring up mucus, gets so far then becomes a struggle. Looking for tips and effectiveness. Has it started tom2ork for you a few months in? 🤔

Phill1 profile image
Phill1 in reply to JetJet

Hi.. Bit of a coincidence that you've messaged me at this point. I had given up on the aerobika months ago and just got on with Autogenic Drainage. But.. started struggling with the AD and decided to give the aerobika another go just 2 days ago after speaking with a Respiratory Nurse. Have had 2 very successful days which is great but too soon to say with full confidence . I mostly have BE in my left lung so was told to lie on my right side leaning back just a little. I was doing it sitting up before. Few deep belly breaths in beforehand helps for me also

Let me know how your mom gets on..& I'll also keep you updated as to whether this continues

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to Phill1

Ru on carbocysteine to thin the mucous?

Phill1 profile image
Phill1 in reply to Patk1

No I'm not at the moment .. Have been avoiding taking any more medication than I have to. However having recently spoken with respiratory nurse it is now on my radar & may try it if the aerobika results aren't consistent. My mucus isn't too stickyDo you take carbocysteine & does it help?


Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to Phill1

Yes i do and it does thins it so easier to get up x

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