Hi, I’ve recently reluctantly agreed to try nebulising colomycin. It’s going ok apart from being so time consuming. It takes ages for the saline to completely dissolve the powder, and in spite of gently rolling, not shaking, the bottle, it still gets frothy when nebulising. Any advice please? 😊
Colomycin: Hi, I’ve recently... - Lung Conditions C...

you should be nebbing Salbutamol and then Saline 0.9% before you use the Colomycin , so mix the Colomycin first then by the time you get to the Colomycin it will all be dissolved
If you don't neb anything before hand ( very unusual) then mix the Colomycin up before you to your nebbing even the night before & put it in the fridge also bang the Colomycin on the table a few times before you put the saline it it breaks it up a bit hope all that helps
Sorry, I was told never to premix and store the Colomycin as it can alter the effectiveness of it and cause more side effects. It's a while since I've been on it so the advice may have changed, but I would check with your consultant/respiratory nurse before trying this method. xx
I find banging the bottle on my other hand a few times before mixing helps. By the time I’ve nebulised my salbutamol it’s usually dissolved. Make sure your nebuliser and mouth piece are the right ones for colomycin. It’s thicker than other nebulised meds and even the hospital give out the wrong mouth pieces.
Thanks everyone for your advice. I tried premixing last night but it frothed again this morning. I was still able to nebulise it but not sure of its effectiveness. The hospital gave me the nebuliser and it gives out a good mist.
I nebulise 7% saline beforehand 😊
I've no knowledge off that but peaple on forum will be able to help in the right direction