Hi everyone as promised an update on Mondays visit to hospital. Basically I saw another Doctor who has been working on cancer for ten years. she has sent me for another pet scan as she is confused. Assured me the cancers are small and said they have been told they are T1. So time to start another test trail. SAys they feel it could be scarring of the lung from the radiotherapy so I am scheduled for a NM Whole Body FDG Pet CT. Explained it is difficult to talk to different doctors every time attending. She has apologised for the proceedure so far and hopes it will be rectified in the next few weeks so we can move forward. My sentiment watch this space. In the mean time I will enjoy the time I spend with my son who is home from Australia for a holiday after my scan on WEdnesday 15th we will go for a meal before he flies back with his wife on the 16th. Stay warm everyone catch up with you later next week.
Update to all my freinds on the 6th - Lung Conditions C...
Update to all my freinds on the 6th

I really hope things will improve for you now Katie and l truly wish you well with everything. Have a wonderful time with your son and daughter in law.
Thanks for the update. I’m thinking of you. Xxx❤️
It must all be very frustrating for you but fingers crossed for your scan on the 16th. In the meantime, I hope you have a lovely time with your son.
Thanks for the update Katie, sounds like you are going to be looked after and so things may not be so bad. Just enjoy having your family over and you will probably be a lot better next time they come. Take care x
Enjoy your time with your son and daughter in law.Lots of ❤️ xx.Sheila
Crikey Katie, that’s all a bit confusing for you isn’t it ?
Perhaps helpful though to have an opinion from someone working in that field ?
Enjoy your son visiting and wishing you well with the tests again, results too.
Go well
Good luck katie for some solid information to know exactly what is going on in your body ,sending best wishes to you. Enjoy having your son home with you and I hope you have a better 2025.🤞
Wishing you well with everything that's going on for you. Your son's visit couldn't have come at a better time, it seems! Enjoy your time with him. xxx💐💐
Well Katie, I would take this as a positive. The fact you are seeing a doctor who is experienced and knows what they are talking about and that the tumours are small at least means they can be treated before they have chance to grow. I really hope you can get another appointment with the same doctor who will be able to investigate further. Have a brilliant time with your son and d.i.l visits seem to fly by x
Enjoy your family time with h your son and his wife. Gosh the weather is cold here for them. I hope things improve for you in every way xx
I hope this new doctor is right and the tumours are either very small or better still simply scarring. Whatever it is, this doctor sounds as if she knows what she's doing. I hope all will be well and that you have a lovely time meanwhile with your son and daughter-in- law. Very best wishes, Chris xxx
I hope things start to improve for you soon, take care sending lots of positive vibes your way 😊🌷💐🌸 xx
Have a lovely time with your family. Take care.xx
Best wishes to you i wasn't aware you had cancer im sorry to hear this..hope you have a great time with your son and his family when they arrive.
You have a great time with you're family and I hope everything goes well
What a lot to deal with Katie. So pleased your son is coming over, It will help take your mind off things ❤️xxx
Thats just added to the problems. I now have an urgent scan tommorrow and another appointment for results on the 27th. Hes due to go back home on the16th at 7.30 am. The visit is all gone now and they still have not visited everyone. Its very expensive for such a small visit. But at least we have seen each other once again.