Kendra being moved to a high dependant unit at Sheffield. They know she has a slight swelling on the brain but until she has CT scan we won't know how bad. Tank you all for your kind messages of support they really do help. I will keep you updated on her Bernadette 😳 xxx
Update on my beautiful Granddaughter - Lung Conditions C...
Update on my beautiful Granddaughter

All best wishes to you and to Kendra. Fingers crossed for her.
our thoughts are with Kendra and you Bernadette during this difficult period,our fingers are crossed for Kendra to make a swift and full and best whiskers skis and scruffy xx
Hope you hear some good news soon.
Love and hugs for Kendra and family. You too of course. Xxxxxx
Hi Bernadette, I hope your beautiful granddaughter Kendra is better soon, it’s horrible when children are seriously ill, you and your family are in my thoughts. xxx
I too hope that Kendra makes a full recovery.

Thank you all for your support and kind messages. Love Bernadette 😳 xxx
Keeping you and your family in my thoughts.
Very worrying for you and family Bernadette. You feel so helpless when little ones are poorly. Stay strong, hope Kendra is much better soon.
I do hope that you get better news soon, such a worrying time for you all. Many blessings xxx
Much love and hope to your dear little granddaughter Bernadette. Thinking of all of you !
Good. Evening Bernadette. Hope you have had some positive news on kendra thoughts are with you kendra and all your family love Margaret xxx
My thoughts are with you and your family xxxx
Sorry Bernadette I haven't been on the forum for a short while and have just found out about your little grand daughter, my thoughts and preyers are with you all, for her quick recovery. It is the worst feeling in the world when it happens to young children, I know from my own experiences, try to be strong for her and the family, but also take care of yourself. Wishing you all best wishes and my sincere preyers. Maureen xx
Just read this! I do hope you have positive news and Kendra starts to do well! It must be so worrying. X
Sending hugs and good wishes to you all xx
Prayers for Kendra, and for you and all her family. Hope she starts to improve soon.
My thoughts are with you all xxxx
Wish your granddaughter well x x x
I hope the scan shows good news xx
Still praying for you all Bernadette, Sheila xx
What an awful time for you all. Hope everything turns out well. Lilian xxxxxx
Dear Bernadette
My heart goes out to you.
Sending lots of healing hugs to your very precious Granddauthter.
With love
How worrying for you all. I would like to add my prayers and best wishes for a good outcome and speedy recovery for Kendra x
Best wishes to Kendra and your family
A difficult time for you, thoughts & prayers are with you & your family.