Has anyone else noticed that when prescribed Amoxicillin the box says 21 Capsules but only 15 given, 6 Capsules removed . This means that the course is now only 5 days and should be 7. I am positive this is why the infection is not completely cleared and therefore problem continues .
I have had yet another course because of this. If 21 Capsules on pack why only give 15.
Baffles me. Too many medications are being reduced. xx.Sheila 😱
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Doctors tend to prescribe shorter courses these days as apparently they say they are as effective as longer. However, we know our own bodies best and often 5 days isn't enough. I 've just had a 5 day course and it wasn't and I had to go back.
A dentist I used to have told me that the main effect of antibiotics takes place in the first few days. No idea if that's true. Maybe it just refers to dental infections as it certainly wouldn't be correct for lung infections that require 14 days ABs.
i was on a course of antibiotics years ago i never knew you had to finish the whole course no one has ever told me why , and i felt great after a few days then i ended with bronchial phnumonia and then plurisy a hell of a way to learn , don't doctors get paid enough i thought to explain about medication to the client
That's right always said finish course even if feeling better. That was on box of 21 for 7days now they remove 6 Capsules and only 5days left.confusing. xxSheila
I have bronchiectasis/copd amoxicillin doesn't work for me when I have infection even with 10 day supply .Consultant &chest physio recommend doxycycline gor 10 to 12 days to clear up infection so far it seems to work not had infection since August last year .hope you get sorted soon & feel better x
Know all doctors & consultants have there own way of treating people, mine are on the ball &recommend 10 days worth of doxycycline for chest infection. Worth asking for 10 days supply to hopefully clear infection up .
When I worked in the pharmacy a prescription came down from gynaecology for the liquid amoxicillin which I always call the children's amoxicillin and I had rung the ward to ask if the order was right and sister assured me yes it was and I said how I had always thought it was a children's medicine the liquid one so off I went and made up the amoxicillin for them!
Nowadays I walk past that pharmacy with my head held high and there's hardly anyone there now that I know or recognise and feel getting finished from there as well as getting evicted were the best things that could have happened to me as I wasn't happy at those places and part of me had felt glad to leave but at the time it had felt like the world had ended!
How are the kitties doing and my mate Pepparuby the black panther and I hope Hector is laying off the Hectoring!
Wow! ............ I've never counted to be quite honest. Maybe that's why for me - Amoxicillin - is so damn useless. If I have the misfortune to be prescribed it again I'll do a check - making sure the box hasn't been tampered with - I'll photograph the box.
The pharmacist will only give out what the doctor prescribed. I have 2 folic acid per week and the chemist cuts off 8 from the pack. This should be queried with the gp x
If your GPwere treating a chest infection in a person with normally healthy lungs 5 days of amoxyll might-just might-sort it out. With your condition you need at least 10 ten days of a suitable antibiotic. For you, amoxyll is about as useful as a box of smarties. It hasn't worked for me since 1986.There are plenty of more effective abs.Either download the guidelines for your condition and take/email them to your GP or go and put your GP right. Their training in lung conditions is abysmal and they are often too lazy to explore what is best for that particular patient. It's a failure of the duty of care. Sorry Sheila, here we go again, having to take on and educate those who are supposed to be looking after of us.
I can't take doxy either. There are others. I'm so sorry that you are stuck with people making decisions who do not know about abs and dosage for you. It is my guess that the nurse is afraid to challenge them. You can though; using the guidelines. Do you have a consultant?
Yes but never see him. My Respiratory team work with him. I have a fantastic Respiratory nurse who will call to my house anytime and I can telephone her everyday if needed. She ordered the Amoxicillin but Dr changed from 21 to 15. It's obvious if pack contains 21 that's the correct dosage as it has always been for the last 15 yrs since i was prescribed
Now pack opened and 6 Capsules removed .where do the 6 that were removed go ???? That's 2 day's worth.xx😱xxx.Sheila
They throw them away. What a stupid waste. Your nurse sounds very but I think that you need a catch up with your consultant as to antibiotics. Hopefully he would support your nurse re the dosage.
I know we have a pharmacist at surgery who interferes.i really don't like him neither does my Respiratory team.always changing meds then I have to phone to have it reversed i don't like change doesn't agree with me xx.Sheila 💗
Oh dear Sheila this really isn't right for you. I don't want to bully you because I know how poorly you are but you need to get this put right. If you cannot get hold of your consultant who will overule all of them, you should write to your practice manager and explain how your care is being affected by a discrepancy over your drugs by the GP nurse and pharmacist. The GP should overule the other two. Unfortunately he doesn't seem to be giving you the right amount but without the consultant you seem to be stuck with it
They don’t throw them away, they keep them to top up boxes where more than 21 have been prescribed. That’s fairly standard procedure (I worked in a pharmacy for years). They don’t get wasted.
When I worked in the hospital pharmacy the ones that were removed would go in a drawer but it was disgusting though the amount of medicines that went to waste there though!
They don’t throw them away. The add them to another pack when they need to make up a part empty packet. They didn’t have enough for me and asked that I return 2 days later to collect the other 4 tablets. That’s how it works.
BTW, Amoxicillin is very cheap. Even in the US, where all medicines are a fortune, it costs less than $10 for a full course.
That happens with Doxy also Sheila - I have two capsuls missing, it's what GP thinks is nessesdsary I think. If you are on 15 Amoxicillin it probably is just a lesse course. Depending how many a day you take.
I was told, as others have mentioned, that a minimum of 10 days antibiotics is a must for me. 5 days simply is not going to be effective given your lung issues. Maybe you could call your doctor and ask him to ensure you get a longer course? I’ve not found amoxicillin very effective either. It might be best to get a sputum sample dropped off by someone so you can ensure you get the right antibiotic for that particular bug? I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this, particularly when you’re currently housebound, but you will feel so much better if you can get it cleared up. Good luck and I do wish you well. Kind regards, Christine.
Thanks Christine will do that, get a sample off. Every time I've done it before always tell me. No further action Ill do it tomorriw although not producing sputum now as much better
Yes hopefully. Too cold to go out yet. I have started 2025 with my Positive old self back.i had given in but have so much to be grateful for.
Now back to the advise I have given to so many "Concentrate on what you can do not what you can't " let's tske a leaf out of my own book and practice what I preach lol 😂🙏😍 lots if love xx.Sheila ❤️
its very frustrating not to have the full course prescribed as it is not a saving in the end when you have to go back and a possible gap extends your illness. Hope you manage to get over it and feel better soon Sheila x
I have had this done to me by a gp who was not my own, not sure why they even prescribed Amoxycillin as it doesn't work for me but only gave me 5 days. I had to go back after the 5 days and insist on the full 2 weeks of Doxycycline. It seems some gp's think 5 days is enough x
First line treatment then isn’t it ? I don’t know the answer, it is very frustrating for those who are very familiar with what their health status is and how they need to look after themselves.
Care plan in place do you think ? Perhaps all who are affected to report the to lodge a complaint with their local PPG or Healthwatch ? Any thoughts ?
I don't know what the answer is Pauline. We have alot of locums at my surgery and wonder if that's what the problem is, although I asked my gp to put it on my notes I am not sure what goes wrong. My gp is wonderful but sadly only works 2 days a week and is always booked up, she knows me so well so don't have any problem getting the correct meds when she is on. I will ask about a care plan next time I speak with her and see what she says, it maybe the way to go x
When i was in hospital in 2018, I suddenly took a downturn shown by raised temperature and blood test inflammation markers so doctor was called and a new AB prescribed for every other day. It was IV so I didn't realise I wasnt getting it every day but luckily a lovely nurse came on duty who remembered me from a 2015 admission and was looking at my notes and was horrified about the alternate day prescription which she said she'd never ever seen before. It was weekend with not many doctors around but she moved heaven and earth to find one and eventually got a daily dose reinstated. Some doctors have less experience than others.
Yes they even arrange blood tests ,flu jab , if I have a minor injury all nurses come to my home.. this is why I don't have to leave the house Maybe too convenient making me lazy .😱xxx.Sheila
Well maybe whn spring comes, you can begin slowly to rebuild yr confidence back up. We've had v heavy snow overnight + it's been bitter cold last few days.its a day to stay inside x
I’ve noticed this too, in respect of my very elderly mother, but only once did she need a second 5-day prescription.
I believe that doctors are very worried about patients developing a resistance to antibiotics (and succumbing to their condition or gumming up hospital places).
Pharmacies, of course, will only ever hand over the quantity that the doctor has prescribed).
I remember Littlepom and she gave me some excellent advice when everyone at my old place was getting harassed by that incompetent letting agency when they claimed we hadn't paid the rent and yes we had and had advised me to write a letter of complaint to the manager of the agency which I did and they wound their necks in after that!
I had demanded that the agency put in writing that yes the rent had been paid both in full and on time and to receive an apology from them!
When that invalid eviction letter came through in the July of 2022 I can't say I was surprised as I had seen that coming for ages!
Hi Shiela I’m not sure if you got prescribed just 15 or if that was all that was left in stock at the pharmacy.
Sometimes the pharmacist only has x amount in stock and I get the rest of the order the next day. But then the original box would say 1 of 2 boxes 15 tablets they’d score out the 21/28/30 number and I’d get a receipt saying that they still owe me however many.
I know it's baffling. And only had Problem with repeat exacerbation since meds reduced to 5 days. Not long enough to clear infection so it's lingering there .xx.Sheila
I’ve had the same recently. They only provided 5 days worth so had to then get a further script for another 5. It’s so frustrating when your notes say you should be prescribed at least 10 days worth. I’m currently having similar issues with my Thyroxine tablets. Madness.
Hi yes you’re right. I’m currently taking 87.5 mcg daily plus T3. I was previously taking 75mcg Thyroxine. ( a 50mcg tablet & a 25mcg tablet ) I’m now splitting an extra 25mcg tablet taking half a day. My GP hasn’t acted on the increased dose so my prescription is still for 75mcg. After 2 months taking the higher dose I was running low so sent a messsge asking for my prescription to be updated. They did it & sent me a box of 28 tablets with a cut off strip of 14 in the box. Talk about petty! Thyroxine costs buttons for goodness sake 🤷🏻♀️plus they will just be doing the same next month!
Yes garshe. My GP warned me that Amox icillin is now only prescribed for 5 days as this should be sufficient he said to deal with an infection. I rarely found 7 days long enough !! I am now on Doxycillin and do much better on that as I believe it is the next level up
Sorry that you can't see anything rude in your response but that's how it came across, telling someone "you don't need to concern yourself" is rude when they were only trying to help. Saying thanks for your concern is a better way of putting it. I'm aware I don't know you or how long you've been here. I'm simply going by your words & the manner in which you responded.
Hi, Well I read your post and the wide range of replies.
So, TBH my experience with the NHS in Britain is there is only one way to deal with the crap treatment ..... by whatever definition .... I complain to my local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) or whatever name they trade under these days and I also pass on the same complaint (by copy) to my Westminster MP requesting him to take my complaint up with the Secretary of State for Health.
Tell ya what ........... that gets results. Medics don't like complaints being made about them or their service - particularly at that level, such giddy heights !
I'm sorry ... I never expressed myself very well - in one of your earlier posts you said ... "My Respiratory team work with him. I have a fantastic Respiratory nurse who will call to my house anytime and I can telephone her everyday if needed. "
Since my GP is as much use as a chocolate fireguard how does one make contact with a Respiratory Team or a Respiratory Nurse ........ they sound as if they would know more about my breathing issues then my GP ever will.
I use Warfarin and have an INR Nurse at my INR Clinic ......... sounds like a Respiratory Nurse may be in a similar category. Heaven help me if I asked my GP anything about Warfarin.
I was introduced to my Respiratory team whilst in hospital years ago. They work closely with my consultant. You will have to ve referred to them by your GPMy Respiratory team are amazing
They call to my house regularly sometimes just to chat snd put my mind at ease I have nit visited my GP for years as my Respiratory nurse contacts them for me. Arranges blood tests at home. Just had my flu Jab at home .
this is so true just got a course now doc being weird as i said i needed more as although tbey helped when i stopped could stll feel something brewing regarding lungs .but doc stated 5 day course standerd
I've heard off that before from a freind about 2 years ago and she weren't happy she went back to docters and told them she should have 7 days and got 5 and paid for heard percription so the the docter weren't happy but he give her the the other 2 days and docter had to pay for the 2 days
I spoke to my GP as I was prescribed a 5-day rescue pack rather than the usual 7. She told me that this is now the protocol as “research” has shown that 5 days antibiotics are as beneficial as 7…
Mind you, she then had to prescribe 14 days antibiotics as the 1st course plus top up didn’t work. Didn’t save any money at all in my case! It’s the usual one size fit all approach.
personally I would ask doctor to refer to recommended dose from respiratory nurse, in my experience these letters don’t get read routinely. You need to highlight the important bits……good luck
P.s my respiratory nurse always stated that 7 days of amoxicillin was not long enough, so 5 days certainly isn’t! I don’t take amoxicillin these days, I take doxycycline, 2 weeks worth
amoxicillin is a broad spectrum antibiotic that covers several ailments. In the early days ie 70’s they were handed out as the ideal remedy. However, science being what it is it was found that one body can get too use to it and frequent doses over time will
Lessen its effect. This then can leave one limited to choice re future ailments.
I have had quite a few Prescriptions of Amoxicillin over the past few months as being given 5 days is not enough and infection is not cleared. . Hopefully this time its worked as feeling much better . Fingers crossed 🙏 🤞Take care xx.Sheila ❤️
Hi garshe, this is not right, have you complained to your pharmacy? If you haven't yet, please so do, this behaviour is one of the reasons the NHS is overloaded with sick people. You need 7 days supply, as prescribed. Even if you only drop a line to your GP you will stop this happening to anyone else. Good luck, Maximonkey
I have bronchiecstasis and uncontrolled asthma despite Trimbow, carbocysteine and Montelukast and Ventolin. My respiratory consultant has clearly recommended 10 days Doxycycline as a rescue pack but I was given 5 days Amoxycillin 500mg.
When Iwas in A&E on Boxing Day with chest inf. they gave me 5 days Amox at 1000mg. Felt a bit better by day 4, but now I have another chest infection!
Saw my asthma nurse today, who couldn't increase the strength of my rescue abs.
Also I was told no one in Surrey can now have Ventolin. Only Salamol which I don't find as good (neither does a GP I saw, who is asthmatic and tried to prescribe it for me but was overruled) . Apparently, it's the same medicine and it's a psychosomatic problem. So I'm imagining it works better!?
I know the NHS is broke but all this is so short-sighted. Those with lung-problems are not understood by many GPs. Proper support and care at home is vital to keep us out of hospital- must be cheaper in the long-run surely?
Best wishes and strength to all who struggle with this awkward system.
I agree. I refused the change of my Ventolin and still have it prescribed as Salamol didn't agree with me. Because they heve reduced my dose of Amoxicillin lately , it did not clear my infection. Resulting in having to have it prescribed 3 more times
i don't like change, my Motto is "If it ain't broke don't fix it" . XxSheila 👍 take care.
gps are told to prescribe amoxicillin cos they are the cheapest antibiotics a chemist told me that plus they are one of the weakest antibiotics to prescribe supposed to save nhs money
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