Patient information leaflet with new and important side effects information appears not to have been updated. Details on this page:
Amoxicillin users please note: - Lung Conditions C...
Amoxicillin users please note:

Thank you for being "on the ball". Thankfully I am given Doxycycline. Eosinophilia is now a new condition of mine, I will be alert to it.
Extremely important info O2. Thank you for that. Xxxx
The site is having problems. Can you tell me what the new side effects sre please

The site is okay now, earlier very slow.
"Brief description of the problem
Accord Healthcare Limited has informed us that a change to the Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) for this product has not been implemented by the required timeline. The change concerns the addition of the symptoms of a potential side effect, ‘Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms’ (DRESS) which is a potentially life-threatening condition. For this reason, it is important that any patients who notice the symptoms seek immediate medical advice."
The new leaflet is here:
Im wondering if the same applies to Augmentin (being as most would know a combo of amoxicillin and clavulinic acid). This is my rescue pack AB but I dont think I have the conditions they are warning about.
Having done more reading on DRESS it apoears that this reaction can happen when taking many different types of drugs. It us very rare though.
Hi, I saw your posting about the updating of Amoxicicilin side effects, quite a miss, the pharmacy could put a sticker on the outside of the box when they type a label for your name & address.
Thanks for this - good to know x