Will share anything that helps I got myself a salt pipe, as I was so fed up with this build up of mucus, it did clear a little for me, but the following worked wonders. CARBOCISTEINE 375 mg Capsules. One Capsule to be taken Four times a day. Give it a week to clear you, but starts to work after only Eight Capsules. Worth a try !! Neo.
Bye Bye vMucus: Will share anything... - Lung Conditions C...
Bye Bye vMucus

Thanks for this advice - I might try it after I have seen the consultant on Friday.
I have never had that but it has been mentioned to me after my lung biopsy last week as I was finding it difficult to cough up the phlegm but after about 24 hours or so was able to. Thanks for sharing. I normally use a flutter device but have been told not to use this for about a month after the biopsy. Though I am missing it but not too much phlegm anyway now don't know why. Could it be because of the drier weather we are enjoying?
dryer weather make a big diffrence for COPD suffers. and hay fever 50% of the time goes hand in hand with it , even if you have never suffered with this be for. You can keep it at bay by taking 1 ( one) CETIRIZINE HYDROCHLORIDE tablet each morning, again allow 8 to 10 days for immune systen to except there assistance. In the mean time Beconase AQUEOUS NASAL SPRAY, A couple of squirts up the nose will stop the dew drops dropping in you coffee. Hugs Neo.
Hi yes I'm on them tabs they are brilliant . I'm now reduced to taking just two a day
Thanks all helps having someone on same tabs getting feedback is so helpfull
Hi again what Antibiotics are you taking
You should only take Antibiotics if your clear Mucus changes colour, ie green would be a sign of an infection. 500mg of AMOXICILLIN, there are 21 capsuls in a box take ( 1 ) One capsule every ( 8 ) Eight hours spaced evenly throughout the day, continue until the course of 21 tablets are completed. Hope this helps. STEROIDS can help if shortness of breath is happening. PREDNISOLONE 5mg tablets, there are 28 tablets in a box, should be taken 6 tablets a time after food or a meal, continue daily until all 28 tablets are completed, again would be a precription issue. Hope this helps hugs NEO.
just thought I'd share one thing.
I guess different remedies work for different people.
If there is anybody here feels they can't get results from the remedies mentioned here, try n acetylcysteine. It turned out to me my solution to mucus!
kind wishes to all,
Thats very true they do, what works for one person, may not work for another, give it a try, but get it cleard with a doctor before you start poppin pills and tablets, some cancel each other out, and also some medications are not advised to be mixed together, so clear it first. ( VERY IMPORTANT ) NEO.
Hi just read your article on carbocisteine ,could you please tell me are you on oxygen ? with thanks john weelspeed.
Hi John, No I am not on oxygen,but you must be asking that for a reason ? I have some hard days at times with this Emphesema as Im sure everyone who has it does. It only showed it ugly head with me some Six years ago after I suffered a mini stroke, then things seem to have gone down hill since then. About Three months ago I seemed to be getting short of breath at the smallest bit of work, just going round he house with the vacume cleaner was leaving me gasping for breath. I also noticed that my walks into town was getting shorter and shorter before I had to stop and get my breath back. I found also that I had a mucus build up every morning after waking, and trying to cough it up was futile, was like having elastic bands stuck in the throut, cough couch couch, to the extent that I started ripping some stomach musctles, and once that happens, it does not take much effort to rip them again after they have healed. I took my self off to the doctors, after waiting THREE WEEKS to get the first appointment, and ran through with him the problems I was having, so he prescribed the tablets, to try and thin the mucus so you can cough it up. anything else just post me a line. Neo. Take care.