Has anyone ever completed a Bronchiectasis Severity Index (BSI) with their consultant?
Wondering how indicative this might be. Thanks for any info, Chris.
Has anyone ever completed a Bronchiectasis Severity Index (BSI) with their consultant?
Wondering how indicative this might be. Thanks for any info, Chris.
No I have not. Interesting.
No,only the asthma score x
It might be worth doing the exercise just out of interest. I`ll let you know if/how we get on. That will not be tonight as we have been to the village "Old Fogies bunfight", and I have to admit that I had more to drink than usual. My only defence/excuse is to say that you can`t say no when the Mayor of the village is filling up the glasses. Take care, Chris.
In my lifetime’s experience of living with bronch I find these indexes no more than useless exercises in presumption, designed to give medics a label to put on us and unnecessarily worrying for the patient. I get the opinion on my severity in pre written content of every letter which comes after a consultant visit. I take no notice of it. We are all different, we all change with every exacerbation, our mood and even the weather and when different patients manage their condition from extremely well to absolutely not at all, an index does not cover the individual. Getting a number is only going to worry you and your wife over something which signifies nothing. Put it away and go and enjoy more parties!
Sounds like good advice. I was only doing it for interest. My wife is far more practical and accepts that her lungs are not as good as they were 20 years ago, so let`s live each day as it comes and do what we can to manage our health. Re the parties, not sure that yesterday was particularly good for my health. Finishing the meal which had already included champagne and plenty of wine, with Eau de Vie, a bit stronger than Whisky, generously poured by The Mayor was best for my health. No hangover, no feeling unwell but not to be repeated every day of the week. Have a good day, Chris.
Oh they do love a label. You have such good advice and insight. Thank you.xx
Tick-box exercises
I see you have various lung conditions including small airway disease & bronchiectasis. Did uncontrolled asthma cause all these or did smoking complicate things? I have SAD and I’m trying to get my head around it. It feels like what I would think COPD feels like but they’re reluctant to confirm COPD, as I’m still above .70
Never heard of the BSI and dont think they use this here in the UK. Sounds like the party was good fun Chris and great to join in, maybe not everyday but the odd occasion really does you the world of good x
Sorry can't help with that
I saw one of these on a website, can’t remember which. Anyway I foolishly totted up my score & discovered my mortality rate in the next 2yrs was quite scary! That was about 5yrs ago. Luckily I don’t scare easily. I do a great deal to try & stay well (regular airway clearance, avoid infections etc) and I’m very proactive in getting myself the best care out there. I make sure I’m well informed and keep my doctors on their toes (increasingly difficult with the nhs in its current state). So as Swizzy says, these indexes are pretty useless and just worry people who are susceptible to anxiety. I squeeze as much fun as I can out of life, and take pleasure in the smallest things x
I had a spiro test recently and saw the results on the NHS app. My lung age is 95! Freaked me out! I’m ‘only’ 74, and play golf most weeks weather permitting. My GP said not to worry, it’s probably been like that for the past 10 years or so. I’d had bronchiectasis most of my life and a lobectomy when I was 17. Even so… 95! 😩
Do you feel 95 tho? It doesn’t sound like it if you can still get on the golf course! When I go out I realise how frail and aged I must look, trying to walk a little way, because on the rare occasion I’m on my own, strangers often stop to offer me an arm or ask if I’m ok. I’m only 72. God knows what my lung age is. Dilligaf?! I’m on a constant mission to stay as well as I can and my lung age can go hang 😂
When you put it like that janedivney I shouldn’t really complain. It is a constant battle though isn’t it?
Oh we all complain, mg, I do too! So don’t hold back because that’s what the forum is for 😊 I agree it’s a relentless battle. We feel terrible but have to try & stay mentally strong just to keep going, not easy. I find these winter months so enervating - just getting dressed in enough layers to go out is wearing! But I get depressed if I stay indoors too long 🤷♀️
I always wondered is COPD far harder to manage then bronchiectasis🤔