Hi all, just back from a short break, it did not quite go to plan!
I was aware that I had tingling fingers for a few days before holiday, lots of wiggling to get rid of pins and needles. Day 2 of the holiday my left arm became very painful and within an hour I could not lift it up. Pain so bad I called an ambulance. Temp raised 38. Hospital shoulder xray, diagnosis probably bursitis. Taken to the ward overnight and aspiration of shoulder attempted next morning. Nothing. By this time movement coming back. Diagnosed tendonitis - painkillers and gentle movements recommended. I was told raised temp probably because of the pain.Back to holiday home.
2 days later a call from a doctor at the hospital. My shoulder xray had been reviewed, part of my lung area on film, and she thought I should come back to the hospital for a chest xray. How was I? A bit on the breathless side was my response.
Chest xray showed pneumonia and the arm symptom was fluid build up pressure pressing on the nerves. So I spent the next 4 nights in hospital with a combination of oxygen , painkillers, antibiotics and increased doses of diuretics! Not quite the strolling walks and ice creams I had planned😂
Back home now, have to say my breathing is much improved and my weight loss is great !
So never again will I ignore numb feelings in my arms!
This is my second bout of pneumonia in 6 months, plus chest infections about every 6 weeks, I think my Mycophenolate is suppressing my immunity to such a degree I am susceptible to every bug going. Having a chat this afternoon with hospital to discuss either reduced dosage or stop taking it. Wish me luck and take care everyone. X
Well done if you have read this far 😂