Pneumonia follow up test: Hi everyone... - Lung Conditions C...

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Pneumonia follow up test

Chloerh77 profile image
16 Replies

Hi everyone,

I’m new here so bear with me please. I was admitted to hospital about 10 days ago with Pneumonia, I was told it was fairly severe. I’d been feeling quite ill for almost 2 weeks before hand, which I assumed was flu. I’d seen my gp who prescribed antibiotics for a chest infection, with no improvement after a few days I was given stronger antibiotics and the admitted a few days later.

It was quite a shock to be told I’d got pneumonia. I spent a couple of days in hospital on oxygen and IV antibiotics. I’m still feeling a little feverish some days and have little energy, which I’m told is normal. The breathlessness is hard going, I feel like I want to do stuff but I just can’t. I’m 42 and have a 2 and 6 yo. Luckily my husband is being as helpful as he can be,

Anyway, I digress, I was told I’d likely need another chest X-ray in 6 weeks to ensure it had cleared. However when I was discharged I was told I’d need a chest CT fairly soon, which is tomorrow. I received my appointment letter yesterday and it mentions a chest CT and a liver CT with dye. Does anyone know why I’d need the liver CT? I wasn’t told anything about that. I also had a call from the hospital out of the blue to say I had an appointment with the chest clinic on Tuesday. I was a bit out of it when I took the call so didn’t ask the obvious question. Again does anyone know what that might be for? I’m assuming it’s just because of the pneumonia and they would monitor me?

Thanks. Getting quite anxious about it all.

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Chloerh77 profile image
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16 Replies
HungryHufflepuff profile image

Sorry, I can't answer any of your questions but I just wanted to say hello and welcome, and good luck for your appointments.

I'm sure someone will give you a much more helpful reply soon!

Julie14 profile image

Hi i recently got discharged from hospital with chest infection, i had CT scan & was told my bloods came back with issues reg my liver, i don’t drink alcohol so thats ruled out but they said they would put in an urgent referral to see a specialist, like you i never questioned it as i was so unwell, ive been home 3 weeks & have community nurses visiting me every day, infection is clearing well however the breathlessness remains a big issue for me.

I hope you get sorted soon x

Damon1864 profile image

Hi unfortunately I can't answer your questions but I would also like to say hello and welcome to the site. Hope you get the answers you need soon, please let us know how you are doing. Have a good day and take care of yourself 😊 Bernadette xx

Tugun profile image

Don't be anxious. Often they're just double checking on something. The best thing about a test is that it can rule out anything and put your mind at ease. It's annoying that you only just got the information regarding the liver CT. If you'd known earlier you could have seen your GP and asked him to check the hospital blood test results and he would have been able to discuss it with you. I have learnt (after many, many years) to ask for a copy of my blood test results - or that of my parents. Then I can look it over and discuss anything with the GP.

Wishing you a quick easy trip. All the best.

Hellodolly profile image

Hello -

I suspect, as above, that perhaps the blood tests showed some raised liver function test results. It doesn’t necessarily mean anything at all. The liver was probably struggling a bit with all the antibiotics and ( if you had them) steroids. Pneumonia gives the body an enormous shock and it took me a long time to get fully over it.

Try to take it easy, which is difficult when you have such young children.

The ct scans themselves are fine so try not to worry.

Good luck for everything and let us know how you get on. Big hugs and love to you.😊🌸🌸

russconz1978 profile image

I am not an expert but they may be checking for Bronchiectasis, with the CT scan of your chest. I am almost 42 and I was diagnosed with this in February with a CT scan. I have been learning how to manage the condition since then and also have just had a bout of Pneumonia. There are a few resident experts on here by the looks. Good luck!

sassy59 profile image

Welcome to HU, please try not to be anxious as clearly the hospital are doing their very best to look after you. When you have your appointments ask questions, write things down and try and have someone with you if at all possible.

Wishing you well and please let us know how things go.

Take care xxxxx

peege profile image

Easy to say don't worry but hellodolly hits the nail on the head. Blood test show raised liver function when things are not right in your body. It is probably that they're just ensuring all''s well. It's absolutely marvellous that your hospital ate being so thorough. Let us know how you get on. P

B0xermad profile image

Hi and welcome to the site, I had the same and they did an in depth blood test which determined my liver function was not right, it was protein leakage and raised levels due to bronchiectasis and pneumonia pleurisy and my body struggling to cope with the infection

katieoxo60 profile image

Hello and welcome to the site. I recall when I was first ill with my chest they did these sort of tests because they suspected something more serious, it was in the end COPD I did actually see a cancer consultant. Its quite frightening but you do have quick appointments so tests should soon eliminate anything else besides the pnuemonia. Good luck with your tests and hopefully they will put your mind at rest. It is normal to feel tied after pnuemonia a bit like flu too. Best Wishes for a speedy recovery, take care.

Oshgosh profile image

Hi,it’s probably a follow up to check how you’ve recovered.

You didn’t say if you’ve got a diagnosed chest condition.

Silly thing to say,but try not to worry too much.your being well looked after.

Now,Christmas. I know we’re all rushing about,but you need to take it as easy as poss.

What really matters is that you and your children have a nice Christmas.

If any body offers help—take it, whether it’s child care or anything else..

If you haven’t got your Christmas. Food,go for the easiest option.

Shop bought all the way this year.

You’re really lucky to have a helpful husband.

Make lists to help you prioritise what needs to be done



Next week


This really helped me when I was studying with the OU, Working full time nights with a young family at Christmas and through the year.

Look after yourself

watergazer profile image

Hi and welcome . The tests are a check so don't worry x

Mooka profile image

Hi Chloerh77

I think everyone has answered your questions about the ct scans. The appointment in the chest clinic will be to go through the results. You won’t get them tomorrow. They have to be looked at by a radiologist and will then be sent on to your doctor. Take a list of questions with you so you don’t forget anything. Come back here and let us know how you get on as we are all rooting for you. Most importantly rest as much as you can and don’t feel guilty about it as it’s all part of the healing process.

ssafa profile image

It seems that someone has decided that you need some attention as you clearly need experts will be able to answer your questions. CT scans will show up the state of your lungs as x rays do not give such depth to enable a diagnosis.

Good luck

Chloerh77 profile image

Thank you everyone for your replies. It’s been an eventful couple of days, I spent roughly 7 hours at the hospital yesterday. Had the CT scan and saw a Dr in ambulatory care afterwards, well a few hrs later. Had follow up bloods done. Scan has showed that not much has changed. They decided to get another cannula in and have me come to hospital everyday this week for IV antibiotics. Not ideal but they said it needs to be dealt with a bit harder now. One nurse said I was probably kicked out of hospital too soon, should have had this while I was still in. It is what it is though.

I then saw a consultant at the chest clinic this morning. She said they would have referred me so that they can rule out lung cancer, which naturally put the frighteners up me a bit. Apparently the pneumonia can hide things so they want to repeat the CT in 6 weeks to see how things look. She also said that I have a lot of fluid in the lining of my lungs. While I was back at ambulatory care this afternoon they called through to say that I need a pleural effusion drain this week to clear the fluid and test it. This has also freaked me out. I’m petrified of everything. Has anyone else been through this procedure? I’m told it will feel weird but shouldn’t be painful.

Thank you all again, it’s much appreciated,

MSMichaela1966 profile image

Chloerh77 it seems like your in the best hands possible my heart goes out to you and your family right now. ♥️

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