Hi, I suffer with bronchiectasis and have problems with shifting the thick phlegm in my lungs using the breathing technique the medics suggested. So I’ve just bought an Omcrom nebuliser and saline solution to see if it helps. I have tried in just once; it took some time to use up the 2ml of saline and I had to stop a couple of times as it made me cough. My nose felt a bit stuffed up afterwards. I’d like to know how often I should use it and whether it needs cleaning after every use. Also, should I breathe deeply or just normally? And should I feel beneficial effects fairly quickly or does this build up with use? Thanks for any advice you can give.
Nebulizers: Hi, I suffer with... - Lung Conditions C...

My hubby Pete has a nebuliser supplied by the Royal Brompton Hospital. He has COPD and sarcoidosis and uses his nebuliser twice a day. The thing being all the nebulised medication was prescribed by a medical professional and included Salbutamol to open up the airways followed by Mucoclear (saline). He has never used saline on its own. I’d seek your doctors advice just to make sure your using things correctly.
Wishing you well xxx
I got mine through the NHS and get Sabutamol and saline on prescription. My advice on usage from from my consultant and physio says I should use it every day,however it could be different advice for differnt people. As Sassy59 says maybe best to speak to your Doctor .
Hi Dassy59 and Teddyd,, many thanks for your replies. I bought my own nebuliser in order to speed things up as I’m struggling with lung clearance. But I fully intend to ask the gp for an appropriate prescription for its use. I have only put weak sterile saline in it to try it out, which shouldn’t do me any harm and may alleviate things a bit. Since my bronc diagnosis in early summer I have had no attention from the consultant who just said I had to clear my lungs 3 times a day and learn to live with it. Now everything seems to be via the gp surgery, which did call me in for a spiro test and pneumonia vax. I’ll make an appointment to try to resolve the issue of how to effectively clear my lungs. I’m aware I still have inflammation, does this never stop?
So sorry, I understand what you are going through and unfortunately I don’t think it does stop. I went private for diagnosis of bronch due to waiting list. Saw consultant and he said the same thing to me, “it's long term management”. He has referred me to specialist nurse team called DAIRS at the hospital. I think you should ask about this. I have also tried saline nebuliser but not sure if it makes a difference or not. Good luck.
Hello, are you able to exercise? You could ask for a referral for pulmonary rehabilitation. I was able to get this in my area (West Midlands) and it was very good. Educational sessions and supervised, structured exercise sessions in the gym. Best wishes.
Are you on any medication to thin the mucous? (for example Carbocisteine) as this might help.
Hi, I intitially had to almost stop excercise when I first got ill, but this was mainly due to the long covid symptoms which have now thankfully gone. So I play table tennis once or twice a week and do some dog walking, and am fairly active in general. The exercise does help a bit to clear my lungs so long as I’m careful to drink plenty of water at intervals. I will ask about carbocystine as many people including the pharmacist have recommended it. Thanks for your advice. S
A saline solution in your nebuliser should help loosen mucus, and if you doctors thinks you need it he can prescribe the saline solution and salbutamol as well. Are you on Carbocistine tablets which also help with chest clearance? Seeing a respiratory physio to be shown breathing techniques and chest clearance is another option. I used my nebuliser 3 times a day and fortunately don’t need it any more.
Hi Biker88, I have a salbutamol inhaler but haven’t been offered carbocistine, but have heard about it here and will ask the gp. Haven’t been offered an appointment with physio either, guess I just have to keep pestering. Great that you don’t need to use your nebuliser now and heartening to hear that some people’s condition improves.
Sounds like you need to see a specialist Bronchiectasis Consultant: they would give you a lot more support than you've been given by the consultant you have seen.
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Just breathe normally I use Salbutamol with the saline but use what you are told to. If you were in hospital they would give you the nebuliser 4 hourly so safe to do the same at home, it really should help you. Best of luck
I use the same, I also have a nose shower, which helps. Use neb a couple of times a day or three, depending on congestion. Shower once daily or when you need. Breathe normally, a few deep breaths nasally and orallySee how it goes
Try NAC. Excellent at loosening phlegm. It’s a supplement that is an anti-m
sorry bout that. It’s an anti mucolic. Works very well. Look it up.
Hi. I have bronchiectasis and also have problems clearing my lungs through breathing exercises. For the past 2+ years I have used a hospital issued nebuliser using salbutamol and saline. It is imperative that you keep your nebuliser parts spotlessly clean, we clean our washing bowl first before washing the washable parts in clean soapy water every time I nebulise. It’s a pain there’s no denying it but I have read that there is reluctance to issue nebulisers unless they are really required due to the risk of infections from lack of cleanliness. I also use Carbocisteine, Montelukast, a Fostair inhaler and Beclometasone because I have chronic sinusitis. I find that exercise and fresh air are almost as good as any medication. I was told to get slightly out of breath every day to help. Good luck.
Hi Jeaniseuge and thanks for your reply and advice on nebuliser cleaning. I’ve been washing the cleanable parts (everything but the compressor) in soapy water in a clean glass bowl. Then I leave the parts to dry on clean kitchen roll. But it’s impossible to completely dry the inside of the tubing. My gp has issued a prescription of mucoclear 3% and I’ve also begun taking carbocysteine tablets. This will be my second day on theses meds and no immediate improvement but I expect it takes a while to make a difference. I hope so as I still wake up feeling like I’ve swallowed a box of slugs
Glad to hear that you are now on carbocisteine, I can’t remember how long it was before I felt any benefit and I don’t notice any immediate problems if I miss a few. Looks like you have the cleaning under control but you shouldn’t try to wash through the tubing as you can never get everything out of it. You should just run it for a few seconds after use and I always run it for a few seconds dry before using again. Take care.
It's good you are on carbocisteine, my physiotherapist also gave me a PEP device, which helps me a lot, as I struggled to bring up the nasty stuff xx