PIP rejected…..Advice needed please 🙏 - Lung Conditions C...

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PIP rejected…..Advice needed please 🙏

Topgunele profile image
41 Replies

Hi everyone. Hope you’re ok. So as expected my PIP application has been rejected. Most of the relevant information for my claim was not included by the assessor. Misinformation was also included and some outright false information was given by the assessor! So I now need to go down the mandatory reconsideration route…..any suggestions with the appeal please? I have Asthma, COPD, Crohn’s Disease and Generalised Anxiety Disorder. …. The assessment itself caused me distress and trauma but because I did the assessment without being accompanied I was deemed to have no anxiety! I know, it’s unbelievable. Apparently because I don’t get breathless when sitting still I have no breathing issues!! I can’t use public transport because of my anxiety but apparently I can! …. The list is endless with regards to all the discrepancies between my actual assessment and the report….,look forward to your advice……and thank you for listening x

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Topgunele profile image
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41 Replies
teddyd profile image

I would suggest you go to citizens advise or contact a welfare rights officer. A large percentage of applications are declined but are successful on appeal so try and stay positive.

Spacecat1 profile image
Spacecat1 in reply to teddyd

Don't give in. Try age concern they Are supposed to be good

Topgunele profile image
Topgunele in reply to teddyd

Thank you teddyh, I did expect it as the assessors report did not reflect what had been discussed in the assessment. I will contact CAB next week, thank you for the advice. It’s very hard not to feel deflated but I will try stay positive, thank you again

Yumz199725 profile image

This is so awful 💔, I'm waiting for my claim to assesd and hopefully get a face to face appointment. I have been rejected a few times but this time I will fight the descion if they choose not to award me pip. They wrote some awful things in my report so I know how you feel 😣🫤 x

Topgunele profile image
Topgunele in reply to Yumz199725

I don’t understand how the assessors can get away with it. They said I don’t have anxiety! I have generalised anxiety disorder diagnosed by GP and am starting counselling in a weeks time. I am now on anti depressants following the assessment as I found it so distressing that it tipped me over the edge! How can they say I do not have anxiety! I hope you get a good result this time around as we don’t deserve to be treated like this. We don’t choose to have these conditions. These are lifelong conditions that we have, not a lifestyle choice. Good luck with your application, I really hope you are successful xx

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Topgunele

Yeah i know it's awful what they can get away with saying 😥. One of them said I showed overwhelming signs of phycological distress! Basically telling it was all in my head I mean how dare they! This time it needs to be face to face so they can see me and not just assume because of my age I dont have every day struggles. Health has just been so bad this year 💔. It's so bad how they treated you!! Please tell me your gona fight there descion x

Fresco profile image

Appeal GP consultant has to document it.

johnkent profile image

Don't get disheartened as most people it would seem get turned down on the first application, anyone would think the assessors remit is to reject a certain percentage regardless of the medical evidence

Topgunele profile image
Topgunele in reply to johnkent

Thank you, it’s so hard not to get disheartened but I am going to try fight this. I think you have a good point, I think they do probably have a rejection target to hit. Especially since they miss important information out of their reports

johnkent profile image
johnkent in reply to Topgunele

The mandatory reconsideration will probably be turned down too but when you get to the appeal stage it's with 3 independent people one being a doctor so if you have your medical proof up-to-date they will no doubt authorise your PIP application. Good luck and stick with it

Biker88 profile image

sounds like the standard initial assessment, they expect genuine people to appeal and go through the process again, those who are not so genuine give up and don’t both to appeal

Topgunele profile image
Topgunele in reply to Biker88

Thank you Biker88. That’s made me more determined. It’s so unfair to put genuine people through so much distress though, especially when they are dealing with their conditions

Alberta56 profile image

Try not to let this get you down. I think I told you that my daughter and I were so disheartened when her application was rejected that it took us several months to think of appealing. (I didn't realise at first that you could appeal.) Same story as yours -misinformation and grossly underestimating her problems. Contact the Cit's Advice -they have plenty of experience in dealing with PIP problems. And the best ofluck.

Topgunele profile image
Topgunele in reply to Alberta56

Thank you, yes I remember your previous msgs, really appreciate you spending time to give me advice again. Same with everyone else on here that has replied, thank you ☺️. I will definitely contact CAB. Thank you again ☺️

B0xermad profile image

Hi any doctors hospital letters you have ,test results etc and I would certainly recommend using the COPD as your primary condition as that is the most likely long term condition that's a permanent focus for you,how it makes your day go when you are breathless what is your worst days rather than what you are able to do.a list of repeat prescription list also and have a back up person with you .I wish you good 🤞 luck.

Topgunele profile image
Topgunele in reply to B0xermad

Thank you! I have already supplied consultant letters, test results, hospital discharge letters, copies of prescriptions etc…..I don’t think they take any notice of these. I do think I need someone to be with me next time. I’m going to speak with CAB next week, thank you

leo60 profile image

I cannot believe how cruel they can be. Sorry you have had to go through this, it really doesn't help anxiety or self worth does it?

There's been lots of great advice, I would definitely get CAB or Age Concern to help, it's such a mire on your own.

Good luck and go back fighting the injustice!😘 xx

Topgunele profile image
Topgunele in reply to leo60

Thank you, you hit the nail on the head there. After the assessment I broke down and could not recover from it for several days….so I have had to go on anti depressants…….that assessment was one of the most distressing things I have ever been through. I was so upset and distressed throughout the assessment but the report said there was nothing wrong with my mental health 🤷🏼‍♀️. Yet I’m under GP for it and start counselling in a weeks time. Also it was stated that I have no breathlessness yet I was coughing throughout the assessment and constantly clearing my throat. I will definitely try CAB and Age Concern, thank you for your advice and best wishes xx

leo60 profile image
leo60 in reply to Topgunele

I mentioned how distressing it was in both my written application and in my (phone) assessment. I cried and made her wait until I had got myself together! I also told them that I was prescribed Oramorph for anxiety and a letter from my respiratory team backed this up, but they said I had no anxiety!

I wish you well in your battle with them! Let us know how you get on 😘 xx

Tryfan profile image

as an ex volunteer with CAB.The one thing I learned with PiP and other similar claims. The section where you are asked to name someone who knows you best. Most people make the obvious and natural mistake of naming husband, wife, or sibling. This is a mistake and will invariably lead to your claim being refused. You need to put your GP or hospital consultant in that section. I know, I know, what you are going to say. But.Believe me, if you don't name a medic, a professional, it will fail.

tomc profile image
tomc in reply to Tryfan

So true but, I would also gather your medical letters and medication and the big gun..... your consultant who can not be intimidated nor tell porkies and that scares the living daylights out of NON qualified assessors 🤣💖

panthor profile image

Hi Topgunele, the first thing I would do is contact PIP (contact details on your letter and probs a long wait) and ask for an extension to your Mandatory Reconsideration deadline date, preferably a month which will give you more time to get advice from Citizens advice and then try to get any documentation, reports and care plans from Doctors, Consultants, care teams and even ask family and friends to write letters if they help or support you with anything. Hope this helps!

Topgunele profile image
Topgunele in reply to panthor

Thank you. I will be contacting PIP and CAB and age concern. I’ve already supplied all hospital and consultant letters but these don’t appear to have helped. I know this is going to take a lot of hard work. I just got so distressed in the assessment, was so anxious and didn’t cope well at all. Thank you for your advice, really appreciated

leo60 profile image
leo60 in reply to Topgunele

Turn the distress into anger 😡!! Xx

anng18 profile image

Hi Topgunele,

How very frustrating and humiliating!

In addition to others' advice, I would go through the assessor's information with a fine tooth comb, ensuring that any false information from the assessor is clarified. You have to remember, when doing this to express how your ailments interfere with everyday activities and mobility. Do not try and do this when you are cross. You need to be very calm and detached or it will come across as too emotional and be rejected. I failed my initial PIP application and mandatory reconsideration. I took it to the appeal court and did it all by paper. Getting evidence, even if it is just printing out medical notes is extremely helpful!

Do get some help, if this is difficult for you to do. Wish you the best of luck and hoping you succeed!

Topgunele profile image
Topgunele in reply to anng18

Hi anng18, thank you so much for your advice, really appreciate it. I got a copy of the assessor’s report before I received my rejection letter so I sort of knew it was coming. But seeing it on paper with misinformation and important missing information and harsh rejection really hit hard. Any idea how I can print out my medical records please? The NHS app doesn’t seem to have a print option. I want to be able to give as much info as possible to fight this! Thank you again x

Ergendl profile image

As well as getting someone from an organisation like the Citizens Advice Bureau or Age Concern, check out the website Benefits and Work who do some great guides and have a forum for helping people claim benefits: benefitsandwork.co.uk/

Topgunele profile image
Topgunele in reply to Ergendl

Thank you. I will be contacting CAB and Age Concern. I am already subscribed with Benefits and work so I will take a look on there too. Thank you for your advice x

Karenanne61 profile image

Also, remember why you are claiming pip, i.e. your illness causes extra expenses such as a cleaner because you can't do house work or taxis because you can't use public transport etc, then focus on explaining this in the relevant sections. I've just had to apply for a renewal of my pip and now it's an anxious wait till, probably, next February. Don't lose heart. Good luck.

tomc profile image
tomc in reply to Karenanne61

I just had my PIP renewed for another 10 years..... although the chap was a bit lippy on the phone he did pull through for me.

Unfortunately, I am 72 and although my condition is far worse than it was at the tome of the original assessment, I could not get an increase in my disability award but kept my full award for daily living.

I do not feel hard done by by the decision I feel grateful for a little bit of paper saying this is what is wrong with this gentleman and it is a lifelong worsening ailment.

PS I am not happy with the lifelong deteriorating condition but, hayho!!!

Topgunele profile image
Topgunele in reply to Karenanne61

Hi Karenanne61, thank you for your advice, I hadn’t taken into account the expenses side of things. That’s a long wait for a review isn’t it. Hope it goes ok, good luck 🤞 x

katieoxo60 profile image

Hello Topgunele , sorry to hear your claim was refused . Now you must put in straight away for review and appeal so you don't loose your chance. Next step you need a local group that deals with these things like citizens advice , Age Uk does it for people over 50 , and mind for the anxiety part , some local churches have benefits advisers and the local council. But you need someone on yourside and may eventually need to take it on a point of law. I could not tell you without all your paperwork and personal details. The breathless bit is not what the regulations say, however I would say have you had a breathing test done at hospital to prove your lung capaclty because that could help. You may need more medically specific details even though its supposed to be based on how the diagnosis effects your ability to do daily tasks. Previously I explained to you that the assessor has to take into account the multiple effects of more than one illness i.e Asthma & COPD both affect your respiration , which causes anxiety at double strength in most people, when having an asthma attack you could need help to bring you back to normal breathing and no one having an asthma attack can do much till it is over and breathing back to normal. You need a full report on how your health issues effect you when they do occur. I have three inhalers to control my COPD/asthma but I still get severe coughing attacks and breathlessness doing normal daily tasks. I cannot walk at normal pace for my age these are ideas of what proving your right involves, its not just saying I have this illness . So you need someone who can rephrase how your symptoms effect your ability to lead a normal daily life. Sometimes quite simple things can sway it. Sorry I can't do your case for you . But every best wish for finding an advisor who is on your side and elequent with words. Good luck with the next phase, please keep us updated.

Topgunele profile image
Topgunele in reply to katieoxo60

Hi Katie. Good to hear from you again. And thank you for your great advice as always. I did send spiro results, consultant letters, appointment letters, hospital discharge letters, copies of prescriptions etc but I don’t think any of these were taken into consideration. I felt so intimidated by the assessor as he constantly interrupted me and I felt backed into a corner and so anxious and distressed. But when I saw the assessor report I couldn’t believe it, it totally floored me, it has so much misinformation and missing information, hence I now on anti depressants on top of everything else. You’re right that COPD and asthma makes you more anxious, then of course the anxiety makes your breathing and heart rate faster so it’s vicious circle. Having had an asthma attack a year ago scared me so much…..even though I told the assessor about the asthma attack and it’s on my application form this was ignored! The assessor did not include this in his report! So he noted that I had only had 1 x exacerbation in 12 months, which is not true. I have had 2 in 12 months but was diagnosed less that 12 months ago so he tried tripping me up on that. He said I wasn’t breathless during the assessment but I was as I was constantly coughing and clearing throat as my Asthma COPD was not good on that day, probably exacerbated by the anxiety and distress! He said my mental health was fine despite me being very upset and distressed throughout the assessment. I think the assessor was purely doing a tick box assessment and not actually paying attention to my answers, because he interrupted me on numerous occasions. I also think that because he admitted to having had COPD for several years that he compared symptoms to his own which is very wrong! The assessor was a nurse of some kind, not a doctor, not a consultant so he should not have been in a position to claim anything about my mental or physical health. I believe this is why claims are being rejected, because it is a tick box exercise that is being done. I am going to appeal and speak with CAB and Age UK. I have just received a letter from my Respiratory consultant today following my appointment in July, who has advised in the letter that I remain symptomatic with concerns including breathlessness and fatigue. It also has a lot of medical jargon in it but I wonder if it’s worth showing this letter to PIP? I am also now on anti depressants, would it be worth providing copy of the box of antidepressants with my name on it? I really want to fight this now, even if I can help other people too. Thank you again for taking time to reply xx

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to Topgunele

I am very pleased to hear from you and that you will appeal. I forgot you can't be ill unless you have had a certain amount of exacberations in a year and one is not enough sorry but that's my sarcasm coming through as with Asthma & other lung conditions we take drugs to prevent flare ups. Some patients do have flare ups regularly. I had COVID 19 but did not go to the GP, but it is recorded. Any evidence you have supply to them but keep proof for yourself also. Send a copy of the latest consultant report sounds good evidence to me. Go through you refusal letter bit by bit and pick out the incorrect facts, not sure about the depression tablets think you have to be a long term user. You need an appointment with CAB or AgeUK but Age UK will come to the house. By the way if you read my letters recently from doctors or Physio you would be forgiven for thinking I was well and I have lung cancer diagnosed in both lungs besides my other chronic long term illnesses and growing old. As my family say there are loads of seriously ill patients out there leading restricted lifes but surviving none the less and don't necessarily seem ill to an onlooker. You surprise me it was only a nurse who did your appraisel. Actually I think it should be someone who deals with the effects of disability in normal living circumstances. The first assessment I had was at a remploy unit who specialise in disability in the workplace, long before these benefits existed. Stay strong xx

tomc profile image

I have heard of things like this B4,

I would always suggest you have someone with with a recorder to record your interview, your inhalers and use it throughout your interview.

Also find the citizens advice group and arrange an appointment with one of their assessors who can help you throughout the form filling and also submit you with a formulated submission.

Your hospital consultant also would be able to provide information on you overall condition, Like, if you have other problems that exasperate your breathing and any other info on your condition/ health.

Finally you GP My GP was an enormous help and missed NO areas of my multiple health issues.

GO FOR MANDATORY RECONSIDERATION well prepared with both guns smoking.

PS. whether you need to use your inhaler at interview or not....... USE IT AT THE INTERVIEW .

Good luck.

Mavary profile image

Hi Topgunele. I went through Age Concern for mine. Citizens advice would help you just the same. They don’t do it for you. They advise you how to go about it. My Sister had to go through a tribunal to get hers and there are others I know that have had to go down the long road of fighting it. Maybe get letters from any Drs or Consults as to how you are. Good luck! If it was made easy there would be many more people getting it.

Topgunele profile image

Hi Mavary. Thank you for your advice. I am certainly going to try CAB and Age Concern. The more I read about how many people on here have been rejected, the more determined I am, but I’m also shocked at how the system is still treating invisible disabilities! I have been told that apparently people with drug abuse and alcohol abuse are more likely to get PIP than people with invisible disabilities, how can that be fair or right? Sounds like discrimination towards people with invisible disabilities to me. We do not self inflict our illnesses! We do not choose to have these conditions yet we are discriminated against because of having these lifelong, chronic illnesses. There must be something in the disability Act or Equality Act to protect us surely? Aren’t we supposed to be treated equally to those with physical disabilities? Sorry for rant, just infuriating that this is happening to so many people that are already struggling and suffering enough x

Bevvy profile image

I assume you sent in lots of medical information with your initial application. Now send them information written by family and friends. I know several people who have done this and it HAS made a difference.

If you look on CAB website they will give tips for mandatory appeal which are helpful. Unfortunately with this appeal there is a time limit so any actions you want to take have to be quick.

bobmochi profile image

I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Here are some steps you can take for your mandatory reconsideration:

Gather Evidence: Collect all the medical evidence you have, including letters from your GP, specialists, and any other healthcare providers. Make sure this evidence clearly explains how your conditions impact your daily life and mobility.

Write a Detailed Letter: In your request for mandatory reconsideration, address each point in the assessor's report where you believe there was a mistake or misinformation. Be clear and specific about how your conditions affect you.

Get Support: Consider seeking help from a welfare rights advisor, a local Citizens Advice Bureau, or a charity that supports people with your conditions. They can offer advice and sometimes help you draft your reconsideration request.

Mention the Impact: Highlight how the assessment itself affected your mental health, especially since it caused distress and trauma. Mention that you weren’t accompanied during the assessment due to your condition, not because you lack anxiety.

Deadline: Remember, you have one month from the date of your decision letter to request a mandatory reconsideration.

For more detailed advice, you can check out The Geek Insights. url : thegeekinsights.com/

Taking these steps should strengthen your appeal. Good luck, and I hope you get the outcome you deserve.

katieoxo60 profile image

Just noticed this in the news flashes Topgunele, the criteria for PIP assessments as changed, thought you would want to know asap . The new way is about helping to get disabled back into work , so that might explain some of the comments in your refusal report. Think you will need help to appeal. Apparently they are attempting to streamline all assessment criteria to be the same no matter which benefit you are claiming. Not sure it will work so you may need to fight harder including new claiments . Good Night. xx

starskyd profile image

Sorry to hear of all these problems. I've had same issue twice. I have asthma, bronchiectasis, epilepsy, gastric reflux, anxiety also.I too can't use public transport due to anxiety/ panic attacks and can't drive due to epilepsy. Blatant lies were told, I take 18 pills daily, but was told not Ill enough....I was told another time bronchiectasis not diagnosed!!! All lies, stick with mandatory reconciliation and if no luck go to tribunal... I did twice and twice they reversed decision. It's very stressful applying for pip, but we owe it too ourselves to fight the injustice. Good Luck

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