Tonight painting is again two square canvases, The first a colouful misty daybreak.
The second is inspired by Canadian Folk Artist Maud Lewis Black Cat at Cowley Abbott.
Maud Lewis was a cripple to RA amongst other things - She left the safety of her aunts home, to find work as a live in housekeeper.
The house was tiny in fact one up and one down. The room was 4.1X 3.8Ms -The upstairs was a loft with one bed -
She was later to marry Everett who would help her with her art - Getting her paint and brushes, both not very good.
She did however despite being a cripple, and was in pain much of the time,manage to sell some painting,
She did not makea lot of money - She like many artist before and after her, was rich AFTER her death in 1970.