Blood Moon Garden is part abstract. and Fantasy Art.
Poor lighting in Lancashire made this photo difficult, sun made it strobe and then dark and rain, meant lack of detail.
Blood Moon Garden is part abstract. and Fantasy Art.
Poor lighting in Lancashire made this photo difficult, sun made it strobe and then dark and rain, meant lack of detail.
Very good and nice and colourful Ern. Xxx❤️
I love this painting. One of my favourites so far, I think.
That's intriguing. i could let my imagination run riot. xxx
Love it. If only all our rivers were that blue. A real dark sky. Vibrant colours on shrubs on bank. xx
I love this to see the nightsky,stars & moon.ii like Yr flower border,bushes & our lovely mountains too 🥰
Beautiful Ern 😊One of my favourites so far. I look at it and it calms me 😊❤️. Thank you xxx
Hello Ern. I can’t even tell you how much I love your posts 😍. Your paintings brighten my day. They’re wonderful.
This is different Ern. Very good. I like this painting one of my favourites. I like the colours of the flowing river, the backdrop of the shrubs and the blood moon in the night sky. For me a perfect utopia. Thank you for sharing Ern. xx
Very cool painting! Gives a sense of serenity.
I luv to come back+ revisit yr paintings Ernt. Ths ones home frm home x
Ern: On a clear night you walk us through the familiar field of wildflowers to the banks of the stream, all is quiet except for a few crickets and water slipping around rocks. Oh, the ri of the dusky bushes; they look so different in moonlight than they do in the day. I stand in awe of the dome overhead and reflect on how fortunate we are to be here at this juncture
"Richness of the color of those bushes" is what I meant