That is how much weight in body fluid that I have just lost virtually overnight due to a diarrhoea bug. This was followed by excruciatingly painful stomach gas ejections (or farting as the NHS Site calls it.) I honestly can't understand how the porcelain remained intact, I could swear that one blast lifted me a couple of inches off the seat. The runs went on and on all night and half the next day and two days of gas eruptions followed, not that one knew for a fact that it would be just gas, nor was it. My nether region was in tatters and thank heavens for Vaseline intensive care with aloe vera .
Now I knew that I was carrying a lot of oedema as a recent echocardiogram has confirmed advanced heart failure and my left leg was almost 50% larger than my right with massive stomach bloating, this despite 80 mg a day of furosemide, naturally I have discontinued that for a while as need to replace fluid just now. However, the irony doesn't escape me as despite all the pain and misery, ( it's not easy trying to scuttle to the bathroom whilst attached to an oxygen line, treading on it and nearly tearing my ears off, whilst carrying a bucket in case of vomiting occurring, as my stomach was dramatically convulsing ) the fact is that just for the moment, all the oedema and bloating has gone and apart from a few ominous rumbles, I am much more comfortable than I was before the virus, big price to pay, but as they say, no pain, no gain, every cloud and all that.
The heart failure...mainly left side has apparently now placed me in final stage COPD as my doctor gently put it and he has personally taken over my treatment and says his job is to keep me comfortable and alive as long as possible...prognosis two years, which is better than I expected.
Just had to do another moon walk to the loo, it isn't giving up easy.