Doctor finally sent me to hospital after 5 weeks trying a few things to get rid thrush he gave me a mouth rinse to take after food to rinse as long as possible then spit out and at night to take my teeth out and leave overnight steeping in Milton it is getting better now and got another appointment on Wednesday with him what a difference can eat now take care allx
update on bad mouth thrush: Doctor... - Lung Conditions C...
update on bad mouth thrush

Pleased to hear things are improving at long last primrose. Glad you’re now comfortable eating. Take care xxxx❤️
What a nightmare for you Primrose lets hope you are on the up and back to normal quickly x
My best advice would be to cut out sugar from your diet nearly completely for a while . sugar helps candida albicans (the fungus that causes thrush) to grow.
Also take a probiotic to replenish the good bacteria in your gut that the antibiotics works have wiped out …
Hi primrose, you probably do this anyway but thought I'd mention it. I gargle & rinse at least 4 times after using my Fostairs inhaler and gargle before I use it too. Still get the odd sore in my mouth but seems to help minimise them (doesn't stop the dry mouth though!🙄) xxx
Thank goodness the doc was able to help! Glad things are more comfortable for you now.
xx Moy
just been given Nystatin as a test found thrush in my mouth and throat .
I guess it accounts for my hoarse voice .
Ordered some plain yogurt too , trying to cut back on sugary stuff .
Best of luck with yours .
Mouth thrush is awful hope you get sorted