hi is anyone else geting refused there rescue packs now ? Thought the whole point of them is you have them in case of emergencies
rescue meds: hi is anyone else geting... - Lung Conditions C...
rescue meds

mine were stopped a few years ago, but to be fair the hospital put me on an antibiotic as a prophylactic and I only had one chest infection in that time.
I was given a replacement pack last week.
I remember this being discussed before but unfortunately can't remember the outcome.🤦♀️ My rescue meds are on my repeat script list but I know other members were having difficulties. If you search the previous posts should be available.
Quite a few people here have. I'd speak to Yr gp or the practise pharmacist, stating why u need them x
Mine are on repeat script and I can order them at will. I am one of the lucky ones though, I believe. I do feel that they should be there as and when needed. xx
Yep. Since I moved here to a town in Gloucestershire 9 years ago the gp hasn't allowed me a rescue pack even though I was trained by London practice to manage my own lungs which of course have deteriorated over this time. I'm expecting them to remove rescue inhaler from my prescription at any time. Swines
I have no problem with my surgery over this, although my lung problems are serious and varied, and they have instructions from the Brompton. But for ANYONE with a diagnosed lung condition, I just can’t see what’s gained by this. We’ve all had an infection which starts on a Friday evening & gallops through the weekend. What are you supposed to do? Wait until Mon & risk pneumonia or sepsis? Go to A&E? It’s utter stupidity
I have asthma, and my GP surgery and consultant are very clear that rescue packs are not generally recommended any longer for asthma.
I still get mine, they havent told me any different
Mine is on repeat for asthma, although I recently had an 11 day hospital trip including icu. My consultant said even beforehand that I should have a rescue pack.
I went armed with strong arguement to GP this month and was given one very reluctantly but told i am to ring them as i would still need to be seen. In practice, this was not the case a couple of months ago when i rang in on a Monday morning after a bad weekend and later got a text from a GP who had done a prescription - and no chance therefore for a discussion, yet alone to be seen.
I am on repeat prescription for theses, I hope they don’t stop them as I’ve had to use them 3 times over the Christmas period.
Hi Shannon25 I have also been refused my rescue pack ive allways been told to have them at home and that's meant to be part of your home care plan its ridiculous.
I have found sometimes it can be in the name. I tend to call it my step up plan. So if my asthma is bad I increase steroids and nebs. If there is an infection I add in antibiotics. Medics can be a little more receptive to this rather than rescue or emergency, which rings alarm bells about being in hospital.
Seems odd so maybe too many rescue pack in the past prescribed or they want you to be seen before committing themselves to over prescribed drugs, who knows it could be different districts
yes I have never had a rescue pack, both my GP and consultant say the same we don’t give antibiotics until we see the results of a sputum test. The symptoms could be caused by bacterial, viral or fungal infection and as I have emphysema and Aspergillosis antibiotics are not likely to be of any use
I’m still getting mine. I have very strongly written letters from my consultants I’m to be given them. I can’t see the point in withholding them because infections always happen at weekends or bank holidays. Good luck in your quest to get yours.
I have been refused my rescue pack Was told by the consultant they didn't want patients to take antibiotics if not needed two weeks after l had a very bad chest infection couldn't get appointment at GP this made it very difficult
Ive never had one Wythenshawe hospital (I think-but not sure have spoken about them) but Ive never request them I dont know whether its a case of having to be eligible for htem
I was never allowed antibiotics as rescue meds only steroids, but when I had a visit to asthma nurse, they insisted so put on my prescription
Had to use mine at the end of November, and surgery replaced it as soon as I asked. The whole point of these meds is to back off or minimise the effects of a potentially serious infection. By the time you would fight your way through the modern system of access to a doctor, an infection could have become deeply established (and end up costing the NHS a lot more, too!) What is their rationale for this - do they think you’re trying to set up a black market sideline?
when I changed doctor surgeries because of moving mine for stopped That was years ago x
Up to know I just ask when need rescue pack and get them no problems
Although my partner is able to get a rescue pack, we have to jump through hoops to get one and to be able to use it! They insist that a clinician has to see him before he uses it. He is housebound and relies on home visits. It can make things very difficult.
Maybe have a phone appointment with your GP to discuss why you need it.
Hope things go well for you
Hi Shannon,
There seems to be a very mixed picture regarding prescribing rescue packs to be kept at home.
I wonder if this helps at all ?
I haven’t tracked down current NICE guidelines to rescue packs - if I do then will post them up to you.
There is another thing you could do to find more information from your practice which is to seek out your local PPG - Patient Participation Group which is attached to your surgery. The PPG’s are there as a bridge between the practice and the patients. You could approach the PPG and ask them to tell you what the current policy of the practice is re. rescue packs.
We appreciate don’t we the current approach to anti microbial resistance to help us to be able to have antibiotics which will actually work when we need them too ?
Go well.
I’m feeling lucky judging from some peoples comments , I have my rescue meds on repeat and if I ring my surgery I’m always seen that day ( on my notes it says must be seen if he rings ).
My husband only has to ring and ask for replacement, as he uses his quite often having severe COPD now, also they have him on a daily anti biotic, not that these prevent to infections, which of course as the condition progresses get worse all the time, most with hospitalisations.
COPD, the most awful condition, if only he had known what the cigs would have done so many years smoking. They should be banned.