COPD & RESCUE PACKS: Could someone... - Lung Conditions C...

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siestasue profile image
36 Replies

Could someone please advise me......I have a cold starting yesterday which is making me breathless and cough more but my mucus is clear.

Should I start one or both of the tablets or none?

I have known in the past that I needed them because of mucus colour but this time I'm not sure.

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siestasue profile image
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36 Replies
jabber profile image

I'd say if breathless or chest tight start your steroids. If there is no change in your mucus production - colour or quantity - don't start anti biotics yet, but do start abs if colour changes. That's what I'd do. And see gp or resp nurse when you can.

Good luck! Why do these things always start at weekends?

ldwilliams profile image

I agree with jabber, sounds good advice to me.

and they start at weekends just like that tooth abscess always seems to do, heh.

fireblade1949 profile image

Hi if your mucus is clear just use your steroids to help with your breathing that's what I do but remember to ask your doctor for more if the cough produces mucus that has colour start your antibiotics. .if your unsure at all consult your doctor....

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply to fireblade1949

Fireblade, I'd like to add , please try to get a sputum pot and have your sputum tested, if it turns darker. Mic

fireblade1949 profile image
fireblade1949 in reply to helingmic

Thanks for reminding me Mic... yes have your sputum tested as well..i do on a regular basis. ...jan

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply to fireblade1949

Good! By the way, if you have put 1949, this was a good vintage year! I was born in 1949 and never regretted it! Mic

fireblade1949 profile image
fireblade1949 in reply to helingmic

And the 19th of June was a good day that's when I was born ah ha! ! Good days

I had this problem a few weeks ago. I had a bit of a cough but my sputum was white so I didn't take my emergency pack. My breathing got bad then next day, bad enough for A&E ( First time for about a year ). Blood tests showed an infection, but the mucus colour didn't change until about 3 days later. I stayed in for a week. In future I will be erring on the side of caution !

doublecee profile image
doublecee in reply to Puffthemagicdragon

I had exactly the same problem on Easter Sunday and ended up in A+E and was admitted foe three days.

Have a nebulizer now tho' so hope to be able to look after myself a liltte better.

Scud profile image

I personally would get it checked out I only take mine if the mucus has changed if it is colourless I would get the cough checked out.

Sohara profile image

After several decades of having bronchiectasis. I have NEVER had a cold that did not go to my chest & cause an infection. So my consultant told me years ago to always start ab's straight away. If you only have COPD then the advice may be different Any cold always means several courses of ab's to clear the resultant chest infection for me. Time & experience will help you know your body. The major thing for me is to avoid as much as possible catching a cold in the first place.

fireblade1949 profile image
fireblade1949 in reply to Sohara

If you have COPD you will be prone to infection... i have to tell everyone who visits me if they suspect they have a cold , sore throat, cough or feel unwell at all please do not visit as I will pick it up and it will not be bog standard it will turn into something nasty for a COPD sufferer as resistance is very low.......

Mozzer1953 profile image

Hello all I agree the mucus can take a few days to change colour, but in general I usually ache all over. I then know that I'm going to be extremely I'll. By the way because I've been taking steroids for some time now. I have developed Osteopenia this was picked up by a chest X-ray. Unfortunately I've also got Osteoarthritis of the spine, hips and most joints am awaiting bone scan.

onamission profile image

I have recently done a PR course and the physiotherapist told us that she had seen lots of people with high dependency to steroids because the first sign of a cold they would start steroids.

I started with the flu yesterday last year I had go the flu many times it makes you wonder if the flu jab works

Mollysdad profile image
Mollysdad in reply to onamission

Hello Onamission. My UK flu jab worked in the UK. I went to the USA for Christmas, Grand-kids had flu and I caught it BIG time, Luckily I always take my rescue meds which helped the Breathing but not the rest of the Flu symptoms . Thinking I should change my nickname to SirCoughalot ;-)

onamission profile image
onamission in reply to Mollysdad

Grand-kids are the best thing since sliced bread until they get the flu, take care

Mollysdad profile image
Mollysdad in reply to onamission

100% right Onamission, 3 Grand- kids in the UK + 2 in the USA = Wonderful !

weelspeed profile image

hi I was told a cold is a virus anibiotics would be no use.

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply to weelspeed

Weelspeed, quite so. but in our condition (bronchiectasis, COPD, emphysema, etc.) the lungs are weak, the alveoli don't work properly and mucus tends to stagnate. It's the perfect pool for bacteria to develop. A virus may come, but whatever may be inside us (dormant pseudomonas, Moxarella, Mycobacterium) They can be activated. Then you end up with a full blown infection. This is what a GP told me. Mic

helingmic profile image

Hi siestasue, Two weeks ago, i started a cold, because everybody around me had one. It kept going for a week, the next Saturday, it really streamed. I had taken Vicks first defence and some Paracetamol. But my nose started to hurt, as well as my forehead; my left ear was blocked. I know from experience that Moxarella exhibits these symptoms, as well as the chest being infected. so I started Clarithromycin, my drug. It's difficult to chase away and I started having might sweats. So I'm persisting with AB.

My lesson is that , in our condition ( mine is bronchiectasis and a poor immune system) It's really not much use to say, "Oh it will pass" because our system is weak. So, if , like jabber says, you feel worse and it's not shifting, take your ABs. In the long run, I think it might be better. Mic

helingmic profile image

helenann12. I took the liberty to copy your post for a friend whose wife is suffering with lots of water in her lungs which has to be pumped out every 2 days. My friend fears the worse.

It may be that your advice can help and also inspire my friend to action. Thank you so much for this post. Mic

bookbaby profile image

Hi Helenann12, I've just read your posting about vitamins A and D2 and think it's really interesting and worth giving a try. Do you have to have the vitamins prescribed or can you buy them over the counter?



mollymoomoo profile image

i always start my 8 a day tabs and if they dont clear it i then start my second tabs but dont forget to reorder a new rescue pack asap

bookbaby profile image

Hi Helenann12,

Thanks you so much for your speedy reply. I will order them online and will keep you informed about my progress. I am recently diagnosed with COPD stage 2 (moderate). My diagnosis only came about because I got a DVT in my leg and they couldn't figure out why I got it. The diagnosed me with polychthemia ( too many red blood cells) and again couldn't figure out why I had this until they tested me for COPD which came back positive.

I'm so pleased for you that your wife is seeing such amazing results considering how serious a situation she was in. It's just such fantastic results and I dearly hope her improvements continue and you have many years left together.

Thanks again and take care, Linda x

I am on a rescue pack now, had one earlier with just a weeks break between them.

First pack taken as GP prescribed, 6 x prednisilone 5mg per day plus 1 x clarithromycin 500 mg. Take for 7 days then reduce prednisilone by one 5 mg tablet a day............Did that and a week later tight chested and green mucus so started 2nd rescue pack. Had an assesment for pulmonary rehabilitation half way through the first week and discussed this with nurse......They told me to extend the 6 days to ten days and reduce by one every 3 days..........on my second day of 5 a day.

I am concerned that the packs do not seems as effective as the first couple I had.....

helingmic profile image

Dear helenann12,

What a thorough explanation. Thank you.

I realize that I’m taking too little according to what you say. Sainsbury’s cod liver oil has only 400 µg (they state 50% of daily need) and Vitamin D 5 µg (100 % of daily need). So these are way below your dose. Sometimes medics on NHS sites warn to be careful about overdose of Vit A.

Obviously, your consultant thinks it’s fine.

I go very often to chemistdirect. I think I’ll have a go.

My own story of recovery, which took about the same 4 years, is the following.

I had the presence in my sputum of mycobacterium (TB) in 2010. I was very ill at the time and nearly died. It’s the consultant’s microbiologist who found this. This saved my life, as I was given drugs (Rifampicin and Clarithromycin) to fight the bug and to extend the period to 2 ½ years to make sure it was eradicated.

In 2010, my lung function was 30% of the normal stat. I told my consultant that I would go to the gym. This I did 3 times a week for the next 5 years and carrying on. In August 2014, my consultant told me that I was transformed. He showed my chest X-ray where the lungs looked clear (before there were little white spots showing bronchiectasis = enlargement of alveoli). So all these seemed to have dramatically diminished. In October, 2014, I had a CT scan which showed that I only had mild bronchiectasis. This year, a fortnight ago, My new test for my lung function shows that I am now 42% of the normal stat. I am really overjoyed. In January this year, I started learning the flute. This is supported by medical research – and by a counsellor who told me that her daughter stopped having asthma crisis as soon as she learned the flute.

No wonder: I have to stand straight and tall to produce the right sound. I have to blow some hahaha-sounds (I also do this every morning as an exercise). I have to lengthen the time of blowing out in the flute. That certainly shows that learning the flute (or any other woodwind instrument) is beneficial to the lungs.

Perhaps I’m painting a rosy picture (supported by my pulmonary nurse, though!). I don’t pull the wool over my eyes; I do have recurring infections. BUT, this year, although I had Moxarella, I did not have to go to hospital. I only relied on Clarithromycin to get me better and it worked.

I am certain that if you, or anybody else, takes charge of yourself is going to improve your condition.

But with your sensational news on Vit A and Vit D, well, wow! I do want to live, I’m sure that all who are here come here because they want to live. So your article is absolutely brilliant. May you and your wife live a very long time. Cheers, Mic

bookbaby profile image
bookbaby in reply to helingmic

Hi helingmic, helenann12's information seems really promising doesn't it? I've started on the vitamins and am keeping everything crossed that I get the great results that Pat is experiencing. Take care, Linda

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply to bookbaby

Linda, yes, I think vitamin A and D ( Ialso take C + zinc for the immune system) It does seem to improve things slowly.HOpe you feel better soon, Mic

Gelert profile image

Where can I buy vitamin d2 500iu

stilltruckin profile image

Why are you saying vitamin D2 rather than D3 ?

stilltruckin profile image

Ok. But D3 is definitely superior to D2 as a supplement.

suef profile image

In my rescue pack i only have abs no steroids. Beginning of January i got the flu even though id had the jab but im still fighting a chest infection. Should i have bn given steroids?

bookbaby profile image

Hi Pat and Graham Just to let you know that I ordered 2 bottles of each vitamin (so I always have some in store as you suggested) and they arrived a few days ago. I am now taking one of each breakfast and tea time. I will keep you updated as I hope you will about Pat's progress. Take care and thanks again for sharing this with us. Linda

Jays24 profile image

Are the vits A and D you refer to and available at chemist direct, the ones shown on their website as Vit A and D complex and priced at £5.10. Thanks Jill

Gelert profile image

Hi helenann12, Thank you for the information regarding vitamin A 500iu and vitamin d2 500iu. They were delivered yesterday so today is the first day of the rest of my new life. I have been taking vitamin d3 500iu every day for the past year, I assume that I now stop taking these. I am very optimistic that these vitamins will improve the quality of my life, I struggle trying to do the ordinary everyday things such as bathing ,dressing, cleaning, walking so any improvement will be wonderful, I will keep you informed.

illawarra profile image

Helenanb12 I hope you still are active here I am responding to your post. Is that standard Vitamin A that you are suggesting? What is your wife Pat taking daily. That is wonderful about her recovery. I have bronchiectasis which is a COPD? I would be grateful for any assistance. Thank you

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