Please help! My husband is struggling with COPD. We live in a rural town of 800 so doctors are not nearby. He has started swelling. How do you keep that down? We monitor his diet closely, keep his sodium under 2000. What can you do for the cough? It wakes him up every hour. I am taking care of him by myself. Any help would be appreciated.
COPD struggle: Please help! My husband... - Lung Conditions C...
COPD struggle

If he is physically unable to visit the surgery, please request a home visit. It is important he sees a GP to diagnose the cause of the water retention. It could be related to problems with the heart or the kidneys (which are the most sensitive organs affected by oxygen depletion). Are his sats ok? There's a whole lot of questions and you need a medical assessment, preferably with a specialist COPD nurse. I'm on 2 different diuretics to help with fluid retention and try to keep my feet elevated wherever possible. Get the help you need and you can begin to improve both of your qualities of life.
if his oxygen is dropping into the 70s that is not good and should be treated. Is he on an inhaler of any type? There must be some care available for people that can not afford it as he could be doing organ damage if his oxygen is dropping that low and the swelling you are seeing may be a result of that or another medical condition. It is admirable you are trying to do what you can to help him but some things require professional diagnosis and treatment or his health may decline more quickly than would otherwise be the case if he got proper medical treatment.
Thank you for replying. His oxygen levels range from 70 to 90 (on a good day). He does have an inhaler and his oxygen machine. If only we had a doctor and hospital we could trust, and the money of course.
Surely there must be programs to assist with medical expenses for those who can’t afford it. I understand your concerns I’m just afraid he is doing damage to his body and organs because he is not getting adequate medical care. Unless there is something urgent going on I don’t think the hospital would admit him but could diagnose what is going on and provide medication to treat it. It is unlikely his condition will improve without proper treatment. I would hate for him to deteriorate until it became an emergency situation.
I dont't understand the issue with money or access to services. We have the NHS, just use it.
I would get him to Yr most local dr.x
can u take him to the hospital..he needs a oulmonary dr asap and a good GP.. you cannot deal with this on your own..too serious..