Any one else has rapid heart rare when coughing
Coughing and rapid heart heart rate - Lung Conditions C...
Coughing and rapid heart heart rate

Heart over 110 when coughing
Yeah I do and when I sneeze x I remember when I was in hospital with lower respiratory tract infection I would cough and my heart rate would go up to 170. How high is your heart rate going when coughing?? Have you been to the GP?.
It goes to 110 when coughing now my anxiety has kicked in always does when heart rate goes over 90
It is entirely normal for heart rate to increase if coughing. It should then calm down back to an acceptable level. Also if you are coughing due to an infection then that in itself can cause a more rapid heart rate.
Some people always have a fast heart rate. I do and have had various tests over the years which show nothing wrong and it’s just part of me!
If you are worried then speak to your gp so they can judge if additional tests are required.
If you are coughing hard - your heart rate will speed up, that's normal with exertion and anxiety.
Only if your heart rate doesnt fall back to normal after 30 mins it could be a problem. I was told if my heart rate didn't fall under 120 after 30 mins I should go to a&e. My heart rate often goes to 150 on exertion or coughing sneezing but falls quickly. Dont worry about it