My husband has been continually coughing since 06.00h. He felt tight chested and used his nebuliser but the cough is persistent. The only thing that has changed with his medication is the addition of a steroid nasal spray to clear up his sinus inflammation. Has anyone any advice when this sort of flare up happens?
Constant coughing: My husband has been... - Lung Conditions C...
Constant coughing

May be worth doing a covid test then get in touch with your GP after the weekend. Honey and lemon in warm water may soothe and ease the cough.
it could b reflux. Bernardine
I agree with CDPO16 doing a Covid test is probably wise. However be aware that there are many nasty respiratory bugs going around and it could well be one of those.
To try to ease the cough use regular over the counter medications, and warm drinks. If husband is still struggling after weekend I would suggest contacting gp.
Obviously if his breathing becomes poor then contact 111 for advice.
It may help to suck a mint or lozenge.i find gargling water helps relax throat,or tspn clear honey coats the throat.theres also a technique called controlled breathing - pursed lips ( see aluk). It may help
You need to find out the cause of the cough, it could be bacterial, viral, fungal, allergy or stress. After 7 years mine turned out to be an allergic reaction to reflux particularly after lying down at night. The cure was Gaviscon, now on Omeprazole and no more coughing fits
I try a hot honey, lemon and ginger drink to calm things. Ginger in the mug first, then lemon juice and honey to taste, add boiling water, stir and drink when cool enough.
Hoping the cough improves soon.
It could be the sinus inflammation that is causing the cough. If he has alot of mucus it could be like nasal drip settling on his lungs. Try antihistamine and see if it dries up enough to help x
if he’s had sinus problems it has probably gone to his chest. He needs to ensure he’s getting rid of any gunk in his sinuses and keep a watch on his cough it could be the start of an infection. Perhaps tonight he can sleep with his head elevated.
I find Jakemans ?? Throat and chest sweets help ease my coughing fits. The black packet. I had to use my blue inhaler in the middle of the night a few days ago which I don’t usually do. Xx
I had a continuous cough day and night when I had Covid in February 2020. The cough lasted throughout the summer of 2020. My throat never felt right again for almost 2 years. I also had an ongoing sinus infection and a large grape size polyp grew during that same period. There were no doctors to help whatsoever throughout lockdown so…….
The only thing I found that helped ease the cough and painful throat that it caused was drinking hot tea. It didn’t go away for long so therefore more tea was required but at least it gave me a little time to catch my breath before another bout of coughing would occur. My husband even made me tea during the night.
I also took a shot glass of brandy to bed with me to sip. It didn’t help as much as the hot tea but it made me feel a bit better!
I have avamys nasel spray for my chronic sinus it's once a day I myself is coughin terrible I go to bed and being getting up between 1 3 for last 3 weeks I never thought off nasel spray as soon as my eyes open I'm coughing constantly it's nasty and worn out I can understand what a difficult situation it is
there’s definitely something going about- I’m on week 3 of a cold, sinus issues and chesty cough. Sats fine no temp just a horrible virus. I’ve been given steroids to help with the wheezing but not been that great this time at getting rid of the wheeze.