My Husband had a really bad coughing attack this morning and has gone downhill ever since. I rang and asked to speak to the Dr this afternoon as he started a temperature. The Dr rang back within a quarter of an hour. She has prescribed Doxycycline and said if he was any worse by 5.30pm to call and she would call in. I went out to get the prescription and do a little shopping. I left two paracetamol at his bedside. When I returned he hadn't taken them as I didn't put any water for him. So he was progressively worse and shivering. I gave him the paracetamol and made a couple of hot water bottles. I wrapped him in a blanket as well. When the paracetamol wore off we unwrapped him. I will give him more paracetamol before he goes to bed. The Dr said she will be calling in tomorrow anyway.
Coughing: My Husband had a really bad... - Lung Conditions C...

Oh poor soul, hope he improves quickly. Take care of yourself as well Mavary.
Do hope he makes a quick recovery Mavary,that's a worry for you,& like Suzy said,you take care too. xx

Thanks Wendells. He isn't very well at all at the moment. It came on so quick.
Hope he's feeling better soon Mavery, I find doxycycline the best antibiotics for me and hope they do the trick with your husband. Best wishes, Sadie xx
Hi Sadie. We always find Doxycycline is best for my Husband. They gave him Amoxycylin a couple of weeks ago I am wondering if that is why he is not well now. I think it must be a cheaper drug or maybe they keep Doxycycline as a secondary drug.
Yes, Mavary, there are first drugs and second drugs. I hope your doc sees him very soon, It might mean transport to hospital to determine the bug and determine with this the drug that works best for him. Don't delay if your husband doesn't get better, get him to hospital.
I do hope he gets better soon. but help him to see a doctor very soon. Bacteria grow at a very fast rate, like millions in a few hours. That's why time is of the essence. Act quickly. Take care of you both.
Evening Mavery, Sorry to hear your husbands not well, Hope he is up and about soon. Take care Nannyb xxx
Hi Nannyb. Are you up late like I am. I find if I go to bed late there is more chance I will drop off to sleep. Otherwise I could be awake at 4.00 in the morning. No my Husband is not well. He got up this morning and was fine. He then had a coughing fit and couldn't breathe. After that he developed a temperature and has got worse all day. The Dr is coming tomorrow and she is one of the good ones. Knowing her she will be getting him into hospital. I hate having to drive all the way there. Are you ok and how are the bird houses getting on? X
Hi Marvary Oh no what a shame I take doxycyline they are good so hopefully youve caught it early and knock it on its head quickly.Look after you too eh.Do hope he gets well soon its a worry bless him.Takecare keepwell Marvary. Janexx
Thanks Jane. The Dr came in today and gave him some more antibiotics to take with the ones they gave him yesterday and some steroids as well. That should knock it on the head. He already looks brighter and his breathing seems better. X
Mavary, you could ask the ambulance men to take you with him. My wife sued to do this and it was accepted. This is a great comfort he would have.
Evening Mavary, Sorry did not reply sooner, My sleep pattern went out window months ago. I go to bed thinking I am tired and end up still awake when the light is coming through the window. And when I do manage to go to sleep, I'm waking up all the time. How is your hubby? And hope you are ok. xx
Hi Nannyb. I know the feeling of not sleeping. I have some tablets from my Doctor but won't take them unless I really have to. They are addictive. Instead I stay up till 12.30 or 1.00 am then when I go to bed I try to think of nothing. Just think black. My husband was a little better tonight but he went down really quickly yesterday and this morning. The Dr gave him a second lot of antibiotics and some steroids. I'm ok just very worried about him. You look after yourself. X
Hi Mavary, Glad hubby feeling a bit better tonight, your like me, I hate taking meds, unless I really have to. I went to see nurse last week, and I was feeling sorry for my self, so tears flowed, so she automatically said I'll make you an appointment with the doctor, to give you something for depression. I told her no thanks, I just wanted to talk and someone to listen. But they don't have that on prescription. Good job the feeling goes, as quick as it comes. Other wise I would find myself getting fitted for a Jacket, and men in white coats. Hope you both have a good sleep, it's 3.45 now better try myself. Take care sweet dreams. Nannyb xxx
Oh nannyb you must be shattered. I went to bed at 1.00. And was asleep by 1.30. I woke at 8.56 am. My husband slept with his oxygen on last night I wondered if that is why we both slept better. I understand why you feel depressed especially if you are not feeling too good. I get depressed because of my husband. If you're not sleeping well that can make you feel down. It may have helped for you to take the tablets for a short while. I do take my sleeping tablets if I am still awake at 2.00 or 3.00 in the morning and I feel I am not going to sleep. I just don't take them every day as they are addictive. But no I don't like taking any tablets unless I really have to. I feel I would like to pour out everything to someone and now we have Palliative care nurses I can, but I don't. I keep it bottled up. I'm sure it's not good but that is me. Anyway on a happier note. What are you going to be doing today.? I don't think I have a lot to do houseworkwise. I do have lots to do otherwise. I like knitting, sewing, drawing, painting and making puzzles. I also like reading. Do you have hobbies other than your bird house making.? Oh! And I still have a couple of presents to wrap and Christmas cards to write out. You take care Nannyb. Remember you can always talk on here. X
Hi Mavary, managed to sleep round about 5am. Then was awakened at 9.30 by workmen, digging pavement outside my house. We are in the process of having a lot of changes to the Estate where I live. So not a lot of sleep today. I'm really glad you both had a good sleep, you will feel all the better for it. I have got to take my son to an appointment at 1pm, He has Aspergers syndrome, He is up all night too, always has been for last 22 years. You would think I'd be used to it. Then I am going to try and get an hour. I do a lot of craft work same as you, and I make jewelry, flower arrangements, I also make towel and nappy cakes. And I like to play the piano, or at least make a noise. I think everyone is going to get something made for Christmas this years. I will have to get a move on and decide what they are having, although I have got a lot of things that I have already made. Enjoy your day, Take care. Nannyb xx
I would love to make jewellery Nannyb. I have so many things I would like to do I daren't start anythng else. I have three necklaces I need to re- string but I don't get round to it. Now His Lordship is so ill I don't have so much time. I have a friend who has aspergers but you wouldn't know. I have another friend who's son has it and they have had a lot of problems. I hope your son hasn't got it too bad. Anyway try to have a snooze when you can. If you are anything like me you can only sleep in your bed at night. You take care and keep in touch. X
There are 14 known side effects of Amoxicillin ranging from allergic reactions like skin rash or hives to breathing problems
Hi Mavary hope you hubby is feeling much better this morning and you have had a peaceful night.
polly xx
Hi Pollyjj. He still was not well this morning. The Dr came in this afternoon and I think he just missed going into hospital. He is now on two different antibiotics and steroids for five days. There seems to be an improvement tonight. None of us slept well last night lets hope tonight will be better. Thanks for your post.
Hi Marvary, I do hope the doxycycline works for your husband. It's one of the standard antibiotics for copd. Seems like you have a good and attentive GP which is half the battle.
I haven't found amoxycillin working for me for a long while - i didn't get side effects though. Since then Ive been given co-amoxiclav - trade name Augmentin. Its a kind of fortified amoxycillin, stronger, and it always works for me. So that's a possibility just in case the doxy doesn't work, but hopefully it will. Hope he feels better soon. Very best wishes.
Hi 02Trees. Thanks for your post. We found the same with Amoxycillin. It used to work but is not strong enough now. The Dr came and gave him Clarithromycin along with Doxycycline plus steroids. I think that should work. Already he seems to be better.
Hope your husband is a little better today thinking of you both, with love TADxx

Thanks Tad. He is a bit better tonight. That is after being given two lots of antibiotics and steroids.
I hope the antibiotics are doing the trick and your husband avoids a hospital stay. It is possible to get stronger intravenous antibiotics at home administered by a nurse which might be worth asking about. That will save you from all the visiting and keep your husband away from all the hospital bugs.
Tony x
Hi Tony. He was really poorly yesterday and this morning. He went down so quickly. The Dr came in this afternoon and gave him some more antibiotics and some steroids. How are you doing. Any news of the transplant. Keep on to them. You don't want to get so bad they won't do it. Take care. Mavis.
Good morning, I do hope things are on the up for your husband today (and consequenty, you too). Peeg
Good morning Mavary. How is your Husband this morning? Have the different meds made a difference. Cold day today. Stay warm take care.