Home test kits dust mites/pet dander - Lung Conditions C...

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Home test kits dust mites/pet dander

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image

Hi everyone again. Still having absolutely awful post nasal drip. On Antihystimins and a steroid nasal spray. Would like to know if anybody has tried the Allergy tests on Amazon for Dust mites and Pet allergy? I am desperate to find out what is causing this and happy to splash a bit cash on the test kit if it works and gives me an idea why my body has suddenly started to produce extra mucous dripping down my throat. I have Bronchiectasis and Asthma so would really like to try and help myself before the winter. I will be getting a private ENT appointment as well as waiting time 52weeks!

Would love to know if these tests work. I do have a cat but have always had cats so will find it a bugger if it is my beloved furry baby causing this! ☹️

Thanks everyone

Mona x

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39 Replies
Izb1 profile image

It sounds more like your sinus's rather than an allergy. I had a test years ago with strips down my back and they couldn't find anything. Mine started when I had a really bad cold and developed infecting all my sinus's and the only thing that helped was a six week course of low dose Doxycycline, after that I took antihistamine to dry things up. The operation helped but hasnt stopped it altogether. A ct scan will show if your sinus's are infected. I hope you find what is causing yours its a teribble thing to live with. In the meantime ask your doctor to refer you to ent x

Stanjory profile image
Stanjory in reply toIzb1

I totally empathise with you. Post nasal drip is awful. I only get it on and off but don’t attribute it to my many allergies. I suddenly developed a severe allergy to cats having had them for many years. Might be worth asking for some main allergy tests to put your mind at rest. Sinuses might be to blame. Sulphites in wine make my nose bad. Hope you get your private ENT appointment. Way too long to wait otherwise. Hope you get some answers soon.

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply toStanjory

I dont have any animals and test didnt show allergies. I have bronchiectasis and the sinusitis made this really take off. I have been under Ent for a couple of years and after the op which has helped there is nothing more they can do for me, so am now discharged x

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply toIzb1

Hi Izb1 Thank you for your message. I really do not know what I would do without you all. When this PND started I was absolutely clueless as to what it was and it was only reading all of you who are suffering too I started to realise what it was! I have today rung my local hospital up to enquire about a private ENT. They have directed me to another hospital that I will definitely be ringing on Monday. My nose has a lot of history! I broke it when I was younger and had 2 operations on it to straighten it so could very well be to blame for this ? I am certainly going to get an appointment. I think you may be right about it being more my sinuses than allergies as my nose really hurts most of the time and I feel like I have a heavy cold. One of the nurses at the Health centre perscribed some Amoxicillin antibiotics. Not taken yet but may give them a go?

Will let you know how that goes?

Thank you for replying and Good Health to you

Mona x

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply toBronchiectasislady69

Aaaw Mona thats how I felt when I first joined, I had never heard of bronchiectasis and had such a lot of great people giving such good advice. Amoxicillin dont do anything for me but may work for you. Hope you get an appointment soon x

peege profile image

I remember when my father in law developed an allergy (I was 35 so a while ago). I took him to the doc who said "it's an unfortunate fact that as we age our natural bodily antihistamine system fails allowing allergies to developed that haven't affected us before".

Sorry not much help, I've always remembered it and clocked that we change as we get older. Personally, my asthma took a downturn in my 50s and now it has again.

Have you tried using a nasal rinse regularly? I bought a Neilmeds one plus the sachets of saline, use it with tepid boiled water when I need to.

Sinuses have been an issue all my adult life. I cannot drink wine, whatever is in it sets off the over production of sinus mucus. Champagne and Prosecco are OK (made in stainless steel vats) but definitely not cheapo plonk. Also, any fruits covered in that white bloom are impossible ie grapes. In 2013 consultant ordered allergy tests proved mould is a massive issue and aspergillus a minor one. For me mould means anything fungal ie the white on Camenbert , Brie as well as the moulds found in compost, leaves, farmyards etc so yes, worth paying for genuine allergy testing, it could change your life. I'd go to a privately using a credit card if I had to now.

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply topeege

Hi Peege thank you so much for your reply. I have just messaged Izb1 and said I do not know what I would do without you all. My doctor certainly has no knowledge of PND. I have been to her twice and just gave me a steroid nasal spray and said we will refer you to ENT in 2 months if it does not work! And the wait for ENT months and months. I have made initial enquiries for an ENT private consultant about 40 miles away but am definitely going to go for it . Somebody said to me also about how our bodies change as we get older and somebody who like me who have had no allergies before suddenly get some! I have had enough of this horrible thing and do want answers. Is it my sinuses/nose polyps or allergy? Thanks for the advice about wine and grapes. I do like an occasional glass of wine. I will be careful of that again . Today I actually managed to get a blood test at my Health Centre next Weds to determine if this is allergy? I thought they would refuse as not been the most helpful so far!

I will let you all know how it all goes

Stay well

Mona x

Ergendl profile image

While you are deciding what course of action to take, you could do a simple symtom diary, logging date, time, event/food/drink, symptom. These can sometimes show up links which may be immediate, can be up to 4 hours later, or are sometimes cumulative. Wishing you all the best as you try to track this down.

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply toErgendl

Hi there Ergendi you have read my mind! I have just started a diary to include exactly what you have mentioned and the weather too! Such a good idea and thank you so much for replying to me and for your kind message too

Stay well

Mona x

honeysuckle78 profile image

I have newly diagnosed bronchiectasis plus asthma and long COVID. Before diagnosis of bronchiectasis I paid to have exspensive allergy tests to determine why I found it so difficult to breathe .

Seems pollution is a killer for my lungs .

I’m lactose and gluten intolerant . Suffer sinus earache and excruciating stomach pain if I eat them often . But not according to the specialists tests i had no problems with any thing apparently.

So can’t advise on them.

I do however have a Dyson air purifier in bedroom and put it on 8hours .it’s expensive but a godsend the filter lasted for 2 years .

Also use their top range cordless vacuums to keep any pet dander down.they literally clean the air.

Been using a salt water nasal spray and seems to help allergies

poppyshola profile image
poppyshola in reply tohoneysuckle78

Yes I agree my GP said if I could afford it he recommended I purchase a Hepa filter Air purifier , I got one for around £39 .. its good it cools the air down and certainly does feel fresher when it's been on a while but he said even if only used at night that's 8 hours your lungs are taking in cleaner air and giving them a rest from feeling poorly. I would also like to recommend a genuine Himalayan Salt lamp... I have one on my bedside cabinet right next to my bed so when I fall asleep it seems to dry up any mucus I've had .. and I feel refreshed when I wake ..

My GP changed my pathetically weak nasal spray to Dymista nasal spray and that is very good. So ask your GP for it as its expensive stuff to buy yourself ... I would also like to add that I have one of those sticky roller things that pick up dust and hair which irritates the hell out of me and you'd be surprised how much hair comes from your head overnight ... so I roller my pillows and inside of my duvet top end every night before I sleep on it..

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply tohoneysuckle78

Hi Honeysuckle78 thank you SO much for your helpful advice and yes great minds think alike I bought an air purifier in my bedroom running all night. I do have a Dyson cordless vacuum but I am thinking of buying a hand held vacuum to go over my mattress too and sofa. I got my husband to vacuum the sitting room again today with a heavy anti allergic filter hoover his mum gave us. Too heavy for me now. This damn PND is making so much more work! Just hoping for some result from all of this cleaning! I have a Neti bottle and salt solutions. Always do the nasal wash before using the steroid nasal spray . I am hoping the blood tests I am having next week will enlighten me about something? I think the blood tests will show up my allergies to Dust mites| pet Dander and pollen? Hoping it will not be my beloved cat.

Stay well Honeysuckle78

Mona X

honeysuckle78 profile image
honeysuckle78 in reply toBronchiectasislady69

Thanks sadly always ill nowadays at least I understand more since having c.t. scan that identified bronchiectasis .one of the best thing I have is a waterbed so comfortable and no dust mite droppings can permeate . You don’t need to replace the mattress mines 12 years old . My 18year old dog died recently and was wondering if it would make difference in breathing. But nope.ngood luckx

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply tohoneysuckle78

Hi Honeysuckle78 Sorry to hear that you do not feel so well nowadays. If it’s any consolation I am not up to much either! This PND really getting me down and having Bronchiectasis too not much fun either. I have enrolled in a Mental Health CBT for long term illness . I start this online mid September. I hope this helps as I expect like me this does all get one down

Best wishes to you

Mona x

MoyB profile image

Hmm! I find your post interesting as I also have had to go to a stronger nasal spray and stronger antihistimines this summer to try and combat post nasal drip that has been driving me mad! I have chronic asthma with fixed airways and bronchiectasis. I also suffer with silent reflux which could play a part in it.

Years ago I was diagnosed with dust mite allergy. Frankly, keeping dust mites at bay is practically impossible so have been using a nasal spray and antihistamines for years. All has been reasonably well controlled until this year, especially the past few months when all I seem to do is sniff and clear my throat!

We used to have cats but they all passed on a number of years ago since which time furniture and carpets have all been renewed so they were clearly not the problem for me.

The test was done approximately 40 yrs ago - just a few pricks on my arm, so nothing like the 40 odd allergens my husband was tested for a few years ago.

I can't identify a cause for my increased drip.

I've been advised to raise the head of the bed to combat the nocturnal reflux. Should have raised it by 8" + but can only tolerate 5". Have had a good turn out of stuff that may be harbouring dust but have noticed no difference to the drip either when handling the dusty stuff or since it's gone.

I do have a surge of hay fever in the autumn which I believe is connected with tree moulds and also another surge when the catkins are around, although we have none close by.

If I were you, I would be inclined to hold fire for a bit and see if this is going to be a permanent thing for you, or if it will subside as the seasons change. I'm seriously thinking the odd weather conditions we've had may have caused moulds at unusual times of the year. Also, things are blooming at funny times then shedding their seeds.

It would be a tragedy to re-home your beloved moggy and then find it made no difference. If you're having a private ENT appointment, they could surely arrange an allergy test for you or ask your GP to arrange it through NHS if a private test proves to be too expensive.

I'll be following your post with interest to see what others have to say as we share the same problem! I'd be pleased if you would let me know how you get on and I'll do likewise, if you like, as perhaps, between us, we might come up with a way of getting some relief.

xx Moy

poppyshola profile image
poppyshola in reply toMoyB

Aw I agree .. please don't be tempted to remove pusscat you have hair too ... its not her fault.... just dont let your pets sleep on your bed ... and make sure if moggy has been laying on your lap at night ... just change your pj's or nightie again before getting in bed

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply toMoyB

Hi MoyB thank you for your reply and as I have said to previous posts I am so grateful for all the advice from you all. I have been to the Docs twice about this and just got sent away with a nasal spray and told to come back in 2 months if no improvement and then she would do me a referrel for ENT which has a horrendous long waiting list.!!Anyway just looking at your post which is very informative , I think yes we have similar problems with this horrible PND.

I saw my Respiratory Nurse in the hospital late May and she told me she would put me up some strong Antihystimins 180 Fexofenadine as this summer was going to be unusually pollen high. I agree with her and also your notes on the weather. It has really been a strange season. I have never ever suffered with Hayfever or any other allergy before this summer? I am hoping like you have said it could be just a seasonal thing but I am absolutely fed up with being so bunged up.

I am sleeping on a big wedge with 2 pillows each side of it.. I cannot say it’s that comfortable really and still keep waking up with that horrible mucous slipping down my throat and making me cough. I do not sleep anymore than 5 hours if I am lucky. I am also on double Omeprazole becos I too have acid reflux!

Today after reading your message and others I emailed my GP and asked for some blood tests to see if I have got allergies. They have not been helpful in any of this so quite amazed the reply said yes a week on Weds for some bloods!

I also have acquired the number for an ENT private consultant. I live in the West Country so nothing is very near. The nearest consultant is about 40;miles away. I am going to book though as my nose has been a bit reconstructed as it got broken years ago and it took 2 operations to straighten again! I think one nostril is a bit better than the other. So I will see if this has anything to do with it all?

I will keep you posted on my progress if any? Just hate the thought of going into the winter with this and all the chest infections I get too!

Best wishes

Mona x

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply toBronchiectasislady69

Thanks for your reply, Mona. I'm on the Fexofenadine too. It's interesting that your nurse had already sussed the difference in the air quality. I have just started a different nasal spray - Mometasone Furoate 50 micrograms. My resp consultant asked the GP to try me on it. It is helping a bit as I am breathing through my nose more naturally than I was. My right nostril always seemed to be blocked - more as though it's collapsed as I can open it up manually by putting my finger on the outside and pulling the skin of my cheek accross a bit.

I tried the bed wedges but I'm a side sleeper and would automatically turn on my side in bed. The result was that I started having pain in my hip. This stopped when I removed the wedges. Hence, I'm trying the bed raisers at the head end now.

It's great that you're having a blood test. If you are able to see the results via Patient Access, Patients Know Best or another site that your surgery / path lab is linked in to, you can see for yourself if there's something going on and so will be in a position to discuss any concerns with your GP. You probably already knew the test results may be available on line, but if you didn't before, you do now!

Hope the consultant you have found is able to help you. I think PND is one of those conditions that sounds trivial but can make your life a misery if untreated. Not only that but it doesn't help the Bronchiectasis one bit! You're on a mission now, so good luck with getting some relief.

We'll keep in touch to compare notes.

xx Moy

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply toMoyB

Hi MoyB just a quick update . I was supposed to have had some allergy blood tests at the Health Centre yesterday but felt so rubbish this week I cancelled them which I regretted. I have however sorted for next Wednesday hopefully I will feel better. I think it just gets me down and not sleeping too takes its toll on me. My chest started to feel tight too and Alarm bells go off straight away so extra Chest clearance which again can be rather tiring and I get very anxious in case this is turning into a chest infection. I am on Azithromycin and I am not sure if the 180 Fexofenadine agrees with them? Still on the steroid nose spray too plus my 3 puffers so lots of drugs going on! But I did send for a Home Kit and my husband tested me this morning. It’s only for air allergies pollen pet dander and dust mites. We had to do a blood sample into a well on the control thing and then add blue liquid into a second well. It was very much like covid testing. When the control board developed after 15 mins there was 3 lines that could appear saying which allergy you had? Mine was negative? I hope this test is reliable but need that second opinion from the blood tests from the surgery. I hope I do not have any of the allergies especially Dust Mites which sound absolutely horrendous to keep down! And also my lovely cat I can hopefully give her a cuddle bless but will wait to see the second test. I had a phone call yesterday from the Private ENT secretary yesterday who said I could have an appointment on 31st August. This has to be my bad luck again as my husbands mums funeral is on that day bless but they rang back again and said alternative date 1st September. Really pleased with that and praying the consultant can find something wrong up there! My nose has a lot of history, broken at 17 and 2 ops to straighten and one of my nostrils definitely not working properly!

Nice to know you and others are following my posts and if I can help anybody with this horrible PND I will, if I can

Keep smiling everyone

Mona x

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply toBronchiectasislady69

I don't know if this helps, but yesterday I was in hospital for a small procedure. While there, one of the nurses was talking about the pollen count and said it is very high this year. She was struggling with a sore eye (ditto! Feels like grit in it all the time.) and PND. Her meds have been increased but she is still suffering. We compared notes and commiserated with each other.This week my PND and runny nose is back. I feel it must be weather/pollen related.

The level of dust in my home doesn't change enough to cause the sudden nose running. Also, I have been out all day yesterday at one hospital and all day on Wednesday at another one.

I have also heard others complaining about runny noses that are not usual for them at this time of the year.

It's making me wonder just what is blowing in the air at the moment.

My condolences to you and your family on the loss of your mother in law. I hope her funeral goes as well as possible.

Good luck with your appointment on Sept 1st. Perhaps you'll get some answers then.

Keep us posted.

Xx Moy

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply toMoyB

Hi Moy thank you for your last message. I do agree it does make you wonder what is going on in the air at present? I knew it was going to be a bad one as I have said before my Respiratory Nurse at the hospital prepared me for it back in early June by prescribing the Fexo 180 for me but then I was okish just a wee bit of throat clearing . The Asthma nurse at the Health Centre gave me the Mometasine 50 like yourself. I am on my 4th bottle but told to just put one dose in each nostril twice a day. I have had a devil of a job hitting the right spot in my nose tho.

Thank you for letting me know it’s not just us and lots of cases out there in the hospital. I hope your eye improves. Not a good feeling a gritty eye. I have noticed although my eyes are not itchy or running but they are little bit red?

Funny how your PND has got worst this week. Me too, I have felt really quite poorly to be honest and have cancelled a couple of coffee meets this week. Feel so tired with not sleeping and it has definitely got loads worst. My humidifier broke down too this week so I have had to order a new one! I am sure it helps a bit.

It is costing me a fortune! Humidifier, air purifier, anti dust mite covers for the bedroom. I have also bought a hand vacuum to do mattress and my sofa etc, and now my private consultant!! I do feel though our Health is most important and anything we can do to make it better is worth it!

Best Wishes

Mona x

Ps will let you know how I get on on the 1st September hopefully some result? Fingers crossed!

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply toMoyB

Hi MoyB again just thought thought I would let you know I did not get any answers with the private ENT. I had an endoscope up my nose and down my throat but he could not see anything of much interest. He thinks it’s silent reflux as I have a Hyitas Hernia. He recommended me to take Gaviston Advanced. I will do as he says but not purely convinced . I am not eating my chocolate and Dairy so see how that goes? Husband propped the bed up today. ENT chap not overly helpful I was hoping for a bit more info to be honest. He did say he will ring me up in 6 weeks to find out how the Gaviston is going and if no good send me for a scan on my sinuses. So not really any further finding out why I am still feeling rubbish. Off for a few days holiday Monday. At least my lungs will be getting some nice sea air!

Best wishes

Mona x

Maximonkey profile image

Hi Mona, I know just how you feel. Allergies can occur at any time to any of us. I suffer with allergies from dust mite, pet dander, flowers, grass the list goes on and on. Post nasal drip was my first symptom and it took 2 years for the GP to find the antihistamine which worked for me. I now take a tablet and nasal spray which keep the symptoms at bay. I cannot see what this kit you have mentioned can do to help you, sorry I know nothing about it. I had allergy tests when I first had symptoms and again in 2011 when my immune system began to attack me. My allergies are fewer now I am older which is good for me but I still need to take tablets every night and nasal spray every morning. I think you will find this is true for you and it will not help having pets. Have you asked your GP to send you for allergy tests? it may take time as immunology specialists are few and far between. I still think you should speak to your GP about sending you though. Take care and I hope I have helped you understand that you need to help yourself by dealing with the things in your home which are causing you to a to have a reaction. It could be simple things like changing your bedding weekly and washing the bedding at 60 degrees hoovering the mattress monthly and have covers on your mattress and pillows which can also be washed at 60 degrees, doing away with carpets has been a life changer for me. Read as much as you can on line and you will find you can help yourself in so many ways. Maximonkey

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply toMaximonkey

Hi Maximonkey Thank you so much for your reply and very helpful too. I have started to vacuum my bedroom every morning. I have encased my mattress in an anti dust mite cover and my pillows too. I have bought an air purifier and a wedge to sleep a little higher. I am thinking of buying a hand held vacuum cleaner to be able to vacuum my sofa and my mattress too. It is endless and such hard work but I really will keep trying to help myself. Today after reading everybody’s such helpful posts I rang my Health Centre up and they have booked me in next Weds week for bloods to see if I am showing allergies in my blood . I think it’s the white blood cells that show the change?

I am also going to go to a private ENT as I just need to ring the number on Monday.

Just one little question you say you take your tablets at bedtime is that your Antihystimin? I take mine at breakfast to dry it up during the day. Do you think it best to take at bedtime so sleep is more guaranteed without all that horrible mucous sliding down the throat?

Best wishes and stay well

Mona x

Maximonkey profile image
Maximonkey in reply toBronchiectasislady69

Hi Mona I am so glad I could help and that you found my advice useful. Don't wear yourself out hoovering daily you should just keep on top of the dust more by doing everything weekly. It's more important to wash the sheets etc. at 60 degrees, this kills off the faeces of the dust more which is apparently what we are allergic to. Vacuuming the mattress monthly should do fine. As for when you take the antihistamine, I take mine at night to get a good night's sleep. My tablets also are long lasting 24hours. You will probably be on one of the modern antihistamine which do not work for me, but as I said in my previous text it took years for me to find one which worked. I hope you are luckier. Take care and if there is anything else you need to know just ask. Good luck Maximonkey

Rostom profile image

This may not be much help to you but I will relate it just in case it helps which way you decide to jump regarding your cat - you will understand better later...!

Some 60+ years ago I was a really sick asthmatic child and regularly attended St Mary's Hospital in London (I didn't live nearby) as Dr Franklin who ran the asthma department was a world renowned doctor in allergies. Twice a year I had approximately ten injections in a line up my arm. The contents of each was scrawled onto my arm with a pen! I reacted to several including cat but not dog.

Fast forward twenty years and for various reasons I, newly married, had to take on ownership of a dog. No problem we thought, thinking of the allergy tests I had had over many years.

Little by little my asthma worsened until after five or so years I was taken as an emergency into A and E as my asthma had become out of control. My husband was told that I would only have lasted about 24 hours as my heart would have given up with the asthma attack. We still didn't (doh!) twig that the dog was a problem.

Now, the dog was growing older and eventually passed away. Gradually, my asthma improved....... Then the penny dropped.

So, although I had rigorous, first-class allergy testing, it was not infallible. Now I am sure that testing has improved heaps and bounds since that time but still wonder if it is always accurate.

Could you possibly have a friend take your cat for a few weeks, furiously clean the house of all dander etc., and see if you feel any better? I know how beloved a pet is but your health is worth more - unfortunately.

I hope you can sort your problem out and wish you well.

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply toRostom

Hi there Rostom that’s very interesting about your Dog. Like you have said you did not twig it was your Dogs Pet Dander causing you such a problem until he had passed bless. Also tge tests not picking it up either? My husband has just started volunteering work at a cats Protection place. Rewiring the pens as he is a retired Electrician. I have so wanted to go and help with the cats with him but have relented until I know what this is? That’s a jolly good idea maybe my cat could go out there for a while and like you say give the house a good clean and see? I will let you know thanks for the idea

Best wishes

Mona x

Collienut profile image

Hi, I think everyone else has covered everything. I just wanted to say rather than get rid of my cats, the consultant told me to bathe them once a week, I wasn't brave enough to do it but I found the pet wipes you can buy or just a wet flannel wiped over the cat each day helped with the allergy. But I was told it would be best not to have more cats in the future.

I use an air purifier, which really helps with the dust, dander etc. I still have dogs, which means a lot of hoovering with a good vacuum with high filtration. x

Collienut profile image

Oh, I forgot I had to get rid of all the carpets and have lino or laminate instead, so no hiding allergens in the carpet fibres.

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply toCollienut

Hi Collienut thank you for the suggestion about giving my cat a bit of a groom with a wet wipe and she will love it too. She had an eye infection last year and I use to bathe her eyes. I would wash her face too and she loved it bless. I will definitely give it a go. Not sure about the carpets yet? Will wait and see what the blood tests throw up?

Best wishes

Mona x

Patk1 profile image

Rhinitis is v common with bronch.perhaps see pharmacist for advice on best antihistamine + spray,as yrs don't seem to b effective 4u.plenty of alternatives out there

Rostom profile image

*Collienut*, you have reminded me of my childhood! As an asthmatic child I was not allowed carpets and curtains in my bedroom. I had lino and woven colourful plastic mats on the floor. My bed head was also raised and I had 'special' pillows, including a huge wedge that I think were made from latex. Who knows if all of this helped?!

The point of ridding your bedroom of as much dust seems logical as does the other helpful ideas.

Wishing you well.

Littleeak profile image

My husband's allergy has improved slightly after feeling our cat purina proplan live clear It reduces the allergens in cats dander & hair.


Hope the link works! I've had to share the .com site as .co.uk isn't loading...

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply toLittleeak

Hi Littleeak O that’s very interesting about the cat food. I will definitely keep that in mind if it’s my cats dander doing this to me!

Best wishes

Mona x

Maybe The culprit but So cute x
Littleeak profile image
Littleeak in reply toBronchiectasislady69

Awww she's gorgeous! Or is it he?!

I have chronic rhinitis & find olbas oil helpful, both for steam inhalation & sprinkling on my pillow at night.

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply toLittleeak

Yes it’s a girl poppy or I should say an old gal like me! I adore Olbas Oil too. I read once because it’s got peppermint oil in it’s very uplifting to the mood and I agree with that especially when bunged up like now? Still not sure what’s causing mine yet but hope to find out soon maybe?

Best wishes and stay well

Mona x

Yumz199725 profile image

Hi sorry to hear of your allergy problems sounds like you need an allergy test, I had one at the hospital by my asthma nurse and it turned out that I am severly allergic to dust and grass pollen and slight cat allergy ( I have a cat had one for nearly 18 years) hope it's not your cat causing it 💔. Are you able to request an allergy test?

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply toYumz199725

Hi there thank you for replying. Yes I am hoping it’s not my cat either. I have got an appointment tomorrow for blood tests but think I might have to cancel as I have been poorly last couple of days. Not sure if it’s sinus infection from this awful post nasal drip or going on my chest. But not feeling great tonight ☹️ x

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply toBronchiectasislady69

Ah I'm sorry to hear hun it could be a sinus infection they can make you feel so rough 💔. Sorry you have to cancel your blood test 😔x

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Hi everyone first of all I would like to say thank you to everyone for your good wishes, it was...
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