Hi everyone first of all I would like to say thank you to everyone for your good wishes, it was very much appreciated.
Good News! it’s not cancer, the consultant put sprays up my nose & inserted a camera on a wire which went down into my throat yuck! he said he saw mucus in my throat but nothing to worry about.
He says I have Silent Reflux which explains too much mucus in the throat trouble swallowing waking up during the night feeling like I’m going to choke.
I asked what about the eye swelling & he asked if I get migraines? which I do he says I need to see my GP it’s the migraines causing the eye to swell.
He blamed the nose bleeds on the nasal sprays that I’ve been using he said they thin the lining of your nose.
He also mentioned nasal drip?
He gave me a leaflet for SR, low fat diet, no food within 3 hrs of bedtime etc etc he didn’t mention medication? I have an appointment with the respiratory nurse on Thursday, so I will know more then.
I am so relieved at least I have explanations. I Just need to get my balance problem sorted now.
Thank You! all so much what a great bunch of people you are ❤️
PS: I slept like a log last night
Kind Regards
Hilary x