Im not sure if fostair inhaler is working as well for me as flutiform inhaler did. I don't feel wheezy as such but just a general asthma feeling in my chest now and again which passes but I did not get this on flutiform. Asthma nurse put me on to try fostair as its more eniromentally friendly. Ive only been taking fostair for nearly 2 weeks so maybe not giving it a good enough chance yet but i would have thought my asthma is controlled on flutiform the steroid inhaler would just work the same. Any advice wellcome , thanks
Im not sure if fostair inhaler is wo... - Lung Conditions C...
Im not sure if fostair inhaler is working as well for me as flutiform inhaler did , anyone else had same experience with this ?

It took me a couple of months to settle with fostair. It suits me.
I have done fostair 100 and fostair 200, my favourite is fostair 100 on a mart regime, with an occasional use of fostair 200 when my systems get overwhelmed
You may already know so ignore me if you do
1, it can take 2-3 weeks to settle in.
2. if it's spary type (MDI) then you must wait 30 seconds between each puff.
I'm on 100/6 MDI Fostair and it's fantastic for me using the MART regime as I generally better in summer than winte however, we're all different. P
hi ya thanks for that, yeah its only been not quite 2 weeks on same as you 100/6 2 puffs twice a day using the Mart regime (although not used it yet as reliever one because my doctors only gave me one inhaler didnt do as resp nurse requested and 2 Im still getting my head round using steriod inhaler than my Ventolin as a reliever (feels strange to me also worried could it effect weight gain or skin thinning that steriods do).
I've still got ventolin on my prescription but use it rarely. I still reorder every 3 months as I'm extremely worried that they'll remove it. I really needed when quite poorly for a few weeks in January, still not right. Can you ask if they'll prescibe you some whilst you're 'getting used to' the new inhaler ? Maybe have a word with the respiratory nurse to see if she can wrangle you some. My skin has improved so much since being on Fostair, before whilst using Seretide it was appalling.
I have some hope and no hope of keeping the Ventolin they took it off my repeat scrips and refused me one when i said was going away on holiday and was worried i would run out, The in house pharmacist refused ,said i have a high usage .Then i couldn't get it anymore.. (never mind I had untreated lung bacteria for 2 yrs missed by the doctors themselves. when i finally found out took months to get rid of it then now im prone to lung bacteria or chest infections and resp consultant has put me on an antibiotic every 3 days to prevent further ones (seems to be working ) (only had it cos my sister kept giving me one of hers. so now resp nurse from hospital given me fostair as a reliever no way Im getting Ventolin now. Resp nurse was going to tell them they had to give me it but then decided on fostair instead.
Hopefully the Fostair will kick in. Its always been a bit annoying that ventolin doesn't have a counter so you can tel, how much is left. I've just remembered that a year or so ago I had a call from my surgery asking me about my use of ventolin. I said I rarely needed it with Fostair, occasionally when having exacerbation & luckily they left it on. Nowadays it's called Salamol since they made it CFC free (because it was contributing to climate change)!
One of my daughters was over reliant on her blue inhaler , her gp she had to take a brown one daily as well as she was using too much Ventolin
I am better with separate preventer and reliever , the blue one I hardly use now
ALUK has a helpline open tomorrow office hours ….they can help
There is a 100 and 200 Fostair inhaler . I've found a combination of both better than becloforte . It has finer particles, reaches the parts other inhalers don't!
I’ve found Fostair much better than Flutiform. I also take Spiriva in the morning and Montelukast in the evening. Quite a load but it’s working!
Sounds like youve had a tough time sprak to gp or consultants secretary if u need salbutamol.Going back to basics,do use a spacer with fostair,breathe in very deep + slow and hold for cpl secs b4 exhaling - its made of much smaller molecules which make it more does take time to reach full rinse yr mouth after using it x
HI yes it wasn't great and i only finally found out after a training doctor asked had they ever tested my phlegm. I replied no never in the 2 yrs , he said i had all the symtoms of lung bacteria , the last permeant doctor had told me next step was copd drugs even tho i didnt have copd, then to find out I could of got meningitis or pneumonia from the hi i had for 2 yrs untreated, it was then made even tougher by finally finding out had the HI and finally and months to get rid of it /several different super strong antibiotics back to back and hadnt even got rid of it and then picked up Moraxella Catarrhalis and then covid hit and no testing and i had to guess lung bacteria or chest infection . doctors over the phone was making me guess and doing prescriptions based on what i guessed. (until then phlegm was tested and they gave antibiotics based on what got rid of that strain at the time so was a mine field. Yes will give this time to work and am using spacer and holding breath and rinsing after too.
ps my doctors are shocking and no way giving me the ventolin back, in the middle of the 2 yrs of no air feeling constant thick /choking phelgm /wheezing, they stopped my monteluask right before christmas and in house pharmacist even asked how did i know i even had asthma when i hadn't had a lung function test I had it all my life tried to say i maybe had had childhood asthma (didnt even go onto monteluask until i was 19 yrs old, but i had been well controlled since going on mon,,,,teluask until 2017-2019 when i picked up the HI that they never looked into properly, It didnt show up on chest xray ,
Hi I’ve just had mine increased to 200 as my spirometry is moderate/ severe so I’m really hoping for improvement, hoping pulmonary rehab might help but respiratory consultant advised I’m doing well considering what I’ve been through.
Take care
Wendy x