I haven’t posted recently but feel I must tell you this little story from yesterday. Its all about synchronicity. It happened yesterday at my brothers 75th birthday. He decided to have a family BBQ, in the garden; something he and his wife do very well. And joining the family and grandchildren were two lady guests, who had travelled in from Europe for the occasion. One from Italy and another friend from France. What do we know about synchronicity? Its when two things happen at the same time, quite by chance, and in perfect symmetry. Or something like that! It’s a coincidence we say; but I think there is more to it than that. I’m no psychologist so I will leave it to you all to express your own thoughts The party was in full swing. We all seated at a long table. All together I think there were 14 of us. My sister in law suggested I play some Italian songs on my Bluetooth speaker. And the first request was VOLARE, not the Dean Martin version but the one by Domenico Modugno. All in Italian. This song is also very popular with the family, especially when we have all been drinking!
Whilst I was fiddling with my mobile phone to find this song, so one of the grandchildren suggested that my brother should have a ‘clap’ for every one of his 75 years. And so, all round the table, we began this slow clap towards the magic 75. Meanwhile, I was looking for “Volare” on my Spotify account. And having found the song, so the intro and verse began blaring out full volume from the speaker. I'm guessing this was between 35 and 45 on the clap sequence.
Would you believe it, as soon as the clapping marked the final 75 count, so the chorus of Volare rang out and we all, in unison, began singing along, all around the table. That timing was immaculate. No conductor could have orchestrated that better. The clapping started at a random point and the verse began at a random point. 75, JACKPOT and VOLARE Oh oh! Honestly, I had tears in my eyes, though no one at the time realised the chances of that happening, being thousands to one. It just seemed natural. I just wish we had filmed it all!