Hello again. I feel such an idiot. With the cold weather, I have been nebulising with Sodium Chloride 0.9% Nebuliser liquid 2.5ml unit doses. They are in box stating Saline Steri-Neb. Sterile until opened.I had several boxes over from last year.
I feel such an idiot. It never occurred to me to check the use by date. When I did it was June last year! I honestly did not think these capsules could actually go off. Even worse may contain harmful bacteria.
At the moment my sputum is slightly green and I have discomfort in one lung. Should I consider taking the Doxycycline as an extra precaution because of out of date saline? T
he worrying question for me now is - have I done myself a load of harm? I have been taking the out of date capsuls for about three months off and on.
I realise that it is a bit late to do much but at least knowing I have not infected myself furtherwith bacteria might help my peace of mind. Anybody go any idea, how I might be able to find out? (Chemists does not know ). Or am I worrying unduely?
Lots of good wishes to all.