I received a letter from the Doctors asking me to make a telephone appointment on certain dates to speak to a clinical pharmacist regarding treatment for COPD.
I telephoned the doctors, yesterday and after a long hold spoke to the receptionist who gave me an appointment for today for 11:30. I had one missed phone call registered on my mobile at 10 o'clock, but no message. I waited over half an hour for the phone call and had both my landline and mobile nearby. I don't know how other people feel, but I stupidly get quite nervous about these phone calls. I finally rung the surgery and after being on hold, yet again, I got through to the receptionist, who told me that as I had not answered at 10, so the pharmacist had gone ahead and reviewed my medication and didn't need to speak to me.
I'm bemused, as the medication I'm on is not wonderful and I was hoping to get it tweaked.
I feel this is another tickbox/target setting ploy that is absolutely pointless and I'm quite cross!