My husband's very first attempt at baking and it was delicious! I Pottered about flower arranging, and a goodly haul of conkers. Meds still helping cough and breathlessness but stink of deep heat cuz have a very bad pain just above my pelvis on the left side. Yoga in half an hour so some deep stretches should help. I hope everyone is ok and not letting economic worries get them down too much.
A quieter week this week!: My husband's... - Lung Conditions C...
A quieter week this week!

Cake looks scrumptious and the flowers are beautiful. You certainly have lots of conkers there. Hoping your pain subsides and pleased meds still helping you.
Take care xxxx🤗

That cake looks delicious, hope the yoga helps with your pain . Habe a good day and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxxx 🌻🌻
Lovely pictures of normal life. Well some men cook very well. Mi ne just fried things on maximum power ! Made a great G&T though. The conkers are large .Here they are alwzys small as soil is not good. I was told they kept the spiders awzy . So had bags o them all over house. it didnt work for me, still found spiders ---or spiders found me.
The food looks yummy. Going to be cheeky what do you use for your coughing xx
Aww that all looks tasty 😋!!! Well done to him! And the Peter Rabbit plate!!…I’m a bit of a fan! And your flowers are beautiful too! I did some baking yesterday too!
That’s good to hear that your meds are helping! Sounds like you’ve been busy!
Yours looks delicious! I especially like thelook of the biscuits. I like Beatrix Potter. There is an exhibition of her work at the V and A. I'd like to see it, as well as another exhibition there and a play in London but we are concerned about train strikes. If we book and then there are no trains it's an awful faff to get to London.
That's a lovely autumnal selection of photos. Well selected and put together. This year i have begun the odd habit of picking up conker or two and whilst I'm out, jigglibg two in my coat pocket as I'm walking along, as if I've just met two new friends!
Once home i keep them in a sculpted wooden bowl, carved from laburnam. I think it's laburnham. I get confused with words and woods haha. I'll post a picture here later today.
Conkers are just so tactile and lovely to look at. I like the sound of your bowl.
This photo, just taken, does more justice to the conkers than the bowl!
That's beautiful. ❤️
Thanks for lovely photos, it’s good that hubby tries baking, flowers great, amazing number of conkers. Hope your medication will ease pain soon, good luck. Jean x
Gorgeous flowers and yummy looking cake.What will you do with the conkers?
I just put them in bowls and stuff around the house. In the olden days I used to spray them to use as Christmas decorations.
What a great idea I adore shiny conkers -we used to cheat by baking them before conker matches as kids-dont think it helped though!
I just love the shiny brown shells of conkers. I usually pick up one or two and drop them a little distance away in a place where they might be able to grow, if the local squirrels don't find them first, which would be just as good.
Hope your pain eases and subsides soon. What a fab yummy looking cake. Beautiful flowers. I miss doing yoga as it does seem to help with easing pain and getting better sleep I always felt taller and slimmer after yoga 🤣x
Well done to hubby the cake looks scrummy and your flowers are lovely. What alot of conkers, what will you do with them x
god day ghoust rider here yes look nice to eat do you do delivery one of those after my tea tonight all the beast 🖐️
i do 8 hours on my oxygen & 8 hours of it - as soon as i come off it I start coughing like hell for a bit so I have to resort to a lemsip so subdue the coughing until i settle down .I wait until my heart stops racing before i take a reading .If when its settled down its very low then i put it on until its come back to by base rate which is 88-92 then take it off again .At the moment my heart is racing because Ive been walking about the house
The cake is lovely by the way - I love the flowers
What a clever husband. I hope he'll be encouraged to do more. Flower arrangement nice too. xxx
I thought we'd try rock cakes next time. Eady and delicious.
Your flower bouquet is lovely and the cake looks yummy! I had to look into wikipedia to find what a rock cake is!😃
Cakes look lovely. 😃 I'm sorry you are in pain Karen. It seems to me that the colder weather sets off pain. I'm glad you had a good day. xx ❤️