After a good weekend I went to bed Sunday night and all was well but little did I know, rough times lay ahead. It was around 4 in the morning,I woke with indigestion and my stomach was making some very odd noises. Well I lay there for around an hour and was gradually feeling worse untill a rush to the loo,where things were explosive to say the least from both ends. I spent the rest of the night and following day pretty much the same, 'urg'. My wife was next to come down with the dreaded lurgy and she returned home early from work. Next it was my daughter who was home from uni, followed by my son who was brought home from his friends late monday night. Well it was comical as we were all rushing to and from the loo's, thank god we have two, each of us carrying a much needed bowl for the sickness, next things got quite serious there was a cough, followed by the sound of my wife crashing to the floor as she collapsed in the toilet with the door locked. I hammered on the door and there was no reply so with a strong shoulder I broke the lock and found my wife blacked out on the floor. I shook her and shouted 'are you all right!' There was a little pause then she looked at me and said 'what are you doing', she did'nt have a clue and thought I was waking her in bed while she was sleeping. She was quite surprised to find herself on the floor in the bathroom. I had to stop my daughter from dialling 999 and calm the panic. Well we all had a very few ruff days and I'm not completly recovered yet but what I'm more worried about now is my Lung Transplant Assessment is on Tuesday next week. Iv'e spoke to the transplant co-ordinator and she has said still come in as long as I have no more diorrea so its fingers and toe's crossed because due to one thing and another this appointment has taken around 10 months to come round. I hope its not too much to ask, let next week be better than the last,PLEASE!!
This has been a week to forget!!!! :( - Lung Conditions C...
This has been a week to forget!!!! :(

Sorry to hear of yoursickness.My brother in law was rushed into hospital because of it,unfortunately he had passed it around other members of the familly.They sent him home because they didn't want it spreading into the hospital.Fortunately after a week heis now fine but he was very worried about his heart condition at the time.
Oh my goodness dall, your family really have been through the mill, I bet your wife's 'episode' was pretty scary at the time. You all have my sympathy plus my good wishes for a speedy recovery. Fingers crossed for the assessment
How scary for you and your wife. I hope you all recover soon. You must be strong breaking down the door!
Lynne xx
You poor souls, hope you are all on the mend now. xx
What a terrible time you have all had I hope it is all behind you now (no pun intended). Bet if asked you would have said no way I can break that door down, well done.
Good luck for the assessment.
polly xx
Hiya, very sorry to hear all of your family are poorly. I hope you all get well quickly, and I hope the assessment goes well, take care, Richard
Things can only get better I'm sure! sounds like a week to forget quickly! good luck when it comes to your assesment,I'll being saying a little prayer for you and yours! xxx