This morning my electric went off about 8.30. I was checking to see how much oxygen I had available as, of course, my machines were inoperable. I mentioned it to my neighbour who then contacted the emergency number and explained my situation without telling me. It seemed that random homes were blacked out but after going shopping with my son I found it back on and shortly afterwards the electricity people contacted me to ensure I had power as I had been treated as a priority. For a while though it was quite alarming. Just stocked up on LED lanterns and torches .
Electricity problem: This morning my... - Lung Conditions C...
Electricity problem

That's quite worrying. I had thought that electricity suppliers had to notify customers of any power cuts in advance. I hope that you have now registered yourself with your supplier as being an essential user. It was thoughtful of your neighbour to contact them on your behalf.
So pleased you’re back up and running now. Thank goodness for your good neighbour. Xxxx🥰❤️
Well done for your neighbour and if there is a next time you mustn’t hesitate to contact emergency number!
Was this a planned outage? If so then surely they should have checked who was priority customer??
Yes I too have purchased another (large) LED lantern - just in case. When we last had a power failure by me, I was shocked at how dark it became in an instance. I live in London so am aware of light pollution and so on, but yes it became totally dark when it never normally is.
I read recently that Whitehall are so concerned about power failures they are ensuring staff know how to use carbon papers, so work can continue if computers are unusable!!
Buy your neighbour a pint and DRAM FROM ME.
That was really nice of them to sort that out for you but, do register with your lecky folk that you have machines used to manage your health conditions and get put on their at risk emergency records.
I am registered as a priority customer but they can only notify us of planned cuts and this one was a fault. I did appreciate their contacting me to make sure though. thanks everyone for the responses.
I know BUT If they put you on the at risk as you use machines to help you breath, they will be at your door quicker than a Genie from an empty bottle.
Even if it is an empty gin bottle 😇
Glad all turned out ok, hope you are now registered on the priority lists for gas, electricity and water. I registered with them and are informed when there are going to be cuts. Or work doing in the area, they have delivered stacks of water when there was a burst main, also a heater as the gas were working and might be turning off the gas for a while. Its a good ideal to register 😊. Puts your mind at rest if anything goes off.
Your Oxygen supplier should have supplied you with a large oxygen cylinder in case of your concentrator not being able to be used. I have one which will run for I believe 10 hours if needed during loss of electricity. Worth speaking to them.
What a good neighbour you have Tykelady. Last time my electricty went of due to a power failure it was off for over 24 hours. I have made sure that i have a batteries for my radio as it was so quiet and my daughter sent me a couple of really bright lanterns. I think its a good idea if you get in touch with your oxygen supplier as gingermusic says to have a spare for emergencies x
its quite correct your oxygen supplier should have provided you with a large oxygen bottle in case of a power cut and I would urge anyone reading this to contact their relevant oxygen supply company and ask for one.
That would have given you a scare. I have two concentrators but I also have two large cylinders of oxygen for emergency use if the power should ever go off. Theoretically I have enough to help me through 48 hours. I'm surprised you've not been supplied with them too. I'd speak to your supplier or respiratory team. That is of course if you're in the UK.
Otherwise, I hope all is well with you and best wishes for the future.
Joan x