Hi There,Bit of a hypothetical question given that we no longer have an o2 concentrator in the house since Cecilia passed away.But has anybody ever received the rebate you are supposed to get for the running costs of your machine.i believe there is a meter on the machine that records usage and that your oxygen provider should provide usage details to your energy provider who should then refund you the cost of its usage. It probably does not amount to a great deal of money but it is still your entitlement.Keep breathing cooler times are heading this way.
Electricity rebate for O2 concentrators - Lung Conditions C...
Electricity rebate for O2 concentrators

Air liquide
I don't use a static concentrator, only cylinders.
Still got the book.same company but obviously was to busy with Cecilia to follow it up.signed the relevant form and sent to provider but never remember receiving a reply,since then probate and other issues have become rather more pressing issues.thanks for your reply
Hi skischool, so sorry to hear of Cecilias passing. I am with boc and get a cheque for electricity every three months automatically, usually around £50. Xx
I also get a payment direct into my bank account every 3 months from BOC for my oxygen usuage
Well as you now know you should get a cheque so give them a call and they will sort it out for you I am sure and sorry for your loss x x x
asked about this here in Spain but electric people said no chance. didn't think to ask o2 supplier. might give that a try. it does eat the pennies even tho we have the lower evening rate. the day rate is extortionate.
good luck with the Spanish supplier.Got a quote once for our Finca in Catalunya for electricity supply,80.000 euros! and we are 900 mtrs away from a Nuclear power station.I could have erected 10 poles and a step down transformer and tapped into the reactor.it would have been a lot cheaper.good luck with your supplier.xx
I'm on 4 litres per min/24 hours a day and get a regular quarterly rebate from Air Liquide of around £75 which helps towards my electric bill. All you need to do is to inform them of your electricity supplier and your oxygen company should take care of the rest.
Hi, I have a concentrator with a compressor on top to refill the cylinders. They both have a meter on them in a stupid place where it is very difficult read. I am with Dolby Vivisol, every month I read the meters and ring Dolby with the figures. They inform my electricity company and I get a rebate paid straight into my bank. Hope that's helpful to someone.
thank you that is very helpful.best wishes