My husband has Bronchiectasis, Asthma and other lung issues as well as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Peripheral Neuropathy , Vasculitis, Heart Failure and more. As he was CEV he was sent a PCR test in the event he caught covid and more recently the NHS sent him some LFTs. Fortunately he has not had to use either, however should he need to, as he recently had Rituximab for the first time so his immune system is zilch, should he use the PCR or the LFT tests ? Thanks
Covid testing PCR or LFT tests - Lung Conditions C...
Covid testing PCR or LFT tests

I would suggest that if he has symptoms, use the LFT. Then if positive contact the GP to find out if he needs to use the PCR or qualifies for anti viral medication. And of course, carry on being very cautious as I presume most of us who are CEV are doing.

Thanks Littlepom, the only places we visit are hospitals and doctors and rarely have visitors. If we do we are in the sun room with the patio doors wide open. We have always tried to be careful because of hubby's bronchiectasis and the risk of picking up bugs and ending up in hospital.
I would also use the LFT first - they are so easily replaceable or purchased. Hopefully he & you won't need to test. Fingers crossed 🤞 🙏
As I understand it, a positive LFT carries as much weight now as a positive PCR. I’m eligible for antivirals due to arthritis treatment, and other eligible members over at the NRAS (national rheumatoid arthritis society) board here are receiving them without question off the back of a positive lateral flow. The guidance being given by the NHS is to phone 119 to report the test result, which then gets the ball rolling for accessing treatment. Hopefully you won’t need to use it, but the 119 line is open 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday, and 9am until 1pm on the weekends.

Hi Charlie, I did do a reply yesterday but must have not hit the right button to send to you. Thanks for your reply and the useful info about 119.
I was unlucky enough to get Covid in March, after I’d decided it was time to venture out a bit after shielding for two years. I did the LFT and reported the results, then the PCR. I was contacted to go and get an antiviral infusion. I was told by the dr there that if I caught it again to do the LFT and then the new PCR that would be sent to me.
I agree with littlepom only use if you think you might have symptons start lft if thats pos then pcr but use only if you think you've got symptons. Ive got them srnt but havent need to use them yet
If do need any more lft pcr you can always ring 119 and for more test kits
Thank Pipswhip, fingers crossed we won't need them
I try to aviod crowed shops and only shop locally when quiet and hardly anyone in but i have to go to tesco to spend col voucher but i dont know when there quiet times are and i dont want yo go late at night because tesco near is in a dip you have to go down hill to get to the supermarket and uphill with all your shopping.
Oh dear that makes it awkward. Fortunately we have shopping delivered but very occasionally I pop to a couple of small local shops and always wear a mask. I don't care what people think about me wearing a mask still, my husband 's health is more important than their opinion.
But some of us cant waer masks as we got bad breathing problems and they make feel like were are suffocating with them on so we cant go into supermarkets we have to relay on either deliveries or good nieghbours to shopping for us in big suppermarkets.
I'm fortunate I can wear a mask but my hubby has breathing difficulties so he struggles when we attend appointments. Unfortunately if people don't have poor health they are often oblivious to the importance of covering their mouth and nose if they cough or sneeze to save infecting other people. It must be hard for you.
Ive seen them wearing masks under hheir chin . When i had pneumonia the thoughg it was flu. I struggling to breath i kept on telling i cant breath with mask on and i knew it wsnt flu because when the flu vaccines were live virus i was really poorly with it the gp at the time thougt it was flu like allergic reation to the vaccine so i knew it wasnt flu not only that i been to see the gp and was told chest infection had to go back following morning to see the nurse who got duty gp then i had go following day which things improve rang gp friday because was told if get worse ring up grt appointment to se me couldnt get anything in the end it was 999 job.
Gosh what a nightmare. Just take care and do what you feel is best for you or what the clinicians have advised.
Got a good gp who sees me every month but problem is everytime i go to book in at reception the Rottweilers i call them(receptionists) says hzvd you hot a mask mask to wear. So my quick reply got severe asthma and exempt but if you want me to suffocate by forcing to wear one go ahead and ill report you.
I thought you had to use the lft that was sent to us and log in in the nhs app. Think it has to be the ones that were sent. Having said that if I need it I will phone everyone I can think of as I keep hearing stories of people not getting the antivirals. Hope you both stay safe.
Thanks Mooka, that's what I wasn't sure about as we have both had lfts sent from the NHS and advised to use these and no other lfts but nothing explained about the pcrs sent early on in the pandemic. Just hoping as you say we stay safe and the rest of all CEV buddies so never have to use them
I would do the LFT first and if you are positive do the PCR and follow the instruction in the booklet also send the result back to the Gov which the instructions is to be found in the booklet.
You will get a text and email letting you know that you will hear from the NHS regarding the antiviral drug.
Your GP will not be able to arrange you having the antiviral drug.
I know because I got Covid last month and followed instructions and two nurses came to my home to give me the antiviral drug.