Herself went into zoooommiii mode at home ran round the garden launched herself on the couch and launched herself off again rolled like a ninja 🥷 and got up with a limp after yelping ... Loxicom and crate rest we have been getting her out for feeding and toilet then do a few stimulation games with her before going back in again poor little thing but needs must ...🥰
The Widget was at the vets yesterday.... - Lung Conditions C...
The Widget was at the vets yesterday....

She looks fit and full of mischief - We have two cats and they can do mad ones at times,
She dosent do them often she was just on a mad moment and went over the top a little ...she's out of action for a while 💜

We have two cats one liver/black and white. other a female all black cat with bushy tale, she is an odd one.
Like you "Herself" - she can be sleepy but just at times goes crackers, from a kitten she was able to run at wall clime and run back down again, but mainly a very aloof cat, Cats dogs does em good to have a mad one, fun to watch also. our Tom cat spends his waking day foraging for food. We give them dreamy's and he gobbles his, and looks at her eating when she walks away he cleans up.
Good to see a dog running like she did, even once in a while.
Oh bless her. She’s so happy to be zooming around and I’m sure she’ll be ok in time. Xxx🩷🩷🩷
She's such a lovely little thing she's been getting let out every hour for 15 mins just to have a cuddle and toilet break...Hopefully she will get back to working soon 🥰
Awww get well soon furry one. Ask your mum for some chewy treats such as pigs ears and rawhide to munch on to stave off the boredom in your crate. 😘
No more cookies a while ,,,,ouch poor furbaby
Get well soon, Widget. xxxx
It's hard to know she's not going to be working for a while frustrated for her 🩷🩷
I am longing to see my 15yo arthritic cat running like mad again but I am hopeful as stopped the loxicom (responsible for her stage 2 kidney disease so no more of that) and put her on CBD and it's working wonders already.
Awesome news ❤️
We’ve often wondered how our puppies survive the first few months with the mad crazy zoomies in the evening and round the garden in the day! Every puppy we have had has done it bar one
Hopefully the cage rest isn’t for TOO long. At least you’ve got the medication so she’s not in too much pain. Let us all know how it goes.
She's used to being crated but just not for periods as long as this... we have plenty of brain games for her ...letting her out every hour for 15 mins 💜
She's a beauty. My 2 usually run from back garden and around the table, back to the garden and around the garden furniture and then to finish off doing the wall of death on both settees. 😳 eyes in the back of your head comes to mind. 🤣
It's exactly what she did back garden up on the couch off the couch rolled and did the damage... Thankyou ❤️

She'll be ok no doubt. Bit of rest and at it again. 😉
Oh dear hope she recovers soon. She looks really mischievous
They dont understand watching out for danger when movinv about outside do they like we do
She knows she's hurting bless her ... she refuses to give me a paw with that leg so she must know ... xx

awww sending her lots of strokes & pats
Awh bless her. She won’t like resting but needs must x
She changes everytime I see her. What has happened for her to have crate rest? Hope she gets better soon and enjoys her mad moments x
Oh dear she will be bursting with energy. I hope she makes a quick recovery.
She isn't too bad considering her age ... she's out every hour from the crate for toilet feeding brushing massage etc .. then we have a natural box of chews chicken claws etc ... she's been chomping on them 🥰
My dad would say she had the wind up her tail. Hope she’s doing better. What a joy she must be as she had huge paws to fill 🐞
She's a little treasure and will be absolutely fine 🩷🩷
Wishing her a speedy recovery and softer landings!
I know my floors downstairs are all hard surfaces 🙈
Ha Ha! They do like a skitsy as I call it. My dog would run all around the room and up over the sofa when he had one. Maybe he will calm down a bit if he’s hurt his leg. Mine never calmed down in all the years we had him. He would love to play fetch with a ball. That tires them out. Some dogs just have excess energy. She will probably do it again when she feels up to it. Xx
Ahh she was in hyper mode, she sounds like my cat Bella, who by the way is 10 yrs old, but still goes into hyper mode sometimes.
Aww bless her little mischief Sunshine. 🥰