Calm bank Holiday Monday, started a new wellbeing class Tuesday which involves nutrition and exercise, nearly killed me had to use inhaler and sit 5 minutes out, weds I decided to mow the lawn then walk the dog round the corner and then I got a phone call saying my youngest son has had an accident on his 750cc motorbike breaking both wrists 1 of which is extensive and will take up to 1 year recovery @90% usage.he is also self employed and has 2 kids absolute nightmare. He needs to come live with me in the short term and I will be his hospital taxi but so glad he's alive to tell the tale.all this has had a big effect on me and my husband just trying to shuffle the house around and work out money for him to survive financially for the next 6mths at least.
What a week: Calm bank Holiday Monday... - Lung Conditions C...
What a week

Crikey! That's a lot to deal with.I'm so glad he's survived.have u Anyone to help u get things ready 4him? Anyone to talk to say how yr feeling? Worry bout money whn he comes + u talk to him face to face.
Thn I'd get him to ring citizens advice and ask what helps available financially to self employed .try to wind down.we don't want you illxxx
Hi patk1,yes I do tai chi and have a supportive family,I am having a discussion this morning regarding financial help from the government with him and my other son has set up a go fund me page so we will have to wait until we can access these funds. Thank you for your reply 🙏 we can help with what we can afford this month at least.
Good.go fund me is a great idea.its gd to have family glad u d tie chi too xx
What a week indeed B0xermad and an awful shock for you about your son's accident. You do sound to have got organised quickly reading your reply to Patk1. I hope that your son will make a good recovery and no doubt you and your husband will be a tremendous help to him and the children. Best wishes to you all.
So sorry to hear about your son B0xermad but thank goodness he’s still alive. Such a shock for you all. Hoping he’ll make a good recovery in time and what wonderful parents he has. Love and hugs. Xxx❤️💜🧡
Bless you and your husband for your speedy and kind response. I hope your son is doing OK; it sounds a very nasty accident. l hope the Tai Chi helps to relax you. xxx
Oh my word what a worry but thank goodness he survived. Sounds like a long recovery time and I hope he gets all the support he needs, thankfully he has you guys to help out x
Oh dear what a shock for you all. Sending best wishes to your son & he’s lucky you are able to step in to help out. Take care x
Oh wow. I'm sorry to hear this BOxermad. Especially with a family this makes things complicated. You are very good to have him come stay with you. I really hope he can regain the use of his wrists with not too much pain and issues. Take care of yourselves too. Sending hugs.
Cas xx ❤️
So sorry to hear about your son's accident. Hoping his determination to get better will help him follow all the guidance to help his wrists heal. Peace be upon your household as you adjust to caring for and supporting him over the next few months.
Great news. So glad the operations were successful. Wishing him a speedy recovery. Its so good you will be looking after him when he's discharged 👏
Hi thank you,he's home now and in lots of pain on morphine but it should be better day by day