Why is when ever you manage to have a goodnight out, there's always some stupid little two pint wonder thinks he's IT. Or a Dolly Bird painted to the nines that can hold her spritzer' anyway Nin and me actually managed a break in our really busy schedule and decided to give the local pub the benefit of our patronage, needless to say they came in. I left 50p on the pool table whilst we nipped out back for quick one (ciggy that is), came back in and this little W****r had nicked my 50p and was playing pool with his mate, so me was not a happy chappy, and as for Nin Well spitting feathers wasn't on it, but I did get my 50p back plus made him pay for the next two games and totally embarrassed him in front of his mate on the table, He got 'ammered
So up to this point all is well with the world, well ish. Then comes the lock in, were all having a good dance and sing song etc, but me being me, flipping IDIOT. Had to play silly , snook out the front door and went garden pinching, A Big Pink flower of a Rhododendron, plus a couple more, that I really cant remember what they're called ( well it was a lock in ), got back to the pub, Nins going nutty cos' she couldn't find me, anyway got on my bended knees for the umpteenth time (as you do when you've been a naughty boy), but she forgave me when she saw the flowers HeeHee!!! great me thinks got away with it. But the this stupid blinking Bimbo (not blonde by the way, shudda been though) picks up the flowers and crushes them saying they are weeds ( don't know where she's from but I guess Milton Keynes , aka Concrete City ) By now Nin is after blood and not mine, Oh Dear!!!! after a rather nasty exchange of profanities from me, she shut up laughing, and the with a nod and wink from the landlord the pub was in uproar at what had just occurred.
And the Moral of this Story is, DON'T mess with the AZ MAN