Manage to get an appointment but not with my usual G P. What a disaster ! He was rude said I was suffering from stress and anxiety yes.....well when one has to deal with breathlessness, excessive mucos production, nausea and overwhelming fatigue you do get stressed ! Wouldn’t chase up my spirometer test and thought sleeping upright in a chair might help the mucos production ! I asked him for a referral to a specialist which I was prepared to pay for privately and he REFUSED ! Wasn’t very happy when I requested Carbocistein. Ended up in tears I was feeling so unwell then he reluctantly agreed to a trial of 1 twice a day ! I took the prescription read the blurb and what others have said on here and decided to take 2 three times a day. What a difference it’s like a wonder drug the mucos problem is so much better. When the prescription runs out I think the fun will start trying to get it renewed. I may be 70 but will not be treated like a senile waste of space. I have already reported him and will refuse to be seen by him again . Watch this space !
What a difference a day makes ! - Lung Conditions C...
What a difference a day makes !

Good luck to you Bingo and I’m feeling very positive that you will get that prescription renewed.
Let that doctor walk just a day in your shoes. Xxxxxx
Good for you Bingo, you tell em. Sorry you had such an upsetting time but glad the meds are helping you so much. Hopefully you'll see your own doctor when you need a refill x
I cannot understand why you were treated that way. I am under the impression that mucous thinners are a standard treatment given that mucous clearance is essential, so much so that some see a physiotherapist to clear it. We'll done for having the gumption to put in a complaint.
Hello Bungo1947, how rude and obnoxious this doctor is. No one should be treated in this manner it's unexceptable to say the least. Well now you have Carbasisteen I just hope you get it repeated🤞. It is a good drug, I take it myself . Please don't except his bulshy attitude Bingo, you are worth better than that. Next time you go there, Take someone with you. You take care of yourself and stay Intouch with us , we all care for one another. 🌹xxx
Hi Bingo 1947.
I would make an appointment now with you usual GP - That way you will probably get you medication on repeat.
The Dr you saw was rude and obnoxious - Glad my GP is not like that... In any case if you was stressed and anxious, that along with you problems is a valid reason to see a GP and get treatment.
Perhaps you could make an appointment with your normal GP ASAP. Tell him / her what you went through and what you asked help with. It may help if you write a note/ letter with your concerns and request so you remember to tell them everything (as it takes so long to get your 5 minutes say) you could ask the GP to keep the note/ letter in your notes Good luck hope you get your results and respiratory physician appointment.🤞
Well said RedSox. Respect and Good Manners cost nothing and yet mean so much. 😳
Oh my goodness Bingo1947 . 👋
I am pretty shocked. Can I ask what his lame excuse was for not giving you a referral letter? Sometimes, on the very worst days we seem to get the scrapings of the barrel with these doctors. Most of them are brilliant, just the occasional horrid person. 😑
I really hope your regular GP is back very soon, or you find a nice GP to see next time. I can assure you, you are neither a waste of space nor senile. I sorry you were made to feel so. I am very glad though that you reported him.
Cas xx 🌞🐞
Re reporting behaviour, good for you. 🙋
How awful for you and well done you for standing up for yourself and reporting him. Carbocysteine is standard issue for COPD sufferers and you should be able to get a repeat prescription by filling in a form.
Take care
Sorry you had that experience, I had one with a very rude one who hadn't been with the surgery I had attended for 55 yrs long. It was due to them having received a very polite letter from a hospital respiratory nurse asking if they would consider put me on a reduced dose of steroids more often and less strength to keep me more stable. He ranted about he couldn't understand it but would do it. A week later I put in a request for emergency meds to go to pharmacy as usual as not requesting anything different than usual. It didn't go through and pharmacy told it wasn't at the surgery. I phoned and told my request had been declined. I was flabbergasted and changed to a new practice the same day , as did one of my daughters who was disgusted at the way he treated me. First thing they said to me was that I should always have emergency meds at home.
Well done Bingo1047. Mucous clearance is key to keeping your lungs infection free. Sometimes you need to push for treatment. Get that referral to a specialist asap.
Well done to challenge the doctors poor service. I sometimes feel a little like you and beleive me sometimes they do need a jolt, in this case you were right and feel much better for taking the drugs. My new Gp as told me to ask him if I want to try something new and he will work with me if side effects occur, he is not my named GP.It's a horrible feeling to be treated like you lack intelligence just because you don't have an academic qualification, or that your wasting their time . Doctors have to learn and patients can do the same in most cases, you deserve their respect just as they expect you to respect their knowledge & opinion. Hope you continue to get the tablets you need to releive your mucus symptoms. Keep as well as can be, take care.
How dare any person treat you like that, especially a Doctor! You are still young at 70 and deserve proper treatment. My mother is 89 and my sister, operating from South Africa, gave the hospital Doctors a piece of her mind, regarding the treatment of my mum. After that, I have to say they were very good.
Try and make an appointment with your normal doctor before your prescription runs out. I am glad that you are having some relief.
Take care.
That is shocking treatment, glad you reported him. X😁
Congratulations Bingo...stand up for yourself and let that rude Doctor know that listening to a patient is actually part of his job...I remember a doctor telling me that once.Good luck.
Well done Bingo. We need to stand up for ourselves more Sure you will get your prescription renewed. I felt like you did and became a blubbering mess last year so I went to a&e and then asked for a chest specialist referral which I eventually got and wow she was brilliant and sorted me out. Now I avoid that GP at all costs
Hello Bingo1947, sorry to have heard of your bad experience with this doctor, hopefully you will be able to see your own doctor.
I went to see a new doctor and I told him I had COPD , with that he said,Welll your story is nearly over , with that I said to him no point in telling you my illness and I walked out.
My young lady doctor is always ready to listen because she says I probably know more about my condition than she does. They are GENERAL practitioners. Over the years we become more knowledgeable about our own lung problem. You go girl don't let anyone push you around. Why should we be in awe of those who are paid to listen to us and help us when we're ill. I treat all medical staff with respect as long as they treat me with respect. Sheila xx
GO, GO, GO Bingo. Glad they are working for you and you have no trouble geting more. xxx
Good for you Bingo. I would have done the Same, I too Believe in Carbocistein, having been on it for many Years, OK, lots of Tissues later and a never ending Drippy nose, but worth it as You know the Meds are Working. I take 1 , 3 time a day. You GP sound a right one, make sure you don't see him again. I'll be watching your Space. xxxxxxx
I dont like to say but the practice nurse would only say she would think about a specialist ?So when i was in AE three times over last new year two off the doctors actually wrote to the GP and recomended i see a specialist has i had told them my plight i then continued to keep phoning driving them mad at the surgery lol it worked the last doctor who rang me back reffered me straight away ,I have seen her now and i am booked in the hospital for all the breathing test she also refered me to the physio at the hospital to learn how to breath has she said my breathing is shallow and im also waiting for rehab so please dont give up stand your corner xxxxxx
N-acetyl cysteine is supposed to have a similar effect and is available from health shops if you ever get stuck for a prescription.
Couldn't agree more, I'm 75 "not dead" and entitled to the best treatment for me, you stick to your guns, we keep them in work don't know who they think they are at times.
If there's anything I've learned in being on this forum for a year now, is how to be my own advocate. The NHS stinks of desperation and it is more than necessary to have your voice heard!
Good for you. My hubby s in hospital at the moment and should have had his nebuliser at 1pm. So chased the nurse - no luck. Then went to nurses/Dr station and demanded his nebuliser. The Dr said he had it at 1pm I said no he did not as I have been here since 12:15. Nurse had marked it up and forgotten to give him it but they always cover for each other. I got his nebuliser after complaining and I said I would bring in some from home if it happened again. Some Dr think they are "God". Well they are not so do not take any rubbish from them, Corbestine is good and also comes in liquid form which hubby is having at the moment.
Good for you, Bingo. Doctors are NOT God. They don't know everything. You did the right thing by taking control of your illness and questioning the doctor.
You need to look for a much better doctor. One who will take the time to listen to your needs.
Hope you mentioned his incompetence in prescribing a worthlessly weak dose of carbocisteine. Borders on negligence!
I might cut down to 3 or 4x375mg tablets if my lungs are feeling good and no sign of infection, but I'm a reasonably mild bronchX sufferer. 6 is certainly needed for anyone under stress from having to clear mucous out and feeling that it's not coming up readily.
Well done. Glad you're feeling better with the fabrications (increased dose lol). I can understand how upsetting the appointment must have been for you. I've been near to tears after some consults, especially with the shrugging of shoulders, where I felt as if no-one actually cared that my condition was deteriorating. Glad you reported him xx