Tesco in trouble ???: So my regular... - Lung Conditions C...

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Tesco in trouble ???

Thepainterswife profile image
40 Replies

So my regular Tesco order was due today and , as usual ,last night I went to order for next week. Every slot was full for the next three weeks ! 🤔 I’ll have a chat with the driver I thought before ordering elsewhere Today I came in from the garden at 1.30 as delivery was due between 2.00 -3.00 , at 3.15 really fed up as the order usually arrives just after 2.00 I decided to check my Emails , -Order Cancelled at 1.45 !!!😡 said choose another slot …erm all slots are full 🤷🏻‍♀️ Rang customer service , press this , press that finally your call will be answered in 15 minutes . Put phone down, ordered from Asda . I know there are far worse things going on in the world and precisely because of that I am really trying to be chilled but I’m actually fuming !🤬😂

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Thepainterswife profile image
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40 Replies

How strange.

Damon1864 profile image

I don't blame you, it's disgusting.😬 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx 🌹

Alberta56 profile image

I used to order from Sainsbury's until about 6 months ago when exactly the same thing happened to me. They were most unhelpful about getting a quick slot to reorder, so I switched to Tesco. So far Tesco has been fine. They send it from one of our local Braintree stores. Sainsbury's used to send it across country from Haverhill in Suffolk, or occasionally from Colchester. Neither lot seem to have much concern for their vulnerable customers.

Thepainterswife profile image
Thepainterswife in reply to Alberta56

I’ve had deliveries from Tesco for over 14 years and never had this before 🤷🏻‍♀️ The deliveries come from a Store about 5 miles away . There doesn’t seem to be anything in the news although whilst I was googling I noticed they were closing some branches and possibly making up to 1600 people redundant at the beginning of this month 🙁 xx

sassy59 profile image

We had that once with Sainsbury’s. They had a shortage of drivers apparently. It was really frustrating though. Hope all goes well with Asda. Xxxx😘🤞🏼💕

Thepainterswife profile image
Thepainterswife in reply to sassy59

I think that may be the case Sassy , if it is it may just be my area . I do think it’s disgusting though giving 15 minutes notice by Email , no explanation on the web site and the usual press this that and the other until you give up on the phone 🤦🏻‍♀️ Xx

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Thepainterswife

Very annoying and unprofessional I think. It’s not easy to get through to anyone by phone these days. Xxx😘

Alberta56 profile image
Alberta56 in reply to Thepainterswife

Sainsbury's Haverhill branch told me one of their vans had had an accident -not surprising with all the rural roads they have to negotiate- and no, they didn't have a spare van.

Thepainterswife profile image
Thepainterswife in reply to Alberta56

Ive just checked and all slots are still full 🤷🏻‍♀️ Ive made other arrangements now but it would’ve been nice to get an E mail or message giving a proper explanation instead of a terse “ your order has been cancelled please rebook a different slot “ especially as there are no slots available . 🤦🏻‍♀️ Still, it’s annoying but not the worst thing that’s happened in my life 😂 x

watergazer profile image
watergazer in reply to Thepainterswife

Yes they need better customer service. I’ve had phone calls from Sainsburys the2 times there were problems so I can’t complain there x

CDPO16 profile image

How very annoying and odd too. We had a Tesco delivery on Weds with no problem and booked another for two weeks time yesterday. Hope you didn't need any of the order for today.

Last week we used Sainsbury's for a change and booked a slot on the Tuesday for the following day.

Do shoppers in your area know something we don't 🤔

Thepainterswife profile image
Thepainterswife in reply to CDPO16

I was thinking , as there doesn’t seem to be anything in the news, that it must be my local area and Sassys reply that it’s possibly a shortage of drivers makes sense Your area still having the usual slots open also fits , I’ve just checked and it’s still showing all slots are full up to 24th March ( which is as far ahead as they show ) Fortunately we re not desperate for anything and I’ve ordered Asda for tomorrow I was more upset because I was so busy and really enjoying tidying the garden and greenhouse up and then had to spend the rest of the afternoon trying to sort out a grocery order ! Far worse things going on in the world 😢😢 so I’ve finished moaning 😂 xxx

in reply to Thepainterswife

Perhaps there are worse things going on in the world but it doesn't mean you aren't allowed to feel annoyed over the grocery order not arriving having been cancelled at the last minute!

I have used asda and found they were acceptable so would use them again.

HollyBoyd profile image

That's very weird, never heard of them doing that before. Hope you can get a order and also an explanation? Good luck with that xxx

Bevvy profile image

That would have really annoyed me. To cancel 15 mins before due is unacceptable. Certain I couldn’t then just nip out to purchase my items. This is why I also have supermarkets delivery.I have had problems with both Tesco and Sainsbury’s delivery over the past 2 years. Deliveries missing items, fresh food quality poor and surly unhelpful delivery drivers. Also difficulty complaining.

I eventually switched to Ocado and I have been much happier. Was worrying prices would be much more expensive but have found not the case. It is slightly more but my fresh items last full 2 weeks (I order every 2 weeks) so in actual fact I have far less waste so think it balances out. If I do have a problem with an item there is a mechanism on website to ask for a refund and it is easy to do. Never had an issue with claiming refunds.

in reply to Bevvy

I use Ocado too, since they began.I have found them to be very good, especially during the lockdown.

Thepainterswife profile image
Thepainterswife in reply to Bevvy

I might try them 😃I’ve always been happy with Tesco but I don’t think this is acceptable either , I’ve got an order from asda tomorrow but their fruit and veg doesn’t seem to last very long at all . ( not great when you don’t eat meat 😂) Thanks for the heads up 👍 x

CDPO16 profile image
CDPO16 in reply to Thepainterswife

How things vary. We alternate between Tesco and Asda and I find the quality of veg and salad better from Asda with a longer shelf life too. The one disadvantage with Asda is that you can't specify what an acceptable substitute is on the order.

in reply to Bevvy

I use Ocado too after switching first from Sainsburys to Waitrose and finding their substitutions were ridiculous. Ocado have been great... always available slots, they usually arrive on time or early( but they ring to check it's ok) , they stock M&S stuff and lots of interesting things you don't find on other websites. Very satisfied with them. Rarely get substitutions because out of stock items are clearly shown on the website .

Egpa profile image

I have been with Asda from the start of the pandemic as they were the only one that offered me a vaunerable slot. When I government slots stopped I stayed with them, was offered a on off £35 payment for 12 months weekly slot same time each week, don't know if it is still on offer. Good luck.

Izb1 profile image

I think you have every right to be fuming, surely they cant cancel this near to delivery. I would put in a complaint and let the newspapers know about it too x

in reply to Izb1

I understand things happen say like the weather and crashes on the motorway but it's just good manners to ring the people concerned and explain the situation of why something isn't possible and apologise for letting them down.

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to

Totally agree, it is more like drivers phoning in sick, but as you say a phone call would have made all the difference x

in reply to Izb1

That's it though things happen that cause an appointment or a delivery not to be possible and often no ones to blame.

Back in January I was due to have an interview in Newport and I had decided to have gone for a workout in the park before the interview at 11 so had gone to get the 9am bus and it hadn't turned up and understandably I was miffed and then had a think of why it hadn't been possible for that to have run say for example a passenger taken ill, drivers off sick, the bus itself had broken down, not enough drivers there for that to have run, a crash on the motorway so buses had to be cancelled all kinds of reasons came into my mind off why the 9am bus hadn't been possible absolutely nothing about how it had been done deliberately to aggravate people and spoil their days came into my head and the miffed feeling went away when I had a look at things from another perspective.

I find when I look at things from someone else's perspective it changes the anger and resentment into compassion and concern which is better for me really than upsetting myself over things that are beyond my control.

I had gone straight to the interview that day and had decided to leave the park for another day and did that on a day with no booked appointments and had really enjoyed it having all the time in the world and not having to worry about a booked appointment.

It's frustrating though when you have booked a delivery for a certain time and it doesn't turn up and should that come round for me again I will have a think of why that wasn't possible in order to replace the anger and resentment over it but I will complain though when I feel it's warranted!

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to

Aaaw thats a really good way to look at it, I will remind myself next time I am feeling angry. But that doesn't explain why they couldnt have made a phone call to you and at least got you a next day slot x

in reply to Izb1

Yes it's just good manners to make a call to explain and apologise to someone say when an appointment is no longer possible and rearrange with them.

I wasn't making excuses for bad manners though when I said about looking at things from a different perspective as there's no excuse for those no matter what the circumstances!

Thepainterswife profile image
Thepainterswife in reply to

I couldn’t agree more Catgirl we wouldn’t be human if we didn’t feel anger and frustration at times but I tend not to dwell on things for too long . As you said things happen and are not generally acts of malice . Tbh I find negative emotions exhausting so for my own sake I choose to accept and let things go . I agree too that good manners are important and apologies sometimes due but if they’re not forthcoming we can always choose to take our business elsewhere, cut ties with people or change our own habits as you did for peace of mind . 😊 x

Many years ago I had booked a Morrisons delivery between 7 and 8pm and it was 8.30 and they still hadn't turned up so I had rung customer services up and had asked where it was and had been fobbed off and I had shouted down the phone how i had better things to do with my night than sit around waiting for them!

The order did arrive at 10pm and the driver did apologise and said there had been a crash on the motorway so perhaps that might have happened in your area and I had said to the driver how these things happen and no ones to blame but I would have appreciated a phone call or a message to apologise and explain what had happened then I could understand then.

Back in 2010 when there was the snow my Christmas Tesco delivery got cancelled and like you I was annoyed even though I understood why this wasn't possible so what I did was rang Tesco up to ask to rearrange the delivery for a few days later taking off the urgent items which I got myself and then got the non urgent things delivered a couple of days later and they did apologise for letting me down though.

Thepainterswife profile image
Thepainterswife in reply to

There are still no slots , no explanation or apology has arrived and when I phoned yesterday I couldn’t even get through to a human being When I’ve phoned in the past a human has picked up straight away and been extremely helpful so I think the recorded message was just an avoidance technique 🤷🏻‍♀️

skischool profile image

Just experienced the same with morrisons 2 hrs before delivery today,fortunately i was able to reorder for Monday but the Scruffster will not be at all happy being denied her turkey breast slices. Lolx

Thepainterswife profile image
Thepainterswife in reply to skischool

I laughed when I read your reply , only because my first thought was Omg the dog food 😱 😂 My boy has issues with the digestive system, changes make him really poorly but I think a more normal person would probably have been more concerned about what we were going to have for tea I’m glad you got another slot , I wonder what on earths going on ?

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Thepainterswife

I think you will find that Ocado sort and pack goods for many different supermarket deliveries and that it is quite possibly a cock up in one of their mega distribution centres where the goods are actually packed by robots,hence the frequent damages and often ridiculous substitutions?x

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Thepainterswife

Morrisons have just sent me a £10 voucher as compensation for canceling my delivery today and given that i managed to rebook the delivery for monday i think that is reasonable customer service at the end of the day?Scruff's has just booked several packets of turkey breast slices!


in reply to skischool

Scruffs is the tortie version of Baby getting given turkey slices as that's spoilt!

Baby herself says hello to Scruffs and is looking forward to her Monday treat off her mum!

Yes that's ok customer service from Morrisons giving you that £10 voucher!

I remember the old days when Morrisons were exclusive to the West Yorkshire area and then they opened up all over the country.

Perhaps it's just the Cardiff Morrisons that has gone to rack and ruin?

Thepainterswife profile image
Thepainterswife in reply to skischool

I’m genuinely so pleased for you both , I once won £10 on postcode lottery , I was so excited and spent ages deciding what to spend it on 😂🤣Brilliant customer service - well done Morrisons 👏 x

in reply to skischool

Morrisons used to be good but nowadays they are rubbish and I stopped using them back in 2019 as I had had enough of their shoddy service and how right I was as the place was going to the dogs before the pandemic became official.

That's a shame scruffs will be going without her turkey slices today and have to wait until Monday!

One of my friends said how nowadays you can't rely on things to be open and to turn up however he can always rely on me though.

Jason098765 profile image

We get deliveries from a Ocardo Always very reliable

in reply to Jason098765

Yes I have heard ocado are very good!

Caspiana profile image

I have not yet ventured into the world of online grocery shopping but I can understand your frustration. Especially if you are running short of food. xx 😟

Thepainterswife profile image

We would have been fine for a few days Cas and longer if we had to survive on cereal, pasta and tinned goods . My main concern was dog food but I could have got a taxi to do a supermarket shop . Not having shopped in a supermarket for many, many years I have a bit of a phobia, it’s not Covid just big busy places and I worry about holding everyone up at the checkout - they go so fast ! 😂. It was definitely a first world problem , frustrating but not a major problem and I feel a bit guilty about moaning although I still feel Tesco haven’t dealt with the problem, what ever it is , very well. I hope you are ok ? How’s the online teaching going ? 🥰 xxxx

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