Don't give up hope of finding a supermarket slot. My daughter returned from her one and only on line click and collect yesterday and thought that would be it for the time being. However, once home she looked again at Sainsbury's on line and found a few fresh slots had been added. We couldn't believe it but terribly relieved we have a chance to order again. So, DON'T GIVE UP HOPE - KEEP LOOKING.
Hope!: Don't give up hope of finding a... - Lung Conditions C...

Will do, thank you xxx
That's very nice for people already registered, I tried and they are not accepting any new registrations in my area.
The other 2 supermarkets have no delivery slots or click and collect up to 15 April.
But I am checking for any changes each day to see if I can book a slot for delivery or click and collect.
Wondering how the social distancing works on the click and collect - can you advise?

My daughter is very scared about everything at the moment so I can be quite sure that the click and collect collection must have seemed reasonably safe to her. All her order was put in Sainsbury's bags so perhaps the member of staff left it at a distance on the ground for her to pick up and put in car. She would have been wearing rubber gloves when she handled bags. When she later brought my items round she left them near the front door and told me to wipe everything over with disinfectant. I don't think this is actually essential but tried to do what I was told. Another thing I did was to leave the bags for awhile before I unpacked them - with rubber gloves on, of course. What a life! I will ask her about the procedure with click and collect when I next talk to her.
Your daughter sounds like a real gem Spanielblue So glad you have her looking out for you, thank you for posting and comments x x
I gave up yesterday evening,no access even to their websites,Asda,Sainsbury's,Morrisons The non members of the exclusive club appear to have no access to food supplies for the foreseeable future? x
A 2 x annual delivery pass holder.grrr
I didn't know that. Where you able to register on the vulnerable list because there was news this morning about names being sent to Waitrose and Sainsbury's (I think it was Sainsbury's) and telling us they would be sending out letters to people? I will have to look on line to see if I can find any more news about it. Years ago, when my daughter was at school she told me that when a child in her class put her hand up and said "Miss, it's not fair!the teacher replied that "life wasn't fair". How true!
It was i who told everybody to register last Sunday,so yes i have registered not once but twice now but it is obvious that those who have not received a text or letter to date have been missed on the system and have not been recognised by the Govt or the supermarkets as vulnerable .With gold stage 4 Emphysema-very severe-i know for sure that i qualify under the govt criteria.
Oh dear! I didn't know that either. Both my husband and I registered a few days ago but have heard nothing since. Something else to worry about now!
I am very grateful for your advice. Thank you very much. I will see if the postman brings a letter on Monday but if not I will phone our GP surgery the next day. I am very pleased you told me about it.