oramorph allergy? I'm on low dose oramorph but I notice my breathing is terrible when I'm on it - to the extent I'm gasping and feeling like I'm dying after a few paces.
I wonder if I might be allergic to the preservatives in it - does anyone else have a reaction to oramorph. I have a bit of asthma crossover with my COPD. Does anyone else have this?
I know It's not the actual morphine as I've had it by injection with no trouble.
The irony is, I'm allowed addictive morphine, but limited on diazepam as they are addictive! After taking oramorph to try to get to an appointment this morning I ended up taking 3 diazepam as I was so bad breathing I couldn't even get dressed, and these saved me - I went from not being able to walk 5 paces to being fine - in fact better than usual as I managed the steps up to my house that I normally struggle with.