Central heating
Has anyone else been struggling with ... - Lung Conditions C...
Has anyone else been struggling with this awful weather and central heating?

Last winter having the heating on at about 20 degrees didn't bother me at all. This year I find that anything above 18 degrees leaves me more uncomfortable with a feeling of no air in the house even with windows open. My poor husband who feels the cold is being very tolerant and accepting the thermostat turned down and windows open thankfully.
Yes I’m finding this very odd! I’m usually the cold one summer and winter! I have had to turn down the ch and my husband is astonished!! I have never felt so warm, my lips are very dry too, I just can’t understand it!
I have to say the same! Last year I was cold with the thermostat at 20, but this year I feel hot and airless! I live down south and the weather hasn't been so bad yet, so we will see! I just think how I am doing my bit for the environment (whether I want to or not!) by turning the thermostat down!! xx
Only in as much as I have had ni hot water or heating since boiler broke after a power cut on tues. 5 local engineers 'too busy' to fix it and have to wait until wed for Worcester Bosch to come to (hopefully) repair it. 🤬

Oh no! Have u been able to stay with someone Littlepom xxx
My daughter brought me 2 oil heaters and I have an electric fire, a heated radiator and underfloor heating in my ensuite. So not too cold in this little bungalow. It's the hot water I miss most. My neighbour is letting me use their shower which is very kind.

Golly hope that it gets fixed asap

I can't have the heating on all day it makes the house feel airless and my breathing suffers. I now have heating on 18and it's comfortable. Have a lovely day everyone and stay warm, take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx
I find it difficult during winter with the heating on a lot more too. It's a struggle to try to keep my chest clear and the inside of my nose gets so dry, roll on summer.
Hubby feels the cold so much since his op but I have noticed his cough his dry and I keep saying its because of the central heating but he wont budge and turn it down at the mo6the thermostat is permanently on 21 x