that sometimes answers to people's questions sometimes take ages to appear on the site? I frequently answer a question, to which no-one else has answered, which only takes a few minutes as I'm a touch typist and pretty quick, but when I post it I find people have answered the question 10 minutes or more before? It then makes your answer seem a bit silly as it's all already been said? Libby
HAS ANYONE ELSE FOUND ..... - Lung Conditions C...

I've never noticed to be honest.
Yes, it has happened to me Libby. The problem is we can have several people typing at the same time and they do not necessarily appear on the screen in the order they were written. Never mind though - it is usually a case of all contributions gratefully received.

Hi libby7827
Yes there can sometimes be a little delay after posting and it appearing on the screen. I get the e mail notifications saying a post is there but it is only visible through the link.
I hope this helps.
Only with new blogs and questions. Like Jo, I will get an email to say there is a new topic, but it's not on the menu. You either have to go via the link in email or go into the Blogs option to see it.
I have often come across this libby and I feel it makes my answer seem silly and pointless.
Lib x
Yes i,ve had this problem,its as if all the answers are stored on the server the posted in one go, i,ll put down to the ghost in the machine :/
I've also noticed this on occassions, I put it down to time delay of my not so modern machine(smiles)
Libbygood I think they slow you up on purpose so that slow, old, one-finger typists like me can keep up Bob xx
Thanks for your answers everyone, at least we know we are not alone!!
I'm a touch typist too Libby. I learn on a TOPS course (remember those) way back in 1973. Its probably the most useful skill I have ever had
Bev x

HI Bev, I do have some distant memory of TOPS but not sure what they are. I agree though, learning to touch type (I don't know about you, we had blank caps covering the keys!), was the best thing I ever did too, for many reasons!
Yeah we had blank caps covering the keys so we couldn't cheat! TOPS was just an early version of the training courses available now.
Bev x