My problem is excessive amounts of phlegm I bring up It's like someone has turned on a tap.If I don't get to the bathroom in time it just comes out over everywhere It is very loose has anybody had this problem if so what can help.
Excessive Phlegm : My problem is... - Lung Conditions C...
Excessive Phlegm

Ru on a mucolytic/carbocysteine? If so,may be worth reducing the dose for cpl days? I always have tissues on me.thats all I can suggest
Hi from a fellow bronch. First of all you are lucky because it is very watery and therefore easy to get rid of. All you need now is to be in control. You choose a time of day earlier than this happens then you work on breathing to get it moving and on getting it all out. It can take some time. You may have to do this several times in a day. The fact that it is shooting out by itself means that you have left it far too long before doing your lung clearance. If you work on this you will feel so much better, in control and cut down the risk of an exacerbation by getting rid of the mucus that bacteria like to breed in.

Great advice LP

Thanks I will try what you suggested Fingers crossed it will work
Do you have a dripping or even streaming nose at the same time? I do and I wonder if the two are connected. x
Hello, I have just read your post. It was three years ago... did you find a way to stop the phlegm. I have the same problem... it is like a tap running.