Last night I kept waking because I was bringing up green phlegm. Today I'm am going in fits of coughing. I am managing to get about 1 hours sleep at a time. My problem is that my brother has terms cancer and I don't know whether I should stay away from him until this clears up. I don't want him to be infected by me
Green phlegm: Last night I kept waking... - Lung Conditions C...
Green phlegm
Yes..stay away from him! I had cancer and our immune systems are very low and can catch anything! Even baby shots can harm us! (If its a live shot) If you are on antibiotics ask your doctor how long before your not contagious! Good thinking panda22! Janet127
I do hope your infection passes soon and you can get some quality time with your brother. Hugs and wishes to both of you x
Yes, Janet is right. Your brother needs to avoid people with infections while his immunity is low. Hope you feel better soon.
You must stay away whilst you are contagious, you can then get some time with your brother. Hope your better for your niece's party x
If as you say,green sputum, then it will be min two weeks before
you clear it,and personally l would leave it a month before seeing brother !
That is providing you are on medication now ?
Stay clear & get yourself checked out as soon as you can.
I was bringing up green phlegm & ended up in hospital with pneumonia.
That’s all either of you want, his immune system would seriously struggle
Have you got rescue meds?
Thank you to everyone who responded to my question. Saw doctor today and he says i shouldn't go to my brothers as there is a high impossibility that I could infect him. I will miss my nieces 16th birthday but she Will understand