Last weekend I had to have my beautiful cat, Tammy put to sleep. Yesterday, I stayed in bed all day as I felt so down. I have got up today as I have to go to work and I am so short of breath and feeling chesty. I have used the blue inhaler but that has not helped. Is it possible that due to me not moving around and just laying in bed as affected by lungs? Thank you very much
Shortness of breath today: Last weekend... - Lung Conditions C...
Shortness of breath today

Yes it yr best to control breathing deep+ slow,exhale v slowly with pursed u use an aerochamber with inhaler? Be sure to inhale from yr puffer,deeply and hold for a second ,for better absorption.cold air can affect breathing- i usually wear a thin scarf wrapped loosely as helps to block wind + can inhale warmed air x
Hiya 😊 I am so sorry to hear about your cat. If you suffer from lung illness you definitely can get problems if you in bed to long without movement. It will cost you more energy and breathing and this makes you breathless. Just try to move around more to get better. If not of course call your GP.
Best wishes 🌺🌺🌺
Take care 😃
So sorry about your cat SkyGazer. It is possible that a day in bed has had that effect on your chest. It may gradually ease as you move about more today and extra ventolin doses may help too. Do keep a check on yourself though incase you are starting with an infection.
So sorry for your loss. It is a times cruel that they cannot be with us longer. Yes laying about for long periods can effect your lung function. If the situation does not improve contact your GP or 111.
I am sorry about your cat , it’s a stressful time for you . Sometimes not moving around for a while can let mucous build up in your chest .But have you any other symptoms ….new cough , sore throat etc ?
Have you managed to get to work ?
If your Ventolin not helping I would ring 111 for advice .
No other symptom, just the shortness of breath really. I am going to work as I wont get paid. Thank you for your reply
Sorry to hear about your cat SkyGazer and hoping things improve for you soon. You’ve had some good replies from others. Xxx🥰
So sorry to hear of your loss. Our pets are so precious to us. Hope you feel better soon after such a sad time.
Yes! Our pets are precious. I’m in a conundrum and will be having to make a decision heavy on my heart. I have a 7 yr old standard poodle. He’s is a very smart well behaved boy in every way except one. He has a very deep loud bark. He happens to be one of the poodles that is high strung. Some are. So every noise he perceives as an intruder he barks. I’ve tried everything so don’t want any advice please. Some things are as they are. Even a shock collar has no affect when he gets nervous. I love him so much. I live rural on acreage now so it works out fine. However, I’m getting to where this is all way to much for me to keep up with. My kids are thinking I need less land and work. So I’ve been giving thoughts to residential neighborhood living. I know my boy is never going to adjust and be quiet. The neighbors are going to have issue. I get it. So rehoming would be easy due to his breed and looks. However, I know him very well. I know how best to deal with his anxiety. A new owner is going to do things their own way. Thinking they can change his genetics. I feel certain he will be abused. A far stretch from what he’s used to. I have another golden doodle who simply is of a calm submissive nature. He is quiet. Both my dogs displayed their genetic natures from birth. I’d feel better having him humanely euthanized than knowing he would go through any abuse. He honestly goes out of his way to please me. This barking is his intense nervous personality. We all have our own basic ways that usually stick with us forever. We are who we are in certain ways. So if I must move from the rural setting I’m probably going to have him put down. Some won’t agree. I know. But I’m 64 have owned many dogs and life isn’t always pretty. Or how we want it to be. It’s the kindest thing to do. Fantasizing I will find the perfect new owner is like dreaming my lung disease will cure itself. I must be realistic. But it’s been heavy on my heart.
In the UK a vet would not put a dog down for barking at strangers or being anxious they would urge you to find a no kill rescue where the dog would be assessed, given rehabilitation and hopefully found a suitable home. Maybe that is not possible in the USA but here, a healthy dog would not be put down by a vet unless they were dangerous. I am sorry you are having to face this awful decision it must be heartbreaking. I hope you can come up with a solution for yourself and your dog.
In the UK we have dog trainers who can gradually teach dogs to change their behaviour including such barking, even if it has been going on for a long time. It made me wonder if such a thing is available where you are. A heavy thing on your heart as you say Maricopa.
Such a difficult situation. I do hope you find a solution that means he is rehomed somehow. Pull out all the stops and then some. Good luck and best wishes.
I’m very good and patient with dogs. He’s 7. He was housebroken at 8 weeks. I can trust him to never destroy or touch one thing in my house that isn’t his. He would never be aggressive or bite. He follows all commands. He doesn’t bark except when people come on our property. If I get up and we look out the window or door he’s very cooperative and stops. It’s not like he over barks. He’s only doing what all dogs do to announce the presence of a stranger. Problem is his bark is loud like a Rottweiler. I know in a residential neighborhood there without a doubt would be complaints. People have zero tolerance. To think a dog should never ever bark is just plain stupid. But I know it would be an issue that I’m too sick to deal with. He needs a mature intelligent individual that keeps their cool and doesn’t get him more excited. That just gets up off their bum and shows him what the presence is. I don’t trust people & I don’t want my love beat up. He’s sensitive. He’s had 7 yrs of intense love affection and patience. The majority think training a dog means physical slapping around. I’m not having it. I’m going to stay here as long as I can. Some humans are more anxious and so are some dogs. They just need the right person. There in lies my concern. If humans can’t keep from divorce what are the chances of me finding the perfect owner for my fabulous “Owen.”
You should be ashamed of yourself even considering putting him to sleep. He needed a good humane trainer from day one. Where you got the idea trainers slap dogs around I dont know, Get a good one, and as for shock collars. again, this is probably making the situation worse, I only used one once on one of my Dobermans, who chased and pinned sheep in the field next door, it worked after one go, but it was by a trained dog trainer., owners should NEVER think they know how to use these on dogs. you should be scouring looking for a dog trainer, regardless of the cost, but you may have left it too late, he has learned his own way,.
Use some balanced thinking here. I did not say a trainer slaps dogs around. Although many do. I said were I to just rehome him he would more than likely be abused. Also if you clearly read every word I wrote he is a damn good dog. And it is moronic to think every single dog can be made flawless. Humans aren’t flawless. He is a very well trained dog with a deep bark. Most people living 5 feet apart aren’t going to put up with any barking. All dogs bark. I’m too sick to make enemies in a new neighborhood. Problem is there are few damn good people. And dying is damn hard and energy zapping. Not everyone on this site is very sick. Some are close to death. Some aren’t hardly sick at all. They are at the beginning of their illness. Euthanasia is a peaceful way to go in reality. As I gasp for every single breath. As long as I stay on my farm he will be fine. I haven’t decided whether to move or not.
Sounds like a great guard dog
There is something you can buy that will stop your dog barking. Only the dog will hear a loud high pitch noise and it stops the barking. I shall try and find out what the gadget is called and let you know. It is safe and does not cause your dog any stress.
As Tia4209 says in UK you would be encouraged to find a trainer and or place in a shelter where they could work with the dog. Also in UK shock collars are not acceptable.Please please find a no kill shelter to place your dog in. They can work with it and look for potential new owners who live in the countryside as you currently do.
The collar is expensive. He’s never been shocked. He’s too smart for that. It beeps. Then it vibrates. Then it shocks. However he learned that in ten seconds. He also knows how to hold his head and neck to avoid it. I love him. People are mean and have little patience. I’m getting very end stage. I’m way too fatigued to do the things you mention. As long as I stay here he’s fine. But I’m not having him beaten.
I understand but could your family find a no kill shelter if needed? You obviously care and love your animals and no reason someone else couldn’t love him….
I plan on searching avenues that I can if I move. I’m just tortured by anyone not being kind to him. And there are worse things that could happen to an animal or human then being gently put out of misery.
You cant put a dog to sleep because he has a deep bark.
I’m going to do what I can but “putting to death” vs an injection that makes him sleep is different. If a new owner were aggressive and physically and emotionally hurt him that would be much more harsh. That’s my thoughts. And my health has deteriorated to where I’m not able to do heroics.
In the UK as in the USA humans aren’t even taken care of properly. Mates divorce their sick spouses. Humans abandon each other all the time when they most need help. People have surgeries and are under anesthesia. But mention you’d rather protect your dog than risk them being abused and everyone becomes an animal expert. I doubt I’ll move from my farm. But I will do what is best for my dog. And I’m not some uneducated poverty stricken street person. I’m a realist. And people aren’t very decent for the most part. I do not trust I’ll find a good owner. And most people I’ve met have proven my thoughts to be true.
Well then I’m sorry for you. I have met some thoroughly decent people. Many have had pets and treated them impeccably. I love my animals and do what is best for them. I have even made my wishes known in the event of my death. I have used animal shelters for all my animals and believe they work hard to care for animals and find best home for them.
I have been an animal owner who has twice in the interest of my animal had to have them put to sleep. In both cases the animal was in agony and screaming in pain. So yes I do know what a difficult decision it is.
That is so sad. I do hope you can find a solution. Possibly not all new neighbours would be intolerant.
I cannot believe the cruel heartless things you have written, for a start shock collars will not work in a case of a barking dog. Most decent vets will not euthenase a perfectly healthy dog, I have had dogs all my life and now in 70's, the one I have now is a lot of trouble but he is MY trouble, and would NEVER kill him as a result of his ways.You took the dogs on.... now deal with it, and I dont mean by killing the dog. My pets are my world, I have a large rural place which is too much for me now, but cannot move to a place near a road as my cats could get run over, so while they are alive, I cope best I can. Please begin by thinking about the pets and not just yourself in this, or get a good dog trainer in no matter what it costs.
How sick are you? Are you actually dying? Close to death? Gasping for air? Scared to death and not wanting your dog whom you love to be abused? Read everything I posted here before going on a self righteous rant.
Hello Mari. I totally understand your fear. The fear of the unknown of what will happen to your beloved animal should you have to leave your present circumstances. Trust is a very difficult thing to earn and our animals trust us to protect, love them and provide for them. But ideal is not the world we live in. I truly hope there is a solution to the issue.
Having said that , I believe the lady whose post this belongs to , has had quite a bit of trauma having lost her beloved cat. Maybe this is not quite the right thread to hold this discussion on euthanasia at the moment. I really do sympathize though. Take care.
Yes. It was a thought going through my mind as I’m making plans. I didn’t think it would escalate. I’ve lost pets just a yr ago. But want to do what will be the kindest thing. However you are correct. ,
I'm sorry to hear about the loss of Tammy the cat.
It's hard to lose a pet no matter what creature it is!
I think you’re anxiety - (maybe) of losing your fur kid has brought about breathing difficulties- I know when I’m anxious my breathing gets laboured and difficult - funny how anxiousness and breathing are connected and you’ve lost your darling so no wonder you laid in bed I completely get it! However I don’t think the laying in bed caused you to be more breathless but the sheer anxiety around loss of you fur kid. It’s a possiblity
I’m so sorry for your loss 🥲 but please don’t take to your bed again , it does make lung conditions worse . When my husband felt unwell a few years ago he stayed in bed for a couple of weeks and ended up in hospital ! Our Gp had visited him twice and said nothing 🤷🏻♀️but when Geoff returned home the respiratory nurse looking after him said it was the worst thing he could possibly have done and that it is so important to keep moving. I do hope you’re feeling better soon 🙏🥰💕xx
Thank you for your sharing your husband's experience. I was much better the following day as I was having to go up and down the stairs at the project, and as the day went on my lungs kind of improved. Yes, I did think laying in bed made me chesty and short of breath. Another lesson learned with this emphysema. I got to keep moving, even when I really don't feel like it
Hello SkyGazer. I am very sorry about your Tammy. How heartbreaking. And no wonder you had to lie down. You have to take care of your mental health as well. For some people it's charging forward to forget their pain, for others it's slowing down and finding peace in solitude.
Once you get going again I think your breathing will get better. Also remember that feeling down and emotionally drained doesn't help your breathing either. So take your time to feel better The loss of a beloved animal is extremely upsetting. Sending you a very gentle hug and love.
Cas xx 🌿🌼
I’m very sorry for your loss. Hopefully by now your breathing has improved a bit.
It's so hard to say goodbye to a treasured friend like your own cat that chose you to be its carer as much as you chose it. You'll be grieving at the moment, so your breathing is bound to be poorer. Just try to take things one step at a time, one day at a time, and keep moving. Big virtual ((((hugs)))).
So sorry to hear about your loss, rip Tammy. I hope you feel better soon yourself SkyGazer. Jax🐶x
good morning , its so sad for you but you did the right thing, so many people hang on to their pets, when they know they should help them on their way, iv had many dogs and iv cried on every ocsion that they have gone to the bridge, we know staying in bed is no good for us but you have to do what you have to do, i hope your pain and loss will not be as bad as time passes,
Yes. Tammy had been diagnosed with lymphoma 2 months ago. She had been on pain relief and I had been watching her like a hawk. Once she stopped eating, I knew I had to make that tough decision to let her go. It breaks my heart, cos it is just me and my furbabies and when each one passes a little bit of me dies with them. Now there is only me at home and that is depressing.
Hi... So very sorry to hear about the loss of your cat. We were devastated when 'Lucy' our cat, 17yrs old, developed liver cancer and the vet put her down at our house.Never thought losing her would be so impactful but like losing a family member. I'm sure that your mental state impacts on your physical one so look after yourself & hope you feel better soon. 💞
So sorry you've lost Tammy, especially since you had to make the hard decision to say goodbye to her. I was thankful that our dear Sooty passed away peacefully on the sofa with her family standing round her. As Cas and some of our other friends have said, it's not surprising your lung function is affected. Take care of yourself xxxx
I’m so sad for you. Kitties are so special and entertaining. I’ve lost five over the years as an adult and have grieved a lot for each and still miss them. and their very unique personalities. Take care of yourself. When you mentioned pulling the duvet over your head, I thought about feathers/down. Is that by any chance something that is new in your home? I have HP and had to remove all things with down from our home. Even though I did not test + to it, my pulmonologist said no feathers and no fires in the fireplace. No reason to expose my lungs to either. I just wanted to mention that when you mentioned the duvet bc I know people who react very quickly with SOB to exposures to feathers —and had no idea certain items in their home had feathers.
You have been going through a very stressful time losing your cat. I believe anxiety can cause breathlessness and would suggest doing some breathing exercises to see if this helps calm things down. Our pets are so precious to us and losing them is awful. I hope this helps.
So sorry you lost your cat recently. I hope your breathing improves soon x
There are so many lovely responses from people here and I hope that they are all helping. Losing Tabby is so difficult for you and it will take time for the pain to be replaced with the good memories that you have. Have you ever tried using any of the Bach flower remedies. I find them useful at times like you are going through. That’s just information not a proposed remedy. Much love and I hope that you feel better today.
Unfortunately if you have a chronic chest condition ,you need to get up and move about a little.Sometimes in the morning I don’t want to get up,but I promise myself that I can go back to bed. When I’ve taken tablets eaten etc.
I usually manage to stay up.
I’m so sorry about your sad loss.
So sorry about your beautiful Tammy l know it's very hard when you lose your pet. When you go through sadness or when you are feeling down or stressed it can also contribute to having chesty and breathing problems. You could get in touch with your GP and have a talk about how you are feeling and discuss your blue inhaler . Hope you feel better soon and take care
Deepest Condolences on your sad loss.
You poor thing. Your cat AND having to go to work when you're ill. Thinking of you.
I have COPD and asthma in that stress sets off me needing my blue inhaler. It's natural to grieve after a pet. When my marmalade died. It was awful but now I'm if any body mentions the word cat. I immediately think of my proudest moments of him. Like my neighbor went away and there he was on what she though was her impossible to get up on to bird table. There he was sat there like a king.!!!Condolences. That are heart felt.
Sorry, to hear about your Tammy. You will carry her around in your heart forever. This I know for sure.
Take good care.
So sorry for your loss.
So sorry to hear about your cat, that can make you very depressed. I also have emphysema diagnosed 7 years ago. Still doing everything I used to do although it is a little slower. Exercise as much as you can, it will help. 🐞
From the bottom of my heart, thank you, to all of you that replied to my post, I am truly touched. Another thing, not one of you told me to go and get another cat, as that is what everyone at work said. Tammy was not an old pair of trainers, she was a warm, funny affectionate, loving little bundle of joy with a beating heart, whom I loved very much and she loved me. Breathing has improved now I am back at work and am moving around. Best wishes to all of you
just read your post about your best friend tammy,so sorry to hear, unless your an animal lover its hard to understand how sad it is, over the years we have said goodbye to lots of pets and it never gets any easyer i like the story about the bridge where all our pets are waitng for us, and when we pass away they come running to meet us and we cross over together to the other side,(i think we will have a bus load lol)god bless
The stress of having to put your cat down could have inflammed your lungs..airway clearance, nebulized saline should help..